Binny 🦄 [blitz watching] February 15th, 2024 11:59:16am 2,907 Posts |
Yes, you read that title right.
Let's be real. The day after Valentine's Day is the real holiday. Candy is like 70% off! What could be better? On HP, we celebrate with our own Discount Candy Day! It's the perfect day to send your HP Valentine(s) a gift!
It's the official Discount Candy Day. It's better than the day after Halloween. And not just because everything is bathed in my favorite color (PINK), but because the chocolate is even cheaper than the day after Halloween! Winning!
Soo, what is my point you ask? Ah! Because it's the perfect day to send your HP Valentine(s) a gift!
Today we will be doing mini HPD grab bags with a twist - you must send them to someone else!
Each grab bag will be 10 mill HPD ($10,000,000), and you can send as many as you want to, but they MUST be for other people, and you can only send one to each person you send to!
The bags will all contain one surprise gift in them :).
We are offering mini HPD grab bags with a twist - you must send them to someone else!
Each grab bag will be 10 mill HPD ($10,000,000), and you can send a gift to as many players as you want to, but they MUST be for other people (no sending to yourself, sorry!), and you can only send one to each person you send to!
The bags will all contain one surprise gift in them.
Want to send some surprises out? Here's what you do:
1. Send the appropriate amount of HPD to account #1, and in the reason line, put the ID's of the people getting a grab bag. Please send the ID's separated by a comma. (If you want to send more than what fits in that field, please send account #1 the full list of IDs in a message.)
2. Message account #1 if you want to include a special message along with your Discount Candy gift, or if you want me to keep the sender anonymous!
3. I will get them sent out!
You can send the HPD for grab bags until 10:00am HP time February 16th!
I will do my best to get all of them sent out AS SOON AS I POSSIBLY CAN, but depending on the volume, it may take a few days for all of the gifts to be distributed (I do work full time outside of HP, with 2 boys in Hockey!) so please be patient.
Happy Discount Candy Day!