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So...hedgehogs? ~

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𝔫𝔶𝔱𝔪𝔞𝔯𝔢 🪶 now let go.
September 30th, 2015 4:18:05am
1,056 Posts

I really, really want one. Does anyone have one? Pros and cons of owning one? How difficult are they to care for?

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Zadkiel »
September 30th, 2015 4:53:01am
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I want one too. But well Its probably on the Illegal Exotic animals in australia!


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Concourse [but as she was leaving, it felt like breathing]
September 30th, 2015 4:54:40am
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I wanted one, but they are illegal in GA. 



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adeina ❧ border collies ❦
September 30th, 2015 7:55:49am
1,797 Posts

My friend has two (in England it's legal but you have to have a licence I think.. and lots of paperwork) but they are THE MOST ADORABLE LITTLE SPIKEY BALLS EVER. I'll ask around and see what she says about them.



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September 30th, 2015 1:00:30pm
391 Posts

I want one, but they are illegal in PA so I have no advice :( (other than double check that your state allows them because they are illegal in many places!)

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Event Coordinator Panthera Onca .:. The Night Floof 🐆
September 30th, 2015 1:55:59pm
29,792 Posts

Now you got me curious, so I looked it up to see about MN's laws. :P Apparently the only animals illegal to own in MN are big cats, bears, and primates. Here they sell hedgehogs right in the pet stores! Now I need one!! 



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Equ » Autumn is in the air🍁
September 30th, 2015 2:15:37pm
927 Posts

Hedgehogs, mainly African, are a well-known exotic and there is quite a lot of trouble owning them in the United States. I have researched and found a list of states where hedgehogs are legal and where they are illegal to own (So if you're an HPer in any of these states and want a hedgehog, this is your answer!). You can find whether or not your Hedgie is legal here:

Please note that they are illegal in:

o California

o Canada

o District of Columbia (Washington D.C)

o Georgia (Unless out of state or breeding purposes from a liscensed breeder)

o Hawaii

o Maine

o Pennsylvania

o New York

Regardless of what the site tells you - I would look up your local laws just to be sure this site is up-to-date.

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Sassafras Tango
September 30th, 2015 3:41:57pm
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I have wanted a Hedgehog for years! However, they are illiegal (I think you can have one if you get a permit but you probably have to jump through lots of hoops). I had a friend you secretly (illegally) owned a few...shhhh. 


I don't know a lot about the care for them, however I think they are cared for in the similar way of guinea pigs and hamsters. Like they can have the same little plastic cage with same type of bedding. I think they eat vegetables, if you can't find "hedgehog food"? And I think they may need a heat lamp? I'm really not sure, just remember a Craigslist post about a hedhog for rehoming (which was odd because I'm in California) and they were giving this stuff away with it.



If you get one you ABSOLUTELY HAVE to post pictures. 



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primrose •• truth, dare, spin bottles ♥
September 30th, 2015 4:56:29pm
2,687 Posts

I actually want one too.. *stalks fourm*


There is a breeder like a mile away from me :3 legal as can be in WA hehe


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tronic ϟ love me back to life ♥
September 30th, 2015 5:38:11pm
4,524 Posts

I have no idea about them!  Bean said he had one growing up and he was a meanie!  Don't have much more to say other than they look super cute!  I would love to get a smaller animal but Bean won't let me.  -cries-  Like Sass says, if you do get one post pictures!  They are cute little buggers!


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𝔫𝔶𝔱𝔪𝔞𝔯𝔢 🪶 now let go.
September 30th, 2015 11:10:01pm
1,056 Posts

Apparently I'm not alone in my wanting of a hedgehog! They are legal to own in Missouri. I need to do some more research though. I found a couple sites on them. Chris says I can't have one, but nobody cares what he says.


Here's some information I found! 

Positive Aspects of Hedgehog Ownership

The typical pet hedgehog weighs between 6 ounces and 2 pounds and requires approximately the same amount of space as a guinea pig.
Hedgehogs don’t bark or squawk and won’t disturb their neighbors.  You might hear your hedgehog running on a squeaky wheel or rearranging its cage furniture, but for the most part, hedgehogs are very quiet pets.
Most hedgehogs only require weekly cage cleaning but some hedgehogs are messier and may require spot cleaning throughout the week.
A healthy hedgehog on a good diet does not have a distinct body odor like a ferret or male mouse.
Hedgehogs do not have dander like cats, dogs, or other animals, so they are a better pet option for people who have allergies.
Hedgehogs are NOT rodents, and they do not have a propensity to chew, gnaw on, or destroy their surroundings.
Hedgies do not require routine shots, vaccinations, or veterinary testing but annual vet-checks are highly recommended.
Hedgehogs are not aggressive by nature.  Their spines are used as defense only when they are scared, nervous, or feel they have reason to protect themselves. 
People that are looking for an exotic pet are attracted to hedgehogs because of their uniqueness, but hedgehogs have the advantage that they have been captive bred for many generations.
Hedgehogs are cute, curious and they can be cuddly! 

Negative Aspects of Owning a Hedgehog

Hedgehogs are prickly!!  Your hedgehog will poke you. When you first begin learning to handle your hedgehog it may seem as if you are handling a critter cactus. 
The average hedgehog is naturally shy, nervous, and does not come when called, display outward affection, or perform tricks (even though there are some exceptions).
They are nocturnal in nature and may appear to do nothing except “stay balled up all day.”
Pet hedgies do best if handled every day, and they make take a long time to become accustomed to their new owners and environment.
You may need to work through the grouchy quilling stage, and a grouchy hedgehog may always be grouchy.
Hedgehogs do have teeth and have the potential to bite.  Biting is typically not done out of aggression but as a way of communication.  Proper understanding of hedgehog behavior will help decrease the risk and/or frequency of biting.
Only females can safely cohabitate.
Veterinary visits for a sick pet may be quite costly, and most hedgehogs will need at least one mite treatment during its lifetime.
Hedgies cannot be left alone during the weekend.
Hedgehogs do best in 70˚- 80˚ F temperature ranges. We have found the optimal temperature for our herd is 75˚.  You must be prepared to provide additional heat sources if your house is maintained at cooler temperatures in the winter.
Hedgehogs may have unpleasant eliminative or self-anointing habits.
Some states, counties, and towns have exotic animal ownership restrictions.  Hedgehogs are considered exotic animals and may fall under the bans.

Maintenance Requirements

The amount of maintenance required is determined in part to the cleanliness of the hedgehog and your perception of “work” as an owner.
Hedgehogs themselves require very little from their caregivers.  Fresh food and water and regular cage cleaning are the basic requirements.
They don’t need to be walked and most seldom need bathed.
Hedgehogs are quiet by nature, and the most noise they make is their wheeling activity and possible cage rearranging or water bottle banging.
A regularly maintained cage and hedgehog that is fed a good diet typically does not smell.
Most hedgehogs are neat about their elimination habits and some will regularly use a litter pan.
There are a few, rare hedgehogs that will try to defy every sense of cleanliness and make a complete mess of their cage.  Unfortunately, there is no way to look at a hedgehog and determine which ones will use a litter pan and which ones will smear feces about their enclosure.
One must be careful not to take the hedgehog’s easy care for granted.  A hedgehog that is not closely monitored can become neglected if a problem is not addressed in a timely manner.
Most hedgehogs clean themselves through a process of licking, scratching, and shaking.
Some hedgehogs do require bathing if they accumulate feces on their feet or quills.

Basic Diet

In the wild African Pygmy hedgehogs are insectivores, but they are quite opportunistic and are known to feed on carrion (other dead animals), birds’ eggs, and any lizards, snakes or other small animals that should happen to catch.
In the past, cat foods were the only food available for captive hedgehogs.  Advances have been made in the knowledge and understanding of hedgehog nutrition.
Many commercial hedgehog foods are available, but they are not all equal in nutritional value or ingredient quality.  Unfortunately, some foods marketed as hedgehogs are quite inappropriate as a staple diet.
Cat food is often used in place of hedgehog food, but again: Care must be taken to make sure it is nutritionally sound.
More information is available in our Nutrition OverviewFood Comparison ChartsDiet Recommendations guide, Hedgehog Treats article, and Insects a La Carte guide.

Characteristics of Hedgehog Owners

Knowledgeable about hedgehogs – the more you know about hedgehogs the better you will understand them and be able to meet their needs
Patient – hedgehogs are shy by nature and will depend on your patience as they learn to trust you.
Thick skinned – hedgehogs are prickly and they can poke you!  This is something you can learn but hedgies are certainly not for you if you are afraid of getting spiked or bit. 
Gentle – you must be gentle with hedgehogs if they are going to trust you.
Observant – your hedgehog is going to depend on you 100% for their needs. You will need to recognize its needs and its subtle ways of communicating.
Financially responsible – hedgehogs aren’t cheap and they are most likely to require veterinary care at some point in their life as well as food and supplies throughout their life.
Accepting – You must be willing to accept what your hedgehog has to offer.  It will most likely never follow commands or do tricks but its quirky habits and the affection it may share can make it quite charming.

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Administrator BLiTZ 🎆 hello, 2025
September 30th, 2015 11:19:46pm
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Tron should sneak one into the house and see if Bean notices... -whistles-



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𝔫𝔶𝔱𝔪𝔞𝔯𝔢 🪶 now let go.
October 1st, 2015 10:14:24pm
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Bahaha - I agree with Blitz! 

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Absinthe .:.Main.:.
October 17th, 2015 12:37:39am
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I cared for the class hedgehog in 6th grade back in St Louis, Nyt, so definitely legal in MO lol. She was a cute little thing, name of Rosie. I have randomly considered getting one for myself over the years, but I guess since I can't really cuddle them the idea never stuck lol.


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Rai • Crabbet Arabian
October 20th, 2015 4:48:12pm
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Yeah they're legal to own in the uk I don't think you need a licence for them you see loads of babies for sale on the pet selling sites on fb and things and I know a lady who breeds them near me. They're not really my sort of animal but they're cute :)


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Kuwait | Not Reserving Tix |
October 20th, 2015 6:22:47pm
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Taylinn; We deserve a soft epilogue, my love
May 2nd, 2017 3:53:32am
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I have a hedgehog named Penelope and she is absolutley darling - I woul dbe happy to answer any specific questionos that people may still have a year after the fact ;) 


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