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A Big Chex Enterprise - The Official Thread - Updated 6/10

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Overture - Back; catching up
September 17th, 2015 4:10:17am
402 Posts

Thought I would start an offical thread for this baby because I know I'm gonna be posting WAYYYY to many photos of him, haha. So here is an introduction and then, as promised, a bunch of photos!

name: A Big Chex Enterprise
barn name: Jackson
breeding: Big Chex to Cash out of a BH Enterprise mare
age: born 2010
discipline: reining

We were unsure of how Jackson would do in turn out. Where he was was a strict show barn, so not all of the horses are turned out, like in a "completely" free way. They are usually supervised in smaller arenas or worked in the round without a line so they can buck and run and stuff kinda with supervision. He had been turned out before on his own, but not in that big of an area. He did make me a bit nervous. He runs really close to rails and then ran at full speed towards one of the corners and slide to a stop and banged his knee on the rail. he calmed down and figured out where he could safely put his legs and calmed down pretty quick after that. Made me nervous, haha. He hasn't hit any rails or done anything risky since. That's why he's all booted up, just to be safe, haha.





So handsome


Not as handsome :p


 I gave little Jackson a bath last week and then made my friend hold him for photos, haha. I'm so obsessed with this horse. 




He needs to be in magazines. :D

A few of him in the round. He's so silly. This day he literally jogged out of his pen and up to the round pen (the entire length of the propery basically, like 20 acres) and then when I put him in the round and asked him to trot, he didn't wanna go! He got rid of all his energy on his little jog up. :p





And finally, this is my new favorite photo of him. I wish his mane would get like an inch and a half longer so it would go past his neck enough to be seen from the other side. :p He's close! I'm taking better care of his mane than his previous home (not that they were bad, he just wasn't showing so it wasn't always braided up and stuff) and it will grow a bit.



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Audacious [rip daddy♥] [blitz watching!]
February 7th, 2016 8:36:45pm
2,126 Posts

Haha ♥ He is just beautiful 

Paints since 6-8-14


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Zadkiel »
February 8th, 2016 9:03:42am
1,333 Posts

Ahhh I love all these photos! He is such a character!


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tronic ϟ love me back to life ♥
February 8th, 2016 7:48:16pm
4,524 Posts

He looks like he has such a personality!  I love that last picture with his eyes closed.  It just looks like he's enjoying the sun and saying aww yiss! haha


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Overture - Wolves
February 11th, 2016 3:22:18am
199 Posts

thank you guys!!! :D

So we have our showing plans for this year. Due to school and work and stuff, I'm only doing one circuit this year.
Our first show is May 7th! It's an NRHA show, and part of a jackpot and buckle series. So, if we do well - plaques, NRHA pounts, money, and a buckle! x.x
We wil be showing in 2 of these, me and my trainer are going to look over patterns and when the classes are ordered and decide which 2. So it is between:

Novice Horse Non-Pro Level 1 - Horse that has less than two years NRHA showing experience and has earned less than $5,000 in a lifetime.
Rookie 1 - Basically a non-pro class without the rule that the rider must own the horse. So I may be against students on their trainers horses.
Limited Non-Pro - Rider must own horse, could not have worked for a trainer, taught lessons, trained, or made money for riding or grooming within the past 3 years, AND must have earned less than $10k in prize money. (that's so much prize money, haha)
Non-Pro - Same as limited, just no limit on prize money earned.

Usually, the Novice Horse and Rookie have the easiest patterns, but the Non-Pro has less entrants because its in the afternoon and more difficult. So idk, haha. Like I kind of want to do Novice Horse and Non-Pro. Since Novice Horese is in the morning and Non-Pro at the end so Jackson can sit and go for a walk, and get some water and food between classes. And so can I. :p

So soon, SOON! I will get to show again. :)

I have a direwolf, your argument is invalid


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lunarie ∴ my my, those eyes like fire
February 11th, 2016 5:20:16pm
1,486 Posts

Omg Overture your captions are hilarious. He has such a personality!



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February 11th, 2016 11:23:48pm
826 Posts

He is such a handsome boy...totally jealous.


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Administrator 🐈~Broken Vow~❄️
February 11th, 2016 11:45:31pm
8,756 Posts

Best of luck showing you two! :D

pjd1sOi.png uoRNx1M.png BGYKLiO.png


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Whynn • Main • Dragon Rider
February 12th, 2016 1:43:50am
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Overture - Back; catching up
February 14th, 2016 4:30:42am
402 Posts

Okay, so I have more photos. Sorry guys, I spam so much. x.x I can't help myself. (those who remember my HMF days can attest to that)

Anyway! I got a pair of the new Professionals Choice SMBs, and so did my trainer, and so we had to model the two ponies in them! Jackson and Emily are the best little buckskins in the world! Well, at least at the barn. Which is difficult consdiering my trainer alone as 7 (!!) buckskins in training.

Look how cute!

Close up of the boots, and Jacksons trusty ol' crooked leg. x.x

Jackson trying to flirt with Emily and Emily being entirely unamused.

Maybe one day I'll annoy you guys again and post photos of all the buckskins, haha!



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Insomnia • [34] ⸸ Direwolves
February 14th, 2016 10:17:12am
842 Posts

awh he's adorable!


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trig ❄️ the best is yet to come
February 14th, 2016 8:10:25pm
3,615 Posts

they're both so cute! Has Jackson's mane grown out enough to see it from the opposite side? Feel free to spam with other adorable buckskins!

Bailey Lucky Diesel Mixed Berries rooster-icon-2-orig_orig.png


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Event Coordinator Panthera Onca .:. The Night Floof 🐆
February 14th, 2016 11:30:00pm
29,792 Posts

C'mon, Emily!! Ignoring the advances of that handsome fellow?!? 

...there must be some other buckskin in her life, eh? XP



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Overture - Back; catching up
February 28th, 2016 6:15:23am
402 Posts

I just feel compelled to force you all to look at my horse again. ^.^
He's been amazing lately. Things are really coming together for us. Can't wait to show!

I took a little video of us spinning this week. Not his fastest, but he's becoming more consistent.

And of course, photos. :)

The two sides of Jackson.

And Trig, it almost is! It is curly or braided most of time, so its hard to tell. Its curly because its braided haha. Next time I wash it, I'll leave it out for a day or two to let it straighten so I can see. It is for sure healthier though!



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Vintage -----{Egyptians}
February 28th, 2016 4:21:06pm
113 Posts

Ahhh I just love him. He's soooo darn handsome!


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Event Coordinator Panthera Onca .:. The Night Floof 🐆
February 28th, 2016 7:32:11pm
29,792 Posts

omg hahaha! Freaky and fabulous all at once. 



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Khaleesi// OG 18091
February 29th, 2016 10:17:27pm
712 Posts

I never get tired of looking at him! He's so darn handsome!


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Vintage -----{Egyptians}
March 5th, 2016 4:27:25pm
113 Posts

I honestly can't get enough of this horse! I demand more pictures! xD


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Audacious [rip daddy♥] [blitz watching!]
March 5th, 2016 5:49:38pm
2,126 Posts

When do we get more picturesss? -cries-

Paints since 6-8-14


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Overture - Back; catching up
March 5th, 2016 11:35:41pm
402 Posts

Okay! So you guys asked for it...more photos! :p I don't really have any new ones of Mr. Jackson as I have been very busy with work and school and life in general. But because of how things go when they get super busy, I got sick. Stupid working with children. Why did I agree to go into special education again? x.x haha. Anyway! While I sit at home on a Saturday afternoon being sick, I thought I would post some photos not only of Jackson, but of the rest of the buckskins/horses in my barn because I can. There are seriously so many buckskins, haha!


Starting with the man himself: Jacskon!
Here he is being loose and a crazy beast on the loose! Or he would be, if there wasn't three pieces of hay on the ground...


Looking super cute all half shed and messy haired and sweaty after a workout :p


And here he is...making faces. Which he does very well!


In other news, if anyone wants Jackson's full brother, he's for sale! Same trainer as Jackson and now Catt! His name is Henry (lol wat?) and he's pretty cute! Not as cute as Jackson, as that is impossible! But he's 3. and Has socks! and "I just came in from a baby pasture" mane :p :o

Okay, now onto the rest of the gang!

First up is Lola! A horse my trainer's biggest client bought because she really wanted a Hollywood Dun It baby, but didn't consider that the other side of the pedigree was Reminic, a stallion that produces talented, but infamously difficult cow horses. So my trainer kind of took her over and trained and showed her for the lady while the lady got herself a nicer horse to ride herself. x.x I love Lola, haha.


Next is Emily - the nice horse that same lady bought after the Lola fiasco. She's a doll! I love her! She is a big beefy lady, haha. She slides like 30 feet from a lope, and has never spooked or taken a lame step in her life. She did have colic surgery at age 4 though, which is sad because now she's considered a high risk case for breeding. So no little Emily's running around :( Darn, haha.



Now we have Jacob. Jacob will start showing this year. Jacob is an interesting young man. His hobbies include rearing on the hot walker, contorting his body in odd shapes while on a line, chasing shadows while turned out, and then being completely serious when you ride him? Its so weird! He's so active minded that when he's bored he turns into such a nerd, but when you're working him and asking him to actually more forward and think about what he's doing, he's a dream. I'm so excited to see him show! (He also has dapples in the winter that make me think of a deer, haha)


And Lexi! She's the youngest at the barn, except for a red dun 3 year old who is currently in a pasture growing up but will be here in summer! She's 4, and a bit behind everyone as she has grown super slow. She can do everything she needs to do - stop, turn, back up, spin, change leads - but just isn't tuned or mentally mature enough to be in the ring yet. Next year maybe! (I secretly think she'd make a great all around horse as she has amazing gaits for hunter under saddle, and is also super springy so I think she could jump haha)


Next is Remmy, the newest addition (other than Sir Jackson) to the Buckskin Brigade! She is owned by a young girl who is planning on using her for a rodeo queen competition! I'm so excited to watch that, haha. The girl is super smart and sweet and I really hope she does well. Remmy is, well, she's a Reminic horse, so she is very difficult and very talented. Patty, the young girl, does really well with her though. She's a very calm rider and just ignores the mare's attempts to get her to start a fight.

And, as my trainer calls her, the buckskin matriarch, Doll! She is the oldest horse in the barn. She is 19, and is still going! She takes all the green riders and the youth kids through their first patterns. She's honest to a fault, like a good lesson horse should be, haha. If you sit too much, she stops. If you say go, she goes. If you say turn, she turns. Even if you didn't mean to say any of that, haha. She had a baby three years ago, who is the red dun that will come this summer!



Not everyone can be a buckskin. And that's okay. They still get to be part of the fun.

Here is Tyler! One of the cutest little Paints. Tyler is a trail horse who last year showed reining for the first time by his 72 (!!) year old owner who decided he wanted to give it a try. The man had ridden his whole life, but wanted to compete in an NRHA show with his wife (who owns Emily and Lola). It's so cute! And Tyler was a saint! He got a score too! Not a great score, but hey, he finished his pattern correctly, which not everyone does.

Now Luke. The horse with the best show name! His registered name is Master Chic Olena. hOW Cool is that? Obviously out of Smart Chic Olena, out of a Master Remedy mare. Another Reminic. He's owned by my friend Kara who is beautiful and amazing and just got married and is now moving to South Carolina and I'm heartbroken!

Finally, is  Kara's other horse, Taylor. Taylor is, I'm not kidding, Fred's niece! haha. This mare's grandsire is Fred's sire. It's funny because I can see a lot of similarities between their attitudes. Except I will say, Fred is cuter and has a bit better attitude. Taylor has the attitude Fred has, but uses it to refuse to work instead of using it to try to kill cows like Fred does. Oh well. At least she's pretty?

Okay, I'm done haha. Hooray photo spam!



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Overture - Back; catching up
March 6th, 2016 7:45:55pm
402 Posts

I'm gonna be selfish and bump this ^.^



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