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2023 ~ 24DOC ~ Day 5 - Closed!

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Content Moderator Moorfine {Empire of Unruly Unicorns} - Let your soul gravitate to the love, y'all
December 4th, 2023 11:44:27pm
1,975 Posts

Happy December all! For today's event, I am hosting something very dear to me; Random Acts of Kindness!

I want to hear about all of the things that you lovely people do in your everyday lives that are random acts of kindness. This can be as simple as stopping to open the door for someone and letting them go into a store before you, letting someone cut in front of you at a store in the checkout line, or if you volunteer somewhere during the year!

Was there a time that sticks out in your mind? 

Prize will be 5k points on an animal of your choice, or 2.5 mill! 

You will have until Friday the 8th at 8am HP time to share your RAK!

Please state which prize (and horse/dog ID if choosing points) with your reply!

*only one entry per person will count*

Posted a tiny bit early so I can get to bed and don't miss posting tomorrow morning before work! :D



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arzu // AmStaffies 🐾💜 Upgrades for sale! ISO dtix
December 5th, 2023 3:10:43am
237 Posts

We have an elderly client at work that had a pretty sick kitty a few months ago. She was extremely upset bc it was the anniversary of her late husbands passing and her daughter had just given birth so she wanted to go meet her new grandbaby but didn't want to leave the cat home alone since he was so sick. I own a pet sitting business on the side, which she didn't know at the time. She had no clue how she was going to medicate this cat while she was home let alone while she was gone. So I offered to come medicate the cat for her and take care of him while she was away at no charge. She was in tears by the end of her appointment and while it was something so simple it felt so good to see what a big impact it made on her. The cat got much better while she was away so she got to come home to a happy healthy cat and no expensive boarding bills. Pet sitting is a very rewarding gig (feels good to give owners peace of mind while they are away), but that was by far my most rewarding pet sit to date and my random act of kindness :D

Points to please (:



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Naima {نعيمة} ✝️🎨 and her Phenomenal Paints
December 5th, 2023 5:37:17am
2,272 Posts

It may be small, but I love when I can help an older customer in the grocery store with finding something or reaching something etc.

HPD please!



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Binx [1] ‹𝖒𝖆𝖎𝖓› • British Spotted Ponys
December 5th, 2023 9:19:32am
5,088 Posts

One day at the grocery store an elderly women had dropped one of her grocery items so I went over to her and pick up the item for her and put it back into her basket. 

HPD please!

Remember who stood by your side as you rebuilt yourself. Those are your people.❤️


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Jaya • If you wanna survive, burn bright
December 5th, 2023 9:44:23am
27,686 Posts

So at the local grocery store, there's a mechanical horse near the entrance. I know it (I mean, in general. I'm sure not the exact one) was there when I was a kid, and it's still there. It costs one penny to get a ride on it. So I brought in a a dollar's worth (yeah, about one hundred pennies) and left them at the base of it, so that other kids can get a ride even if their parents don't have a penny to spare, or just don't have a coin.

Everyone loves to ride Sandy!


points to dog #168668 please



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City of Angels - Home of Calamity
December 5th, 2023 10:37:51am
4,026 Posts

So, I couldn't think of a single nice thing I actually do (I'm sure I do, but not that I can think of. Lately I've been the recipient of kind gestures as having a baby is tough), so I was speaking to my friend.

"You are one of the kindest people I know. I haven't known you very long but you somehow know when I need someone to talk to and always invite me out for cake and a chat, and somehow I feel like I'm actually being listed too" 

Does this count? 

Please can I save any points to my project foal born in a couple of weeks? 



Rosa is awesome, Rosa is fine, Rosa didn't write this...


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Little Wolf 🏳️‍🌈 Only when it is dark enough can you see the stars 💜
December 5th, 2023 10:58:49am
109 Posts

I work at a retail drug store and we are pretty close to a hospital so we get a lot of paramedics that come in to use our facilities and buy snacks and drinks in between calls. Around the holidays I like to buy a bunch of coffee or sub shop gift cards (not a huge amount obviously, just $5-$10 cards) and give them to the first responders just to say thank you. We also had a pretty crazy month of November and had to call the police multiple times (in the span of one week we had a gentleman that climbed up on to our roof and then we had a bomb threat called in, so that was fun.) I would love to do something for our local precinct this year for Christmas but I'm not sure what yet.

Points to Supernatural please! =)



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Content Moderator ɹ o ʇ ǝ l l ǝ ʞ s
December 5th, 2023 5:19:37pm
4,420 Posts

I used to work in a hospital as a Food Distribution monitor, taking patient's menus and liaising with Speech/Dietetics to make sure patients were given the appropriate diet. 

There was an elderly Polish woman that was admitted, she spoke not a word of English and was clearly in distress. She had no family accompanying her, and no phone to contact any family. The nursing staff were doing their very best to find a translator, but had no luck. I got creative and found a translating app on my phone, and used it to communicate with her, and we were able to track down her family who were in Melbourne, 2 hours away, and clueless as to her whereabouts. She was overwhelmed with gratitude and the family very kindly sent me flowers as a thank you. 

May I please have points to:

jjrZPQp.gif ApFSLNf.gif gisaYrC.gif


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Gothika - SEA's ( Happy Holidays! )
December 5th, 2023 5:30:02pm
1,200 Posts

Its not much but what I always LOVE is that there is a random person I met on the internet, and shes sending me random gifts like supplements for my dog, huge birthday boxes and cookies. She loves sending these randomly, and I'm always suprised by what's coming to my door next. I'm really gratefull for her. She even gifted me a PS4 console and a bunch of games.

I enjoy doing the same thing. Not long ago I made a cake with lemon and blueberry, and gifted half of it to someone else. I also like making random gifts for my friends or buying random stuff for them just because I can.
In my free time I also visit a man in his 60's who feels lonely, jsut to chat and drink a coffee :)

Any points to

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🦆 Lakra 2 - (Ali-Mooses)
December 5th, 2023 5:37:14pm
501 Posts

Um not even sure were to start lol i am aways helping others. Guess one of the resent ones would be helpimg an family do christmas. And an handfull of other stuff 


money or points is fine


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Chance -----> The Thoroughbred Factory
December 5th, 2023 5:42:13pm
357 Posts

I'm always a very considerate driver. I hate when people cut people off or don't let others merge/pull out. I'll stop or slow down and wave people in. No one in my area does this, they're always in a hurry. But I feel like just that little thing goes a long way. A wave and a smile goes a long way! I'll do that in stores too if someone walks past me. It's just nice to be friendly and not treat people like they're invisible.  


Points to horse 402638 please!


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Administrator BLiTZ 🎆 hello, 2025
December 5th, 2023 8:52:18pm
6,522 Posts

I always make a point of making sure the other support staff at my schools are thanked and complimented when they least expect a support staff myself who's the only one in my position at one school and one of two at the other who rarely get thanks but often get jobs added to our plates, I want them to know they're appreciated.

Sometimes that means surprising them with a coffee when they least expect it, sometimes it's a thank you or a compliment when not expected.

It always "fills my bucket" (as we say in schools lol) to see the happy shocked look on their face when I do it...hopefully that random act of kindness brightens their day unexpectedly!


(also...people with school-aged kids...don't forget about yourr support staff at their's not just about the teachers! ;) )

Points to please! ♥



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SaturniaᛉContest winners announced!!
December 5th, 2023 10:42:51pm
3,988 Posts

I would like the HPD please ^-^ 

Random acts of kindness .. well I work at a residental treatment center for teens, so I go out of my way daily to do things that will brighten their day or help them out. Sometimes it's staying late after I've clocked out just to sit and talk to them when theyre going through hard things, I've given them my lunches/snacks before when they were hungry and forgot to bring a lunch! 
Outside of work, steph and I just this past weekend bought breakfast for an officer who was standing in line behind us.


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December 5th, 2023 11:18:08pm
16 Posts

My random act of kindness was doing an angel tree donation :)

Points to


Please and thank you



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↬ JADE 🖤 shake those stars from your hair, pretty moonchild
December 5th, 2023 11:58:09pm
3,849 Posts

I always try to compliment people's outfits or hairstyles whenever I'm out and about! I love how they immediately appreciate being noticed, especially for a conscious style choice they made more than their physical appearance. You never know what someone is going through, and sometimes the simplest compliment can brighten their day. I also love buying Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts for the person behind me in the drive-thru if I can swing it; I've already done it two times this month. Tis the season! (:

Points to dog #168668, please! ♥



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utakata -✨-{main; dwbs}- - and that, love, was that
December 6th, 2023 10:33:11am
1,551 Posts

'Random' acts of kindness are a little bit of a struggle for me because most of this year I've been too unwell to get out and about much. Lately, as I've got stronger, most of my acts of kindness are very horse-based, because (at least in the UK), the horse world can be quite a stressful environment to be in, especially during the winter. It's time, money, and energy consuming and people pour their hearts and souls into their horses; whether they own their own or work on yards, and there is so, so much judgement - especially on social media, it's basically impossible to do anything 'right' by everyone's standards.

Recently I've been helping a new friend back her young horse - I used to work with young dressage horses professionally, but this has not been for work. She is an experienced horse woman who adores her youngster but has zero experience of starting them under saddle, and watching her bond with her young horse grow, and both of their understanding of how to make learning fun and interesting as well as productive develop whilst I've been helping them, has been so enjoyable. So, not super 'random', but hopefully that's okay!

Also piping up on City's behalf, because she gifted me an iPad very unexpectedly and very randomly, and it has meant that I can read piano sheet music easily and without having to print up paper copies - which, in a year where I have had to be at home a lot, has been a real lifeline. So thank you, City. ^^


If I could please save any points (if eligible) for a foal that will be born at the end of the month, that would be great please?!




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Kayla Gayle ~~ One Piece Greyhounds ~~ Working a new job
December 6th, 2023 11:34:08am
370 Posts

It's hard to recall any one thing because of the randomness. I really don't think about it. 

However, one that does stick out is I was in line to get groceries at the store. The person ahead of me had some staple groceries and a few treats. She got to the front of the line and it turned out she was short about $5 or $6, so had to put stuff away. Her kid looked disappointed when the treats went bye bye. I decided to do a nice thing and told her I would pay for the treat for the kid. It was one time I actually had enough to do this. She at first said no, but I told the cashier to ring it up and I swiped my card. She was pretty happy and so was the kid.

Points to Uta



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g r i m o i r e » home to The High Priestess
December 6th, 2023 11:46:08am
152 Posts

I've been taking care of my sick dad while I juggle the care for my 5 month old. 


Points on:


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lostcause 🎃💀🍂🍁
December 6th, 2023 3:05:44pm
203 Posts

I try to do RAK anywhere I can, whether its entertaining the child of a parent who's trying to cash out of a store or holding doors open. I also help several of my neighbors by horse sitting whenever they need to go away for a few days/weeks.

Points to horse #407731 please!


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Okapii 🖤 don't know how to love you when, I am broken too
December 6th, 2023 4:01:51pm
135 Posts

I don't really leave the house *to* be kind so I think the kindest thing I've done recently is help out a returning HP player with free art 😅

points to go on horse #408499



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December 6th, 2023 5:46:16pm
25 Posts

I have bought groceries for several fellow moms on local facebook groups. I understand what it's like to be terrified that you will have no money after paying bills at the end of the month, wondering how you will feed those babies.

Points to scathe please :)


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