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How did your animal get its name..?
![]() Kirre Potter March 31st, 2015 12:53:11pm 420 Posts |
I was thinking about the how we named ourself thread.. (kirre is so close to kimberley I sometimes go to action work documents online with kirre xD).. annddd I was wondering after reading how many of peoples names came from pets (beaux and whynn, i'm looking at you guys haha).. but how did your pets get their names?!
MY lovely pooch (it can be any animal! I just chose dog because I am slighly obsessed with yellow fuzz and didn't want to bump her out!) got her name as we got her as Bagel the Beagle.. which is attrocious.. annddddd I think she thought so too as she NEVER responded to it.. and if I use it now I get some hillarr looks of disgust.
So, we started using random words and T was like "Oi Dopamine" (we were discussing biology at the dinner table.. just roll with it haha) and she actually walked over.. which was HUGE coz when we got daiz she was a little bit psycho.. anyway - so it went from Dopamine to just "dopy" .. like the dwarf - which didn't sound too good so she became "daisy" as we got her used to life in a decent house.
So thats my round-about-story.. and my last dog was Cooinda - which means Happy meeting place.. like that feeling of being surrounded by family.. (we don't have an english word) in one of the indiginous dielects of Australa ^^ and she was goorrggeeouusss ♥ ![]() |
![]() Farewell's Paint Horses {one day at a time.} March 31st, 2015 4:06:11pm 1,065 Posts |
Okay! Get ready for a novel. :P I'm just going to do my current babies cause if I do past pets we will be here all day. lol
Levi came first as a birthday present from my aunt and uncle. They were getting out of breeding so BOOM I got a shih tzu named Levi. His registered name is Papi's Levi (his dad's name was Papi) super creative but I didn't pick it.
Next came Bonnie, who was my christmas present later the same year I got Levi. I got her as a little 1 pound ball of fuzz so I got to name her. I was trying to think of a registration name when outta no where the name Lakota's Bonfire came to me. Lakota was her daddy and she looks just like him. So, naturally, Bonfire turned to Bonnie and she sometimes gets called BonBon.
About 1.5 years go by and Les and I are living with my sister and one day she walks in with this little black kitten saying my aunt had called her to come rescue it from under some scrap metal in her back yard. She had planned to give her to my nephews, 4 and 2 at the time, and my first thought was "They are goin to torture this poor little thing with how rough they play." So I snatched her away and "rescued" her from them. Lol my sister and I originally picked out Aria but when Les came home from work and fell in love with the little thing he said she needed a new name if we were keeping her. So we searched for the next week until it came down to Ember, beacuse she has this brown undertone and when the sun hits her it looks like hot embers, and Nova, like super nova since she is black like space :P, we had a tough time choosing between them until she gained the nickname Novacaine beacuse Les kept a lanyard hanging out of his pocket all the time, that was hooked to his keys so he wouldn't lose them, after a few times of her clawing it he said that he needed so Novacaine after being around her too long. And that's Nova's story.
Fast forward to a week before christmas the same year we got Nova and I am cleaning our little house, moved out of my sisters. I go to open the door to put some trash out and this giant yellow lab just waltz's in like it's lived with us forever. I pet her for a second before kicking her out thinking she will head on home but nope she was there in the front yard waiting for me to open the door every time I stepped out. Even hours later when Les came home she was still there and even greeted him at his truck like "Omg my human is home!" even though she wasn't even ours. After he came home we went ahead and just let her inside. We had no intention of keeping her and she didn't have tags so we planned to try and find her home or find her a new one. But she needed a name so she wasn't just "Dog". After a little discussion sunddenly Les blurts out Sierra and I said yeah that works. He then laughed histerically while I was confused only to find out he picked Sierra after his truck. We later did find out where she came from and that her original name was Annabelle but the lady didn't want to keep her and after that she stuck with us and we kept the name Sierra.
And, last but not least, comes Kaiser who became quite famous here on HP the past few months I think. Lol He was the first dog we got, that we actually wanted, as a couple. Les had always wanted a Shepherd so when the thought of getting another dog came around there was no question in his mind that it had to be a male GSD. He had already had the name "Kaiser" picked out for years cause he thought it made a cool name for a shepherd. He still needs a registation name so if you have suggestions please send them my way!
And that is all of them. xD Told you it would be a novel! Bonus name, mini fare's name is Kable after the main character in an older film called Gamer. ![]() |
![]() BANNED March 31st, 2015 4:36:26pm 391 Posts |
Just a few of our current animals :) Kodas name is Koda because when we were looking for a puppy, we found one that looked like a giant puppy bear and from that point on, I had decided any dog we got would be named Koda (After Koda from Brother Bear). And it just kind of fit to go with his registered name which is ImageAussies Kodak Moment. Lucky (cat) got her name because we were moving years ago and my parents had gone to pick up the moving truck and as they were driving home (my mom was following my dad in the car) my mom noticed something hanging off the moving truck near the ramp thing. They pulled over and found this little kitten hanging on for dear life and brought her home. We named her Lucky because she honestly is lucky to be alive. Nemo (bird) got her name because she was born with a birth defect where one of her legs didn't form correctly so shes left with a leg that she can't stand on because its bent upward, and we named her Nemo after the fish because of it. Echo (bird) got her name because shes an African Grey and repeats just about everything we say.
![]() ★ Like a drum, baby, don't stop beating★ |
![]() Whynn • Main • Dragon Rider March 31st, 2015 4:48:48pm 608 Posts | when Whynn was given to me by this wonderful women named Ellen, her name was actually Windy. She was an ex race horse and her racing name was Windicator. I had no problem with the name Windy, I actually thought it was very pretty! Once I moved Whynn from Ellen's and to a boarding farm closer to my house, I realized there was another horse there named Windy who was a CRAZY mare that was always getting her owner into trouble (because obviously the horse was a trouble maker). All time people would talk about how Windy did this, Windy caused this and I always felt like they were talking about my wonderful girl! From then on when people would talk about Windy I would tell them 'not my Windy, shes Winderful'! A few months into having her I went to Vegas and stayed at the Wynn right after it has just opened. I was amazed by how much work they put into it and how beautiful the place was! My dad kept joking with me saying that Windy owned the hotel and I thought it was hilarious. Once I went home I started calling her Whynn instead of Windy (obviously it was not spelt like Whynn yet so I was saying Win). And eventually I changed the spelling all together and ended up with Whynnderful (Whynn for short). To me, Whynn is one of the most beautiful names in the world. And now my beautiful mare has the beautiful name :D ![]() |
![]() tronic ϟ love me back to life ♥ March 31st, 2015 5:29:44pm 4,524 Posts |
Smudge got her name from the rescue we adopted her from. She has a big ol' grey marking right on her face that looks like a smudge of soot. The name totally suited her and we thought it was pretty cute so we kept it. Bristol was named after Bristol Bay in Alaska. My husband and I used to live in Alaska, and his dad's side of the family is heavily into commercial fishing. They fish out of Bristol Bay, and that's where my hubby has fished out of as well. Alaska plays a big part of our lives, and we really think the name Bristol is pretty. So that's the name she got! :D She thinks it's pretty cool. :P ![]() |
![]() Cinch [Friesian Sport Horses] March 31st, 2015 6:18:33pm 43 Posts |
My Shetland Sheepdog x Maltese mix was intended to be Rio, I think. It's been almost three years, give me a break ;) Anyhow, when we went to pick him up, he hid in the back of this deep dog house, that they for some reason had NO way to get in the back where he was at. So, we ended up having to use a broom handle and scoot him up, or "chase" him out. When we got home, Rio or whatever just wasn't working for me. So it took a few days of trying to think of something that fit him, and Chase popped into my head due to the dog house story. So, Chase stuck with him, and it totally fits him as he LOVES to both chase things as well as have people/other dogs chase him.
Our pekingese we couldn't think of a name, other than Gremlin which we thought others would think we were cruel parents for, so I finally gave up and started calling him Peanut, but it just wasn't working for me. So one day I was talking to him, and "Rudolph" popped into my head, quickly followed by "Rudy". So I called "Rudy" out , and the little wiggle butt got all excited and came running. So Rudy stuck. xD |
Minette 🌙 can we, can we surrender March 31st, 2015 7:22:52pm 247 Posts |
Smokey was a dog that we were originally supposed to babysit for 2 weeks until his owners (an older couple) got back on their feet healthwise. 2 weeks turned into a month and eventually they just asked us to keep him. So he already had his name when we got him. His official name is Smokey Beau Bear because he has this dark gray hair going in a stripe down his back amongst all his red fur and it made them think of smoke so that's how he became Smokey.
I also named one of our goldfish Grumpy because he had a grumpy face on when I went to feed them once. :D ![]() ![]() |
![]() shaenne • March 31st, 2015 7:48:54pm 1,386 Posts |
I wish my animals had cute stories to go with their names, but they don't :P |
![]() R.oxxy Designs- READ PAGE ♔ Heavy is the head that wears the crown ♔ March 31st, 2015 10:28:18pm 428 Posts |
This is my cat Buki. I have a million names for her all like little pet names but her actual real name is buki. My mom was at a yard sale and thats where we got this little cutie.
How Buki got her name:
So on one of the Big Brother seasons on tv you had this couple Brendon and Rachel oh my gosh i hated them with a passion like you don't understand i really didn't even want to watch the show because of how annoying these two people were. But any way Rachel would always call Brendon buki or some variation of how its spelt i spell it Buki. And i just thought the name was adorable so i pretty much named her. XD |
![]() ![]() March 31st, 2015 11:48:50pm 30,152 Posts |
All my cats' names are pretty straight forward. Garfield is Garfield. Stripes is striped...XD Smokey is gray... Snowflake was pure white when he was born. Snickers is from a tortoiseshell-cat-name-database I found online...very fitting for a Tortie. Orangie is orange too..imagine that. lmao. Cheesepuff is orange and huge.. Panther is black. Whitey was white too when she was a kitten - now she's a cream calico. Callie is a calico too. XD Marbles has a marbled pattern in his fur. Tiger is striped like a Tiger. Truffles is a calico. Chip is a calico. Romeo, was, haha, a handsome stud..he's since been neutered LOL! The other ones- Twinkie, Jewel, Cuddles, Bubbles, just have to think up a name after a while haha. Altho, Puma kinda looks like a puma...a white/gray puma haha!! ![]() |
![]() Kirre Potter April 1st, 2015 12:20:05am 420 Posts |
Wow so many. I'm looking forward to reading these when work slows down!! Major excitement! ![]() |
![]() Schatten | American Quarter Horse April 1st, 2015 1:46:45am 173 Posts |
Okay my list of current pets: Roshky{Cat 18}: Not really sure we got him from my Grandmothers friend. Jersey{Dog 18}: We got Jersey off the side of the road and he is black and white so I named him after a Jersey cow though thier brown but oh well. Esther{Horse 14}: We were on a naming our animals Bible names. She thought she was miss thing from a newborn foal so we thought a queen name would fit her. So we named her Esther. Personally she needed a different name to fit her personality. Lucy{Dog 6}: We got Lucy from a breeder. I had a Shih-Tzu at the time named Charlie and so we had Charlie Brown and Lucy Lu. Moses{Horse 5}: Another Bible themed name. He has a heart on his forehead and so my mom said he has a heart for people like Moses. Sooo thus he got his name. Eliza{Dog 3}: I liked the name Elizabeth for a kid or a pet but thought it was a bit long to be yelling for a dog. So I looked up names that were shorter for Elizabeth and Eliza was one. She was a puppy from my moms dog. Gracie{Dog 3}: Gracie was named because God graced this puppy with life. She was the runt of her litter and was barely living and my mom had to nurse her back to health. She said she almost thought she died a few times but she is here. Momma{Cat}: She was a cat that just showed up who came to us pregnant so she was a momma. Lickers{Cat}: Because as a kitten he licked everything. Scar{Cat}: He has a scar like marking across his face. Grey{Cat}: Because she is grey Sylvester{Cat}: Because he reminded us of Sylvester the cartoon cat. Oscar{Cat}: Because everytime I looked at him thats what I thought to name him. Scat & Fraidy{Cats}: They are very nervous kittens so that was the first thing that came to mind. |
![]() ![]() April 1st, 2015 1:38:09pm 6,573 Posts |
Stellar got her name from the Incubus song :D ![]() ![]() |
![]() lunarie ∴ my my, those eyes like fire April 1st, 2015 1:58:52pm 1,487 Posts |
Eli and Emily got their names because their original names (Scooter and Frances, blegh) were awful. And since they're siblings, double E names just stuck xD Zoe got hers from who knows where... And Khan was named for Genghis Khan and Khan just sounds like a BA beardie name xD ![]() |
![]() Z.exious April 1st, 2015 3:12:37pm 400 Posts |
The caveat to this post by me is that all of my animals have too many nicknames xD Really, none of them go by their actual names. Gator and Snickers (my Paint gelding and my Maine Coon) both came with their names. I'm not particularly fond of either one but, for whatever reason, they just sort of stuck. My rabbit, Palladio, was named after one of my favorite pieces to play on the violin. I'm not sure why I thought bunny = violin = yes, but I did. xD And, finally, Spoopy (my Siamese kitten that Boyfriend got me for Christmas) was named because he is white like a spooky ghost xD /shot |
![]() ![]() April 1st, 2015 3:52:46pm 4,333 Posts |
Snickers / Mr. Doo - He was named Snickers by me before I got him because I liked the candy bar, and then everyone called him Snicker Doodle. Which eventually devolved into Snickydoo and Kittydoo until we eventually realized he only answers to the Doo part. So he just became Doo or Mr Doo. Sully - Came with his name. Noodle - Names after Mr. Noodle from Sesame Street! Inspired by a meme, haha. |
![]() duet 🌸 hiatus April 1st, 2015 10:58:33pm 39 Posts |
Our family dog Annie was literally named after Annie from The Parent Trap :) |
![]() Blitz -- Stellar Spare Upgrade April 1st, 2015 11:01:05pm 257 Posts |
Luke, my dog was named because I like the name Luke haha :P |
![]() Binny 🦄 [blitz watching] April 2nd, 2015 2:38:49am 2,907 Posts |
When I got Magoo, she named herself. She was like 4 months old (a box of 3 were found at my door in college). and she was lying on my lap 2 nights later and I was going through names to see her response and when I said Mr. Magoo she started purring! So it was Mr. Magoo, then I realized she was female, so I dropped the Mr. haha |
![]() a z a l i e - 🌵 2024 APHA World, Reserve and Bronze Champion [blitzy still watching] April 2nd, 2015 6:29:20pm 1,856 Posts |
--i have tux aka handsome aka handsome black aka handsome t cat(when he is in trouble) he is a black tuxedo cat --roadie aka roadis otis aka roadie odie aka brodis otis aka bodie odie was found on the side of the dirt road while i was riding --squeakers aka squeaks aka peak peaks aka peaky mcpeakerson actually squeaks if you pick him up --spencer aka spence aka baby boy aka professor spencent von wigglebottom the third aka pence was found in my backyard while watching killers and ashtons characters name was spencer --riskee aka ricky rickerdough i got.from my sister --skittles aka skittlebob aka skittle bittle bob was my husbands gmas cat...shes ancient --mamma kitty cuz shes a momma kitty --dinner guest aka din din cuz he only comes around at feeding time --eenie meanie miney and mo are brothers and sisters and momma kitties children --dolce is my dog and abby and tootsie are my husbands dogs(i dont claim them!) --sadie or pone pone is my pony --hercules was already named that when i got him --tuffy my qh mare got her name since shes a tomboy and hates everything girly! --my paint mare "bob" got her name from a husband calls her that and it just sorta and my mom call her fancy bob though! --my buckskin filly "NV" got her name since her registered name is RDRS Viva Las vegas and NV is nevadas state initials and it sounds like envy.... --i have two goats too but we just call them wittle goats i think thats it? ![]() |
![]() Kuwait | I Want My GSD! | April 3rd, 2015 12:15:44am 2,993 Posts |
Originally, I was hoping to get two cats, but only got one. If I had've gotten two, I was thinking of "Amaran" and "Mandu" or "Beetle" and "Pebble" or "Beetle" and "Spider". I ended up only getting one kitty and went with "Beetle" because it's cute, just like he is. ![]() |