Official Horse Phenomena > Suggestions > Post Reply
Suggestion/Feedback Summary, Aug-Oct 2024
BLiTZ 🎆 hello, 2025 November 5th, 2024 5:59:01pm 6,522 Posts |
Suggestions/Feedback Summary, Aug-Oct 2024First, I would like to apologize for not posting these for a few months. As you all know, at the beginning of September when the August post would have been done, I was going through issues with my adhd meds, so the idea of sitting down to go through the submissions for August was a herculean task I wasn't up to. By the time the meds got sorted, we were half-way through the month so I figured I would just do August and September together at the start of October, but then I got busy trying to prep everything both online and off for my Disney trip at the start of October, so THAT didn't happen. Then once I was back from that a) it was the middle of the month again, and b) I've been sick with a series of colds/sinus issues so haven't felt like looking at it. Now here we are in November, so this will be a multi-month post, separated out based on which month things were submitted. Without further ado... Every month, by request, I will be making a post summarizing that month's anonymous suggestions/feedback, and my response to them. Each submission will have also been shared with the other admins for their feedback as well (especially if the submission specifically pertains to their job), and their views are also expressed here in my summary, as indicated. Feedback from other admins is in their words...I just copy and paste it into the post.
August#1: You know how we get messages when we get a new achievement? Would it be possible to change it so isntead of only saying "you have been awarded the following achievements: xxx" we can add at the end "and now you have xx hpp" ? I know it shows in our events but it'd be nice to see it right there when checking the message about it. I just took a look at the code for that, thinking it should be fairly straight forward, only to realize that it involves some of the nightly crons that run, and the way it's coded actually isn't as simple to add that into the message and I thought it would be. At this point, I try to avoid messing with the crons unless they're broken seeing as they're what makes the game function, so right now I'm not willing to mess around to make this work, sorry! You'll have to just look at your events. #2: Is it possible to get a forum section for club presidents to post on? ... #3: Please ignore the club president forum question. I found it after I had sent it. I must have been too tired. lol -ignores it- :P #4: Is it possible to do a crossbreed, so that GSD x King Shepherd = King Shepherd? Done! #5: Are there any plans in action to update/alter how Embassies work in order to increase the activity and give them a bit more of a 'point' beyond it being a nice string to add to a players bow? At the moment so many of them are functionally inactive, it would be nice to see them given a little more of a purpose - even the monthly embassy spotlight that was happening a while back was a really nice little touch to help encourage engagement with the chosen embassy/breed. Also whether it would be possible for people to have 2 embassies of the same species, even if the embassy cap still remained at 2 per person in total? Personally I've zero interest in dog breeds but would happily have 2 (active) horse embassies, and likewise I know players who focus on dog breeds and aren't fussed about representing horse breeds. Just a thought - and thank you! Koni says: Hey there! Yes, there are some plans. Unfortunately, life has a way of getting in the way of plans sometimes and that is kind of what happened. I don’t want to make excuses, but I’m now on a better path of things and we should have things in motion around the 1st of the year in 2025! We are certainly open to that idea if players are! I'll post another poll here shortly to see how players lean and go from there. #6: I think players should not be able to delete their bid in the auctions if they're the highest bidders. It's said to see things go from a few hundred million down to nothing because one person deletes all their bids and others adjust it to be lower. I'm assuming this is referring primarily to the graphic auctions? I discussed this with the other admins and we had the following thoughts: - If we made it so the highest bid person had to contact an admin to have their bid deleted, then it would fall to us to get to it immediately before the bid gets accepted. So...if anyone has any thoughts on this one, or ideas, please feel free to reply to this with them. Barring of course that whatever is suggested is something I could actually implement with my coding skills! #7: I've noticed some players who are running clubs have their requirements set a bit to steep. I've also noticed that same player leaves hundreds of animals to be accepted next term or doesn't accept them in a timely manner period. Koni says: Hey there! We always encourage club’s to have requirements so that they aren’t getting flooded, as well as so there is more of a challenge to get into them. I know many of them also offer way’s around those specific requirements such as HPD donations to the club for each animal. As for the player leaving 100s of animals, please let me know who! I’m not able to check each individual club daily for acceptance of the registry, so if there is one player who does this continuously I’d certainly want to get it under control for you all!
SeptemberThere were no submissions for the month of September!
October#1: What happened with embassies? I know in August some ambassadors were notified to get theirs filled out before the end of the month. Some of them didn't, and the embassies are still there (as of me submitting this). Koni says: You’re so right! And this kind of goes with the above comment as well. I did go through each embassy back in August with plans to delete inactive ones in early September. Many responded saying they were having issues with coding, so I gave some grace in September with the plan to message players again in October. Then, well, life! Now that I’m back on with a fairly good grasp on my own time again, there will be some updates and we will be deleting some fairly soon! #2: Cats! We have dogs, foxes, mythical, wild animals etc as options now, I’d LOVE to see cats being added (since barn cats are a huge part of life, it could be fun!)
#3: A way to purchase upgrades with HPB as well as HPD, maybe in the cash shop? Even if it’s just for 1 months, for all of us with lots of HPB to spend Sam has addressed this suggestion in the past, way back in 2015 HERE...she her reply to Sass' question. |
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BLiTZ 🎆 hello, 2025 November 5th, 2024 5:59:19pm 6,522 Posts |
-bump- |
SaturniaᛉContest winners announced!! November 5th, 2024 7:18:27pm 3,988 Posts |
Thanks for all the updates Blitz and Koni! This is great to see/hear 💕 |
utakata -✨-{main; dwbs}- - and that, love, was that November 6th, 2024 3:13:21am 1,551 Posts |
Thank you Koni for the hints about updates to Embassies, I'll keep an eye out for that poll! ^^ |
Panthera Onca .:. The Night Floof 🐆 November 6th, 2024 12:04:51pm 29,781 Posts |
I love that us cat lovers still love to push the button every so often. xD #catsforhp |
Kuwait | Not Reserving Tix | November 6th, 2024 5:14:34pm 2,970 Posts |
I could have sworn Auto shows were $125/$150, but just noticed they're $175. Am I imagining/misremembering things? |
awd ○ Mustangs [main!] November 7th, 2024 1:13:38am 697 Posts |
Thanks for the updates! |
Lynelle! ♔ Holiday Schedule Causing Delays November 7th, 2024 8:20:27am 2,046 Posts |
ooo 2 embassys?! I would be interested in that!! I would love to get the embassy's active again!! (including my own) |
MagicFlame November 7th, 2024 4:18:56pm 193 Posts |
I'm also going to keep an eye out for any updates on the embassies. Really interested and FINALLY onto my 3rd generation of Irish Draughts! |
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