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Training Contest - Yes/No to Tix/Shows

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Kyuubi || Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles
March 13th, 2015 8:15:45pm
275 Posts

So I'm planning on doing a dog training contest in June and would like to know what is considered an awesome prize for 1st, 2nd, 3rd & participation places? I've already been suggested Upgrades, but which month upgrades? year, 6 month, 1 month? Is HBP suitable to offer as a prize - how much HPD would be worthy - on the account of show spots is that considered a no to offer?

What are considered awesome prizes for contests?

So that was the first question I asked, just decided to re-use this thread to ask a similar question. Just to see if my idea is worth saving the RL funds for the following placings or if I need to re-think it since I have about 2.5 months to really save.

1st Place:  1 year upgrade

2nd Place: 6 month upgrade

3rd Place: 1 month upgrade

Participation: 5 HPB

What do you guys think?


Re-using this thread once more -- I know in previous comments I was saying no to tix/shows since I'll have a project dog going at the same time but after thinking a bit I'm shelling out a lot of rl money for amazing prizes and want the dogs in this contest to end with a good amount of points since I will be buying them (with the prizes) so I was wondering if I allowed either tix or shows, not both what would the preference be? Like I'm not expecting someone to go out of their way to go insane on buying tix/shows from other players just like using your own if you have some spare of something.

For example: I have 10 sets of tix/private shows for myself to use, if I was in this type of contest where one is allowed then I would just use my own but not go out buying from other players. That's just the sort of logic I'm thinking of in dealing with this topic but I do want opinions since I know you can get a fair amount from just publics/association shows too.

Also is 13 years old to old of an age to end a training contest at?



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Binny 🦄 [blitz watching]
March 14th, 2015 10:48:57pm
2,907 Posts

I would first calculate what someone would spend on 90 private spots/shows for their entry. IF you were to offer HPD as a prize, I would expect to almost double what I would have spent. For me, I wouldnt put all this money into a contest for the chance to JUST win it back right?

Upgrades are great prizes (6 or 12 - again compairing with the amount people will spend to win), also free tickets.
If you were able to get graphic makers to donate an image, or pay them for an image as a prize that would be good to (maybe for a 3rd place?).

Thats my input for now.. good luck!!


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Kyuubi || Health Issues :(
March 15th, 2015 8:04:41am
428 Posts

Thank you for the input Binny! (and for the luck too)

I was thinking of not letting people use private shows in this contest just cause I'll be doing a project dog at the same time and I want to make sure I can get spots unless of course it's their own shows if they want to use them. Even so HPD might be out of the question with what you said, so I think I might garner a better chance with some RL saving for funds for this, ha.


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Kirre Potter
March 15th, 2015 9:40:00am
420 Posts

Upgrades a much more of a draw card than HPD in my opnion.. if you say oh you can win 150mill on this contest I automatically start calculating what i've spent to get that 150 back... but if you say omg here win a 6 month upgrade my brain goes to thinking about what I could do with that upgrade haha. Even if you just put 150 asside to pay someone else to upgrade (if you're not down with spending USD on the upgrades yourself) - Just my 5 cents worth :) 


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Kyuubi || Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles
March 17th, 2015 2:44:06am
275 Posts

Thank you for your opinion Kirre! ^^

Now I just need to figure if what I'm thinking of offering for the placings will garner participation in this contest.



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Cinch [Friesian Sport Horses]
March 17th, 2015 3:53:26am
43 Posts

Would you be allowing private shows/dog tickets? I most likely would. :)


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Farewell's Paint Horses {home and recovering. tying to catch up.}
March 17th, 2015 9:29:40am
1,044 Posts

Awesome prizes! I'd consider it depending how long you ran it.



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Administrator BLiTZ 🎆 hello, 2025
March 17th, 2015 6:20:58pm
6,522 Posts

I would definitely enter! :D



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Kyuubi || Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles
March 18th, 2015 12:08:45am
275 Posts

@Cinch - Still thinking about that, thought of just getting the prizes in order so I could start saving for it haha.



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Audacious [rip daddy♥] [blitz watching!]
March 18th, 2015 2:17:19am
2,126 Posts

I'd enter :D

Paints since 6-8-14


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Kyuubi || Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles
March 18th, 2015 5:23:01pm
275 Posts

Also good to know that these are considered good prizes ^^

@Farewell - I'll be able to map out the length better as I get closer to breeding the project dog I'll have going around the same time. I just have to breed the generation inbetween first, but I'd like to get prizes, and the set up for this contest put together before hand of course so I have less to worry about remembering to do. (if that made any sense)

I also have this Pony Club Camp in June, but they haven't totally confirmed the dates yet so it'll also depend on when that happens too.



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Cinch [Friesian Sport Horses]
March 18th, 2015 6:14:14pm
43 Posts

I'd be more inclined to enter a no tickets/shows bit, but that's primarily because I don't have the funds like others have xD But that being said, I'd still probably enter to give myself a "goal" xD 


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V.ersace -l TBs l-
March 18th, 2015 6:44:32pm
62 Posts

Like Cinch I would also be more inclined to enter a no show/tickets contest.


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Kyuubi || Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles
March 20th, 2015 6:25:43pm
275 Posts

@Cinch & Versace - After some debating I'm thinking it would just be easier on me too if I didn't allow private shows & tix, like for my sanity since I'll be doing a project as well during the whole contest.



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chelsea // american quarter horses
May 8th, 2015 5:59:52pm
55 Posts

Has this started?


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Kyuubi || Health Issues :(
May 9th, 2015 6:40:27pm
428 Posts

Nope, this contest isn't going to start till August since it's going to take me a while to get the funds in rl (show season and pc camp have stolen the funds I already had for it) for it but I'm wanting to get opinions since this is the first training contest I've ever done.


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