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Re-sellings Premades
ARIELLA || Belgian Warmbloods August 31st, 2015 11:51:28am 54 Posts |
I would like your guys opinions on the the resale of premades, as in selling a premade to one player and then sticking it up for sale again a few months later.
So I was going through the graphic auctions (I tend to live in there really :s) the other day, when I stumbled across an image that looked really familiar. I had a look through my horses and there was the image I'd found in the auctions. I don't know if it's just me being silly but, I feel a little bit weird about it. What do you guys think? |
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Khaleesi// OG 18091 August 31st, 2015 3:11:10pm 712 Posts |
I personally would be very upset if I knew that the special image I had paid for for my animal was sold to someone else. That would make it less special and therefore of less value for me. I think if someone doesn't use the image anymore then it's a perfectly fine thing to do, but I do see quite a few people getting upset if it's sold to multiple people. |
Farewell's Paint Horses {home and recovering. tying to catch up.} August 31st, 2015 3:24:55pm 1,043 Posts |
if you have already bought it talk to the seller. it could be a mistake. if they don't respond then go to a mod. you bought it so you should be the only one using it on HP. |
tronic ϟ love me back to life ♥ August 31st, 2015 3:59:45pm 4,524 Posts |
While reselling graphics isn't necessarily breaking the rules it is frowned upon, and we like to rectify these issues if possible. Everytime I have run into an issue like this it is out of mistake by the graphic artist. Either they uploaded the wrong image, or they forgot they had previously sold it. Like Fare said, approach the seller, and if for some reason you can't get it worked out message a mod. |
BANNED August 31st, 2015 4:55:49pm 391 Posts |
I third the talk to the seller. I know that I save premades on my computer in a folder and occasionally go through and put some in auction, and sometimes if they have already been sold, I've either forgotten to mark it or forgot that I sold it. ★ Like a drum, baby, don't stop beating★ |
Equ » Autumn is in the air🍁 August 31st, 2015 5:58:01pm 927 Posts |
I agree with everyone in this thread; if I had paid the seller a good amount of money for a special, personal image for my horse/dog - I would be very angry and upset to have it re-sold to someone else. Perhaps it is a mistake - but it is best to talk to the seller about it. If they ignore you or do not hear you out - Talk to a Moderator/Admin on the game, they will definitely hear you out.
Freespin - Retirement August 31st, 2015 6:50:43pm 138 Posts |
I don't like the idea much either. I know if it ever happened to me as a graphic artist it would only ever be a mistake and I would want to know about it!!! If it was done intentionally then I think that's a bit unfair. You paid for the image fair and square. I think it's a bit different if they went on and sold it on another game but you should own it here on HP! |
Khaleesi// OG 18091 August 31st, 2015 7:11:15pm 712 Posts |
Totally misread this the first time and thought you wanted to resell an image. My bad. I would definitely ask the seller as well. Mistakes happen for sure, especially if it's a very old image. |
ARIELLA || Belgian Warmbloods August 31st, 2015 8:50:41pm 54 Posts |
Thanks for the advice everyone! I've messaged the seller and hopefully everything will be sorted out soon. I'm so glad that I'm not the only one that would be upset over this, I started to think I was a bit of a crazy woman lol. |
Equ » Autumn is in the air🍁 August 31st, 2015 9:43:39pm 927 Posts |
@Arielle - You're welcome, Ariella and in no way are you crazy. That image is yours - You purchased it; therefore, it should copyrighted to your horse only. @Free - I slightly disagree with your statement. It is still this player's image regardless if they're playing on Horse Phenomena or That is still unfair as you are basically saying that people can steal your image on other sites but it is only copyrighted on here. I had that image tailored for me, not for the use of anyone else on other SIMS. Honestly, if I found that out, that would hurt my feelings greatly and would make me not want to order anymore from that seller. That takes out the purpose of a custom image, IMO..
`NEKE-A-SAURUS → up in smoke September 1st, 2015 5:15:20pm 12,807 Posts |
As an artist, if I make a picture for somebody it is THEIRS. As in, they can use it anywhere THEY want, but only them. So yeah, no resells imo. |
Overture - Back; catching up September 1st, 2015 9:14:52pm 402 Posts |
Personally, I would never resell a graphic that is in use. I think in the past I have accidently put a premade for sale that I had sold months ago, mainly because I forgot why it was on my computer and thought "Oh, must have not sold it!" instead of what usually happens which is "the buyer wanted it blank and you forgot to delete it you airhead." The only time I would consider "reselling" a graphic, and I have done this I think twice, is that the buyer either quit the game, or left and didn't reply to multiple messages and attempts to get them to let me know if they wanted the image blank or wanted me to edit it, or hold it or whatever. That is a really rare occurance and on those occasions I have given the orignal buyer their money back. |
Sassafras Tango September 2nd, 2015 3:49:45am 1,233 Posts |
@Equ: I don't know if this really needs to be said (but I guess I'm saying it anyway) and I don't mean at all to come off rude, pretentious, or nit-picky; but being a photographer (and providing stock photography) the word "copyright" is a bit touchy for me. I totally understand what you meant in your post, but I just wanted to say that I think "exclusive rights" (or in this case implied exclusive rights) would be a better word than "copyright". I just don't want to get anyone confused that doesn't understand what copyright means. I hope I don't come off as a jerk for pointing that out :/ I do agree with you (and everyone) though, that graphics made or sold for players should be exclusive to the buyer (on only the SIM they are buying on...unless they wanted to use it on their account on another SIM also). As well as the buyer wanting, or more so, expecting, a graphic to be limited to them--as a graphic maker, I don't really want to mass sell my graphics (or just sell to a couple people). I feel as though it would somewhat deteriorate the value of my work. The exception, of course, are the graphics I make especially for mass use (like the HP image bank, or when people post free layouts/graphics). |
Audacious [rip daddy♥] [blitz watching!] September 2nd, 2015 4:11:56am 2,126 Posts |
Agree with basically everything said here. Personally I'd be pretty upset : |
Freespin - Retirement September 2nd, 2015 5:50:31pm 138 Posts |
Equ, I don't think it's an option for customs only Premades. Not that I do it because I do t play any other games but I just mean that I personally wouldn't be offended if I purchased a premade on here and found out it was also on another Sim. I would like to think that the images I sell here don't leave HP unless discussed with the buyer. |
𝔖𝔱𝔬𝔯𝔪 ℭ𝔯𝔬𝔴 💀 The Artist Formerly Known as xxCHAOTIC September 2nd, 2015 6:58:29pm 1,854 Posts |
It would drive me absolutely insane if someone made me a graphic and then sold that graphic to someone else. It seems like such common sense to me to just not do that, but yet we always get people coming in and doing it once or twice a year, that we notice. Link Tree |
Equ » Autumn is in the air🍁 September 2nd, 2015 7:42:46pm 927 Posts |
@Sass - No, you do not come off as a jerk or rude in any way; I'm very bad at explaining things sometimes and, unfortunately, this is one of those occassions. Also, the internet can make someone's tone sound way different than it would in real life face-to-face, so I apologize if what I had posted has sounded rude. That was not my intention either :/ With that being said, yes, my wording of "copyright" is touchy and harsh in a sense as I re-read it back. Since, technically, these graphics are actually only truly copyrighted to the stock providers/photographers we use to create the art. I agree that "Exclusive Rights" to premades are fine, and personally, I would prefer it since usually they're something you pay a certain amount of DA points for. Which, is fine, to sell it for say 100 DA points. However, I would not want a premade sold any other way if it is one made for you. If it is like the ones that I submit or the clubs that are default - It's sort of okay..I suppose..:/ @Free - Yes, and I apologize for coming off harsh (as I said to Sass - The internet gives off a tone we do not mean a lot of the time. So I also apologize to you if my prior comment offended you.). Re-reading my comment, I was speaking more in a custom standard (Why I thought that was the topic, I haven't a clue); as a premade, it would be okay to sell again, but in "exclusive rights" like DA Points or something. Customs, however, should never be sold as they're specifically for that person or are a person's character usually. I'm also not trying to sound like I'm targetting you for doing so, as I am not and many people do not go to other sites with images but there are ocassions where its happened. I, personally, am quite uncomfortable with premades being sold on another site - Only for the fact that someone could pretend to be you and re-sell the graphic. So, in a way, I kind of mind it..And again, sorry Free, not trying to sound rude or harsh :/
Audacious [rip daddy♥] [blitz watching!] September 2nd, 2015 8:23:28pm 2,126 Posts |
I'm not sure how I'd feel if it was being used on another sim : I don't think it would really bother me if it was on two different games. |
Alumine September 30th, 2016 1:07:14pm 5 Posts |
I used to make premades and sell them multiple times on hl a few years back, but they were only a 10th of the price of other premades and way less than customs, and it stated clearly before anyone bought them that other people ccould buy them too, it was more so that some of the basic players could have an affordable personalised layout. However the situation here I hope is just a mistake, and hopefully all gets sorted :) |
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