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What do you miss about the old (and I mean ancient) horseland?

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January 22nd, 2015 11:15:37pm
3 Posts

I'm talking late 90's, early 00's. Sporks and toasters. Absent. Just Better. Deych. Before shockwave, before any sort of graphics aside from the really, really old ones (some of which are still on their site, which makes me laugh) and when the game was setup through cgi-bin workings...


I miss the community. Before I was a part of the "elite" group, they might not have talked to me much BUT for the most part everyone was friendly. There were always some crazies and trolls, of course. But I would sign onto AIM and immediately get invited to hl chats or auctions. It was pretty fun (at the time). There were always rude people but I think people kept a lot of it to themselves or amongst their little clique instead of bringing everyone down.

I also miss the time I spent at my BFF's house - she was my partner - we'd stay up till all hours of the morning training (before we 'figured it out' as far as scripting) and eat snacks, listen to music, play neopets on the side, write notebooks full of name ideas for horses... hahahaha. Ohhh childhood.


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Event Coordinator ephemira 🎵 gucci 🪽
November 14th, 2015 3:38:45pm
4,387 Posts

I agree, Fael. The larger community was great. I loved the feeling of winning a club that two or more people were also running for.

When PixXy helped with her club sponsarships. 

When gutter was the Unicron Lord!

Training was so much of a compition, you spent hours on one horse to get it to 300-500k in a day or two.

I had the second highest pointed Olden, when he was at age 13? I believe. Not much of a satisfying goal, but a goal nonetheless I suppose.



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