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Mr. Punch - The Introduction to the Tribute

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N.aima 8 & Farewell {2025-04-08} {نعيمة} ✝️🍹MR PUNCH FOR 2025 MASCOT
February 10th, 2025 12:54:27pm
44 Posts

For as long as her parents can remember, 35-year old Naima has had this crazy dream. She has always wanted a broodmare -- a mommy horse -- that could give birth to a baby horse -- that could then grow up to become a racing champion.
"Absolutely, this was a fairy tale for her from day one. We put it off for so long, because we don't have a farm," Naima's father Jim said.

Why doesn't he just say no? "Well...she has me wrapped around her finger."

Her foal -- an New England standardbred -- was born in the spring of 2025. She named him Mr. Punch.

"I really loved him," Naima said of her first time meeting Mr Punch. "He's super soft too."
Sweet, but that quick bond posed a real problem for Jim. See, for whatever reason, Jim thought once he explained to his daughter that her horse could never race -- that it was a runt from poor breeding stock -- she would just agree to sell it. But obviously not.
"She's like, there's no price daddy. So I'm talking to my wife and it's like, we really got ourselves in a mess here. And I don't know how we're going to get out of this," Jim said. "So we stake him to the races.This horse that I thought we should have gotten rid of already."
Naima said her dad couldn't see what she saw in Punchie. "He didn't believe in him."

So now Jim's committed to boarding and training a horse that has no logical reason to race. And this is not a wealthy family. Jim runs a small logistics company. New England racing -- which is harness-style racing -- is a $900 million a year industry.



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N.aima 8 & Farewell {2025-04-08} {نعيمة} ✝️🍹MR PUNCH FOR 2025 MASCOT
February 10th, 2025 1:01:15pm
44 Posts

Share your own "impossible" story that ended in a success for $1,000,000 HPD

**You have until 2/15/25 at 12 PM to complete.**

**Participants will also receive 1 raffle ticket for completing this activity. Raffle prize TBD (but it will be something big like a full layout code of any type with graphic manip or an upgrade, etc)**



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Jaya • I can be brave in the moment
February 10th, 2025 1:20:01pm
27,970 Posts

I thought it was impossible for me to lose weight, but I made some dietary changes and I've been working really hard to get (a lot) more steps in, and I'm down 5 pounds from when I last checked! Hopefully the impossible keeps working for me. ;)


I'm excited to see how far you guys take him!



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Content Moderator ɹ o ʇ ǝ l l ǝ ʞ s
February 10th, 2025 5:37:31pm
4,561 Posts

What a gorgeous story! I love a captivating underdog! 

I thought it would be impossible for me to return to University as a mature-age student and actually DO a degree while juggling motherhood and a full-time job, and if I did, I'd do an awful job of it and probably fail.
4 years later and I'm on the home stretch, every unit has earned high distinctions, and I'm on path to graduate with honours. Next step: Developing my manuscript for publishing. Never did I imagine I'd be able to achieve this.

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