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Suicide Squad Footage, X-Men: Apocolypse, and MORE! ComicCon 2015
Whynn • Main • Dragon Rider July 14th, 2015 3:08:55pm 604 Posts |
HAS ANYONE SEEN ANTHING?!?!?!?! OMG LIKE I CAN NOT EVEN DEAL!!! SOMEONE TALK TO ME! Suicide Squad footage: FREAKED OUT Apocolypse: ALSO FREAKED OUT! Like, I cant deal with any of it!!! |
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Samantha - see page to know who to contact directly! July 14th, 2015 3:57:59pm 4,333 Posts |
I'm excited for Suicide Squad! I LOVE Jared Leto's joker so far. Joel and I were debating, though, if we thought the trailer was enough for people to really deduce if Harley Quinn won't have an accent. I think she won't, but he thinks it's not enough to tell. |
Absinthe .:.Main.:. July 14th, 2015 4:07:56pm 552 Posts |
I think Margot Robbie is going to do well as Harley. I'm still a traditionalist and wish she was in black and red (the outfit I love...follows the new Suicide Squad comics well), but otherwise I think I'm good with it. And the fact they cast Will Smith makes me happy. As for Leto, I'm afraid for him. Every actor who has ever portrayed the Joker has suffered for it. Cesar Romero succumbed to the role with drugs. Jack Nicholsen went on a hardcore alcohol binge. We all know what happened to Heath Ledger (and Jack warned him of what would happen). It's rumored Jared is falling into psychosis. The only person who has managed to escape that fate is Mark Hamill, but I say he has done so because he hasn't fully embraced the role. He only voiced Joker in the cartoons. It is a beautifully dangerous role that can destroy those who seek to control it. |
Whynn • Main • Dragon Rider July 14th, 2015 6:23:42pm 604 Posts |
I understand what you mean, Absinthe! But, as great as all those other actors are, I feel that Jared Leto might be even greater! That might be just my opinion but I dont know. Obviously being a great actor doesnt mean you cant turn crazy. I am so excited all around. One of my favorite actors ever, Jai Courtney is in it and that makes me very happy (I heard he is one of the main ones/ more screentime) So that makes me happy :D |
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