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HPP Cash Shop Prices
Samantha - see page to know who to contact directly! February 4th, 2015 11:20:45pm 4,333 Posts |
Hey everyone!
As you may have noticed the prices in the cash shop for points is pretty high right now! It is totally temporary, but it's come up a few times in chat today so I figured I would address it here!
Basically a little while back, we realized that people were accumulating hundreds of achievement points because for some reason achievements were awarding multiple times. So in an effort to stop people from buying hundreds of deages and retirement breedings with the glitch, we just raised the prices until we could figure it all out!
The glitch itself is fixed now! But the points still need to be dropped down the the correct amounts. I am planning to do this over the weekend because it will be kind of time consuming to do!
You may have noticed that the prices for things in HPP went way up a couple of days ago - that's because the glitch was fixed, so I brought the prices back down, not realizing that the points were not fixed yet. So to keep people from using the incorrect points I just added 2 zeros to the end of each price so that when it comes time to drop them down I can remember what they are supposed to be set at.
I hope that clears up some confusion!
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