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Reading Challenge 2015
Concourse [but as she was leaving, it felt like breathing] January 8th, 2015 2:37:52am 2,902 Posts |
Every year I set my reading goals and track them on With baby number 1 due in April, this year I only set my goal to '20' books. I am almost 100% positive I will go over this amount, but I am not 100% sure so I am not changing it. I did however, entertain the idea to complete a reading challenge of 52 books. Do you guys set goals? Accept challenges? Or is this just something that crazy ole me does?
^^ You can read more about it there.
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Kirre Potter January 8th, 2015 7:04:55am 420 Posts |
I think this is a stellar idea! Absolutely something I'd be interested in attempting! We should make a topic of book club and everyone posts it and just edits with what they've read? :) |
Samantha - see page to know who to contact directly! January 8th, 2015 3:21:25pm 4,333 Posts |
I like that idea, Kirre :). I've never actually formally had a goal, but I used to read about a book and a half a week, and when I actually have time to read I still do. Unfortunately, I'll read like 10 books over 2 months and then not read again for awhile. It's not helping that the price of all the books on my Nook went up :(. In any event! I'd be willing to set a goal and I'd love to see what other people have on their lists :). I love Carl Hiaassen, so getting through more of his books would definitely be on my list! |
Blitz -- Stellar Gypsy Vanners January 8th, 2015 11:05:41pm 1,308 Posts |
Last year I had my goodreads goal set to 70 and I read over 100! I was amazed. :P |
Concourse [but as she was leaving, it felt like breathing] January 8th, 2015 11:35:56pm 2,902 Posts |
Whoo, just let me know when the other thread gets posted. I have two books of the challenge finished (Step on a Crack by James Patterson was kinda dumb, but I followed it up with Revival by Stephen King which was awesome, then right at the end it turned into the stuff of nightmares) |
Schatten | American Quarter Horse April 9th, 2015 2:25:56am 173 Posts |
I have a goal of 100 books this year and I am hoping to officially make that or over |
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