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New Feature Discussion

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Master Administrator Samantha - see page to know who to contact directly!
August 6th, 2015 12:08:06am
4,333 Posts

I wanted to open up a discussion about adding a new feature since we are removing associations from the game! It doesn't need to be an association equivalent, and we may choose to just not add something new and improve upon what we have.

But since we are removing something, I want to have a discussion about adding something in it's place!


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s h a m a m (🐎 ) irish draughts & donks (🐎 )
August 9th, 2015 2:04:09am
1 Posts

I think a good option for the clubs would be POINT PRIZES. Not sure how it would work but...say each club is given 3 point prizes from HP and people can enter with a fee and they are then randomly selected by the  computer program ( not by presidents, as there could be bias). It would be an option that would automatically reset every term . 


So a total separate program on each club page (like the votes section). 


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Freespin - Retirement
August 9th, 2015 3:36:54am
138 Posts

I think there should be a limt on how many animals one can enter in club shows each week. 


Some way to win spots in exclusive club shows would be cool so you HAVE to be active in club contests etc to get into these amazing special shows =D Like private club shows and public club shows =D


 Also generic HP autorun club contests. Could be something simple like a mascot contests or featured animal type thing weekly or monthly where you pay an entry fee and a winner is picked at random by a generator or similar. Winning animal could win points or something. I could see that being a popular feature of clubs and generates club income for other prizes.


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euphony 🌴 beagles
August 9th, 2015 5:40:49pm
46 Posts

I thnk Freespin has a good idea there about winning spots for some club shows.  Shows are without a doubt the main reason clubs get any activity at all so creating an exclusive-type show sounds like really good incentive.  

Also the point was made that since there is little to no competition for presidency now anyway if someone wants to run a contest longer than a month it shouldn't be hard to get reelected. If competition for presidency does begin to increase after associations are all gone then maybe selling votes might become a thing again. 


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Kayla Gayle ~~ One Piece Greyhounds ~~ Working a new job
August 20th, 2015 2:55:03pm
370 Posts

I agree with those who said there should be an allowance for the clubs. When I ran them, the prize money was limited due to my limits. Also, some of the clubs have basically no funds so unless the President has some bucks, the contests can be limited.

I also have to second a layout format. As someone who cannot do graphics (I've tried and failed. Just something I can't do, like french braiding hair) I had to look around for someone to do a cheap layout. I didn't want to fork over a lot of money as it would maybe only be for a month but that took some time.

As for contests, I think some sort of recgognition would be great. I've had dogs win contests and there is no real bragging rights at all. 

Also, another peeve regarding clubs--making shows. I am in almost all the dog clubs and maybe half of those have shows going. 

I'll leave it to those who code to figure this out but that's my two cents. 





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Audacious [rip daddy♥] [blitz watching!]
August 23rd, 2015 3:41:07am
2,126 Posts

Agreed, more clubs for sale.


Also maybe some sort of "prize" for winning president for each month. Idk x.x

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September 3rd, 2015 9:31:34pm
10 Posts

An HP academy system?
You enroll in the academy, learn about horse related things (anything from show styles, horse breeds, horse health, etc.) and gain levels (maybe badges or icons for your achievements) and maybe there is a reward system associated with it? HP money or points to horses etc. 



sometimes it is necessary to be lonely in order to prove you are right


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`adria || coding semi open, negotiable.
September 4th, 2015 8:02:05pm
159 Posts

I like that. ^^
That would actually be incredibly useful for someone like me, who loves horses, but doesn't really know a lot about them. 


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tronic ϟ love me back to life ♥
September 4th, 2015 8:59:24pm
4,524 Posts

I agree with a lot of things that have been discussed in this thread.  After reading everything there's a couple things I would like to throw my 2 cents in for.

1. I think we should still keep presidency as monthly terms.  Like Sass says you can always campaign for next month.  I think it will keep the competition healthy and alive.  Instert the HL days of campaining, TVing, etc for presidency.  With that said I do think it would be kind of cool to have some special clubs that run on 3 month terms and those would specifically be directories like The Stud Book, The Yellow Pages (used to be an association for all things for sale etc), Maybe something similar to Trig's Breeders Almanac.  SOmething of those likes where it's not really hosting contests and what not, but actual resources to the game to help keep things organized.

2. I love nyt's idea about having small forums at each club.  I would like to see it replace the current chat and just have a smaller more condensed version of the HP forums.  Something to help keep track of all the things going on to the people interested in that club.

3.  I also like the idea of a default layout that each president has the option just in case.  Also, I would like to see the pages not reset with every new president.  I know everyone has their own rules/contest/registry/etc. but it would be nice to have a base to start from/alter instead of a blank page.  This would also help for presidents that get to stay for another term.


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R.oxxy Designs- READ PAGE ♔ Heavy is the head that wears the crown ♔
September 4th, 2015 9:25:30pm
428 Posts

It would be great if we had default layouts! It's sometimes a disaster to find one since we have a limited time to get everything up and running by a certain date.


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Maharet : Taking a break : BV, Blitz, & Trig watching
September 5th, 2015 3:23:58am
2,469 Posts

I just know without assoc shows now my frenchies aren't hitting 2m with ease :/

mw0PiPU.png 4EvEVBM.png dJ0BFny.png xzJXn6S.png


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Sassafras Tango
September 5th, 2015 3:35:59am
1,233 Posts

Everyone's liking the default layout idea. I'm not exactly sure the details everyone's had in mind with the word "defualt. When I read it, I think of it like when you reset the page or erase the description, instead of a blank page, there's some sort of layout. 

Although, I was also thinking since xxChaotic and True Blue Graphics (sorry, I don't remember her new name), offer free layouts when they run clubs, why don't Sam/HP just put in a "HP Layout Bank" at the bottom of the page. It'd be like the "HP Image Bank" on animal pages, except people who make layouts can submit the coding (instead of pictures).



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primrose •• truth, dare, spin bottles ♥
September 30th, 2015 7:29:41pm
2,687 Posts

I was thinking of clubs maybe having somehow add more shows, or a longer term. Or even if someone becomes president they can host games and hand out something other then hpd? Like club private shows(vip) and have a maximum of 10 entries or something lol i havent read all the posts on this fourm either lol


Or even allow presidents to host bingo with mod supervision like when AHD hosted it? It was a fun game. Something to get players excited about clubs other then the 1k points on registry haha



But the polls are heated for oct term ;)


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Audacious [rip daddy♥] [blitz watching!]
October 11th, 2015 11:59:19pm
2,126 Posts

I would like to see something for horse and dog achievements on the animals page.

Example: Red River

Achieved rank #10 for Top 25 youngest horses.


 More clubs.. -thinks-

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Delphic ⚓ lurking (praying for Las Vegas)
October 15th, 2015 12:41:22am
75 Posts

I like a lot of these ideas, especially private club shows.

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Addilyn ↬ Unbroken
October 16th, 2015 11:15:11am
157 Posts

I'm new to HP so I don't know if you already have this yet. You could add Horse and dog clubs where players can elect presidents and Players can enter to become president. Then the clubs could host contests and all that.


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Delphic ⚓ lurking (praying for Las Vegas)
October 16th, 2015 7:58:48pm
75 Posts

More clubs, definitely...
1. Quarter Horse Club
2. Arabian Club
3. Wolf Club
4. Sport Horse Club
5. Paint Horse Club
6. German Shepherd Club
7. Warmblood Club

Basically breed-specific clubs for the most popular breeds on HP?

I definitely vote for longer presidential terms, weekly paycheck for clubs, private club shows and  the club layout bank as well.

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