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Donating to the clubs
Sassafras Tango October 1st, 2015 2:51:24pm 1,233 Posts |
So I thought this up a little after Sam announced the associations were leaving. I decided to rack up as much funds as I can and donate to every one of the clubs. Right now, I'm planning on donating $50 mill (HPD) to each club (horse and dog). I should be able to do this for November term (so either October 31, or first week of November I will donate). At first, I wasn't going to tell anyone, but then I thought that I should because it might help motivate new players or just different players to run for president. I'm kind of doing this as an experiment because it has been mentioned a few times that presidents have to use their own money for club activities. I wanted to see if donating a nice chunk of money to the clubs would actually change anything like; 1) How many contests the president decides to hold 2) The prize amount for each contest 3) The number of players who run/compete for presidency 4) Activity in each club by players
I can't gaurantee that I can do this every month because I can't save up the funds that quickly. But if I get a good response I will probably donate what I can more regularly.
I've also been a little concerned about presidents stealing the money that's donated (transferring the club money to their private account). I'm not sure if HP has a way that this can't happen? However, not so concerned that I won't do this. It would be nice if each president would honor the presidency and use the donated funds for their respected club, but if someone takes the money, it's whatever, I made my choice to give up the funds anyway.
So, thoughts? Is this a good idea or silly? Do you guys think it would change club dynamic? Should I try to donate more money than $50 mill? |
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tronic ϟ love me back to life ♥ October 1st, 2015 6:45:47pm 4,524 Posts |
I think this is extremely generous of you to do this! I think it would really help with club activity and better prizes for those that enter the contests. It will be interesting to see what happens. ☺ There are ways for us to track where money goes, but not our place to police it. We all would hope that everyone would do right by other players by passing on the donations to the club members and contest entrants (which I am sure most presidents would do). Maybe send along a nice note with your donation to let them know you will be excited to see where it goes, etc. That way they can put a face to the donation and it be more personable rather than just more zeroes in the club bank. ☺ |
BANNED October 1st, 2015 8:59:53pm 87 Posts |
yeah i agree with tronic. As a prez of numerous clubs I have been fortunate enough to offer big prizes in every club i run but most can't do this and as such makes my big prizes seem too good to be true lol. I think this is a really fantastic idea and would help out a lot of prezs. P.S i never touch the club funds, whats there when i start my term is there when i leave or more if people have donated over the term. How I award my contest winners is donating that amount to the club and then awarding it on to winners. |
𝔫𝔶𝔱𝔪𝔞𝔯𝔢 🪶 now let go. October 1st, 2015 10:19:48pm 1,056 Posts |
I agree, this is very generous of you! It would definitely help the presidents run contests that involve HPD winnings. I do see a lot of club presidents using their own funds to run contests and it shouldn't have to be that way. |
Sassafras Tango October 1st, 2015 11:11:09pm 1,233 Posts |
Thanks for the support you guys! I hope it does make a difference for the presidents at least? So they know they don't have to depend solely on their own funds. @Tron: That's a good idea to message each president that I've donated. I didn't even think about that! |
Audacious [rip daddy♥] [blitz watching!] October 2nd, 2015 4:28:54am 2,126 Posts |
Every contest I've held in the clubs I've ran has come from my personal HP cash. :
I love this idea, you're awesome for doing this! |
𝔖𝔱𝔬𝔯𝔪 ℭ𝔯𝔬𝔴 💀 The Artist Formerly Known as xxCHAOTIC October 2nd, 2015 6:10:57pm 1,854 Posts |
Hopefully you'll not only inspire the club presidents to do something a little more with the clubs, but hopefully you inspire more players to do the same! I know Gaited is really hurting for... stuff to do, but since I run it every month I really can't just keep dumping my own money into it for the one or two entries I get for the prizes I'm willing to spare. Link Tree |
adeina ❧ border collies ❦ October 3rd, 2015 3:18:16pm 1,797 Posts |
I love this and I'd be happy to donate to clubs too. I have been put off running for president because of it costs SO much! and you feel obliged to offer large prizes to get entrants... it's so expensive. Hopefuly as everyone is saying this will motivate people and club activity will improve! |
Sassafras Tango October 31st, 2015 8:25:05pm 1,233 Posts |
I'm kind of just bumping this to remind everyone I'm still planning on donating the clubs for this term (November). So keep that in mind [prezzies] when you're planning out your contests and prizes! I will be donating to each club on or before the 7th of November! |
R.oxxy Designs- READ PAGE ♔ Heavy is the head that wears the crown ♔ October 31st, 2015 8:37:46pm 428 Posts |
This is a great idea we could always use more cash flow to fund contests and hopefully that would get more people to be involved! |
🐈~Broken Vow~❄️ October 31st, 2015 8:43:27pm 8,756 Posts |
Sass, you are awesome! |
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