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November 2023 ~ Player of the Month!

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Administrator 🐈~Broken Vow~☘️
November 7th, 2023 5:20:17pm
8,842 Posts

Reminder About Crediting Background Images!
-Yes I'm behind on the Trick-or-Treating goodies! It's on my to-do list for this week! :D
Thanks for hanging in there with me!


Congratulations to our November's Player Spotlight Winner!

Little Wolf!

Little Wolf (#34319) is our quiet but mighty club supporter!

...Community Chatter...

These little shout-outs come from various players, not just staff!
"Little Wolf is super nice and has some amazing lines! Love them."
"Very dedicated to the rare breeds! Little Wolf is great!"

...Interview Questions...

Anyone who wins P.o.t.M. can answer as many or all of the questions as they want or feel comfortable answering!

~...HP Questions...~
1. How did you first learn about us?
I found HP while feeling particularly nostalgic about my old Horseland days and did a search for similar games.

2. What is your favorite thing about HP?
I love that it has kept the "old school" sim game feel and it's just a nice way to relax and unwind after work.

3. How long have you been playing for?
I actually joined in 2013 and for some reason never actively started playing. I came back in 2021 and I've been here every day since.

4. How did you come up with your player name?
Little Wolf is actually the last name of a character from a fanfiction based on one of my favorite book series that I started and never finished writing. XD

5. What is your favorite breed of horse or dog to train?
I am especially fond of terriers and also really enjoy the breed to achieve breeds. I currently have three different kinds of Doodles and Labrabulls.

6. What caused you to pick the breed(s) you train and breed?
I tend to get attached to random, rare breeds that catch my fancy. I'm definitely a bit of a breed hoarder.

7. How do you come up with names for your animals?
Usually episode names of TV series that I like or songs by my favorite artists.

8. What are your current goals on HP?
Just to keep my lines going and I generally aim for at least 1.5 million points for my dogs and 2 million for horses. I don't use extra private shows or tickets for my animals, just train them myself, so their points aren't anything too grand.

9. Do you have a favorite animal? (It can be your own or another player’s you admire!)
I don't think I can choose just one!

10. Who’s your go-to graphic artist or coder? Are there any services you offer?
There are so many talented people here but I must say utakata and Tragedy have both made some lovely graphics for me.

11. What is your favorite Site-Wide yearly event?
I love Halloween so I'd have to say the Trick or Treat event.

12. What other contests or activities do you usually participate in?
I really enjoy animal hunts and guess the breeds.

13. Do you have any training or breeding tips to share?
I am definitely no expert and actually would welcome any tips or feedback from the veteran trainers.

14. Which seasonal layout art is your favorite?

15. If you could change one thing about HP, what would it be and why?
Not a thing, never change HP! :)

16. What do you spend most of your time on HP doing?
Training the kiddos

17. What is your favorite Club?
Bookworms Anonymous

~...Real Life & Random Questions...~
1. Where are you from?
Florida, USA

2. Does your place of residence have any sort of quirky history fact or legend/tradition, and if so, what is it?
The legend of the Florida Man. XD

3. What do you do for work?
I'm a veteran retail worker

4. Do you own any horses or dogs?
My current living situation unfortunately doesn't allow for a dog at the moment. I have to make do with my pixel pups.

5. Do you have any other types of pets at home?
Not unless you count the small army of freeloading squirrels outside.

6. What are your favorite breeds of horse and dog?
I love Draft breeds and Great Danes. The bigger the better.

7. Do you have any hobbies? If so, what are they?
Reading, bingeing my favorite shows and drinking too much coffee.

8. What’s your favorite color?
Pumpkin orange

9. What’s your favorite Holiday or Month?

10. Do you have a favorite vacation spot? If so, what or where is it?
I'm more of a staycation person

11. Do you have any special talents? If so, what are they?
Nope, I'm boring and talentless. :D

12. If you could own any breed of horse, what would it be and why?
Friesian. I saw the movie Ladyhawke when I was little and fell in love.

13. If you could own any breed of dog, what would it be and why?
Great Dane. I've just always loved them. They're too big and tall like me.

14. If you could meet any celebrity, who would it be and why?
I'm a classic film fan so all of my favorite actors are long gone. But if I could travel back in time I would love to meet Audrey Hepburn and Gene Kelly.

15. If you could travel anywhere, where would you go and why?
Ireland seems like a beautiful place to visit.

16. What would be your dream job?
To work in a library or a museum surrounded by books and old things.

17. What would be your dream meal of choice?

18. What is the top thing on your Bucket List?

19. What talent do you wish you had?

20. What is your favorite ice cream flavor?
Chocolate peanut butter

21. What is something you fear?

22. What’s the funniest joke you heard recently?

23. What Meme do you currently relate to? (please provide the pic link)

24. Any good books or comics that you’ve read recently?
I just started The Land Of Lost Things by John Connolly and it looks really good.

25. Any good movies or shows you’ve seen lately?

26. What is your go-to show to stream? (Via Netflix, Hulu, Amazon, etc.) Firefly, Game Of Thrones, Psych

27. If you could transport yourself to any decade of past history, what would it be and why?

28. What is your favorite kind of pizza?
Cheese and pineapple

29. If you were an animal, what would you be, and why?
A wolf. I have always loved wolves and felt a sort of kinship with them

30. What is your favorite recipe/dish/food to make?
Mac and cheese


December's Nominees!
Glitch (#27407)
Lafitte (#44478)
Tragedy (#3473)

If you choose to message me your vote...
Include with your vote a little bit of "Community Chatter" if you'd like!
Voting Form: Clicky Here!
Voting will be open until 11:59pm HP time on Monday October 23rd!
Reminder - If you don't know any of the above, choose one to get to know better! :)

Check out the ~Player Of The Month~Hub~!
All information, nominations, voting, and previous winners can be all found there!

pjd1sOi.png uoRNx1M.png BGYKLiO.png


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Player Avatar
Administrator 🐈~Broken Vow~☘️
November 7th, 2023 5:21:11pm
8,842 Posts


pjd1sOi.png uoRNx1M.png BGYKLiO.png


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Event Coordinator Panthera Onca .:. Strive for perfection, settle for excellence.
November 7th, 2023 5:41:09pm
30,152 Posts

Yay! Congrats!!



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Jaya • Support Astraeus, Eos & Aja!
November 7th, 2023 6:50:31pm
28,154 Posts




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Tragedy [buying dog tickets]
November 7th, 2023 8:00:34pm
1,835 Posts

Yippee! Congratulations Little Wolf. What brand of chocolate peanut butter ice cream? It's not a flavor I see too often!


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Saturniaᛉ mini hiatus.
November 7th, 2023 8:47:25pm
3,988 Posts

Little wolf - we have the same dream job! 
and congrats on POTM !!


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Little Wolf 🎃 Halloweenies
November 8th, 2023 7:27:04am
113 Posts

Thank you everybody!

@Tragedy Haagen Dazs chocolate peanut butter ice cream. It is a rare flavor to find in other brands. Dangerously delicious. =)



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𝔫𝔶𝔱𝔪𝔞𝔯𝔢 🪶
November 8th, 2023 9:26:22am
1,069 Posts

Congratulations Little Wolf! 

giphy.gif giphy.gif

"That's Jaime fookin Lannister"


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Tragedy [buying dog tickets]
November 8th, 2023 10:17:45am
1,835 Posts

Little Wolf - I will have to look and see if my local store carries that flavor! I try and restrict myself from trying desserts but I do love ice cream.


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↬ JADE 🖤 shake those stars from your hair, pretty moonchild
November 8th, 2023 10:33:52pm
3,850 Posts

Congrats! ♥



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