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End Of G.o.T. Season 5 (SPOILERS)
![]() Kuwait | I Want My GSD! | June 15th, 2015 1:33:53am 2,993 Posts |
Edit 2: 1. HAH! SERVES YOU RIGHT, STANNIS! 2. MASSACRE! 3. GO BRIENNE! 4. YAY, THEON! and then *SPLAT* 5. GO, ARYAAAAAAAAAAAAA! HAHAHAAHAHAHAHHA! 6. They're going back to...OH, NO! POISONED KISS! 7. "My Valerian is a bit nostril." 8. Poor Drogon then SO MANY HORSES! 9. CERSEI GETTING DUE PUNISHMENT! 10. WHATDIDTHEYDOTOJONSNOW?????????????????????????????
Yeah, there was other stuff but I can't even recall them. o_O
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![]() trig 🍀 fire in my soul June 15th, 2015 6:02:59am 3,637 Posts |
I'm seriously getting tired of them killing of all the characters. It's getting to be annoying that anyone that you might actually like I'd going to get the knife. I get that good guys have to die too but it's taking away any sense of continuity and desire to really care what happens. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
![]() Kuwait | I Want My GSD! | June 15th, 2015 7:14:33am 2,993 Posts |
Who were all the thousands of health rse people? Dothraki? ![]() |
![]() Whynn • Main • Dragon Rider June 15th, 2015 1:54:11pm 608 Posts |
Im sorry but there is NO WAY that Jon is dead. George would be so STUPID to kill him. Out of anyone he makes the most money. ![]() |
![]() عناية ♥︎ June 15th, 2015 2:54:40pm 231 Posts |
Melisandre (Red Women) came back to the Night's Watch and she has the power to be able to bring people back to MUST bring back Jon Snow. End of story. She already mentioned/hinted to Jon when she tried to seduce him that he has King's Blood (aka R L=J) and since she has abandoned Stannis and left him to die, she must have went back to the Night's Watch in order to persue the idea of Jon Snow getting the throne. When she finds out he's been stabbed, BOOM, she will bring him back to life....that's the ONLY possibility I will accept. Because Jon Snow cannot be dead. CANNOT. BE. DEAD.
Just cannot.
Anyways. Yes it was Dothraki that were surrounding Dany...the only part of that I didn't really understand is the importance of her taking off that ring and the fact that they ran circles around her. I'm hoping the Dothraki join her army and go and live in Mereen and fight with her, but who knows. I'm not entirely understanding the significance of her running into the Dothraki. Guess we will have to wait a year until we find out.
It never SHOWED Brienne killing Stannis...I assume he may not be dead. I mean they show the death of EVERY OTHER CHARACTER. Why cut the camera for Stannis? Especially when he just burned his own daughter alive, his death would have been something the viewers would have wanted to see. The fact that they cut the camera makes me suspicious that she showed mercy for him for some reason. IDK. Maybe she thinks Stannis can help her save Sansa? No clue.
And yeah Reek and Sansa jumping to their death...? No clue what that was about. Did not really make sense. I don't really understand how they could survive a fall like that and I don't really understand why after everything they had been through to survive they would just jump off a ledge and kill themselves...?
Ugh. Can we please get 15 episodes this season?? This CANNOT be where it leaves us for a year! Like I just cannot even deal right now.
***EDIT*** How could I forget to mention Cersei??? Okay 1) OMG. I know Cersei is an evil witch BUT I had some mad feels for her in that scene. It was wicked intense and horrible. I know she is getting what she deserves, but that was so brutal I couldn't help but feel bad. ALSO WHERE THE HECK IS MARGAERY? Is she just rotting in the cell still or did she have to make that same walk or what is going on with her??? - INA! |
![]() Z.exious June 15th, 2015 4:00:51pm 400 Posts |
Ina, you had a lot of the same thoughts that I did. My boyfriend, roommate, and I (who all watched the finale together) have agreed that Melisandre will likely bring Jon Snow back. Frankly, that kind of bums me out. I'm not on that bandwagon, though everyone else seems to be xD Same thoughts about the Dothraki--that they will follow her back to Mereen. Maybe it will turn out to be the blood rider that peaced out on her in season 1/2...whenever that was... and took like 80% of the band with them. Agree with Stannis. Sansa and Theon: there /may/ have been some sort of snow drift... but, I dunno, that's a pretty big fall. I guess we'll have to see. |
![]() shlee; → and baby makes three! coming august 2016. June 15th, 2015 4:19:05pm 953 Posts |
I just. Wow. I stared at my tv asking "Why?!" over and over at the end. I just can't believe that Jon is gone, I can't. Something must happen to bring him back. Ugh, the feels! And the more I think about it the sadder I become. ![]() |
![]() عناية ♥︎ June 15th, 2015 7:46:21pm 231 Posts |
Okay so I just read this on E!News "The episode ended with Jon laying in a pool of his own blood, staring blankly up at the sky. And as much as I hoped that some supernatural force was going to save him from death, Kit Harington has already revealed that he's done on the show. He won't be back next season. Jon is really and truly dead."
- INA! |
![]() Whynn • Main • Dragon Rider June 15th, 2015 10:44:51pm 608 Posts |
I agree with Zex...I think with Theon and Sansa there was a serious snow drift. Then again, risking their lives to get away from Ramsey was probably worth it to them. ![]() |
![]() Farewell's Paint Horses {one day at a time.} June 16th, 2015 1:07:57am 1,065 Posts |
-hyperventilates into a paper bag- how I will type this without cuss words will be a miracle but here goes... 1. Freaking stannis got hit so hard by the karma stick it's not even funny. To say that was a massacre is an understatement... that was just a down right slaughter. 2. Theon and Sansa are fine I think. Lots of snow to cushion the blow. Though this is the worlds most twisted show so wtf do I know... 3. No idea what the heck to think of the arya scene.. that was some crazy stuff. 4. Totally saw the poisoning coming. I knew she wouldn't let her leave without a scratch. 5. Dany is totally being "taken back to her roots" so to speak with the dothraki. They are going to make her the woman she once was. I think the ring thing was to maybe try and hide her new "marriage" from them? Couldn't help but laugh at the stubborn dragon part though. 6. Cersci deserves to be punished but good lord that was rough... paraded through the streets butt naked while people yelled and threw stuff (and the nun yelling shame). That is some psychological torture right there. 7. I can't talk about snow right now... it's just too soon.. Martin just likes to watch the world burn I swear... he is satan. Oh goodness I may need therapy after this episode. ![]() |
![]() 𝔫𝔶𝔱𝔪𝔞𝔯𝔢 🪶 June 16th, 2015 2:53:56am 1,069 Posts |
Okay, so - this is for anyone who is suffering from the depression of the "death" of Jon Snow..
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