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legaat ✼
December 28th, 2014 2:17:21pm
36 Posts

Idk if it fits here, but here it goes.

Whenever I save my coding on my page, it gets all big and fuzzy. Like, the text/fonts on the page (not the coding itself, haha). Kinda hard to explain, I can fix some screenshots later.
However, if I click on "home" > "your home" - it's normal again, so other people can't see it. It seems like a bug, or maybe there's something in my code that does it. I don't really know, I haven't been coding here for a while, but it was like this before I left on my hiatus aswell.

Any ideas? Annoying that I have to re-load my page for every small change I make, to see the real result.. -.-


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garnet song · rest in peace levi x
December 28th, 2014 6:20:07pm
18 Posts

it does it for me too, i just ignore it now.


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shaenne •
December 29th, 2014 1:39:43am
1,386 Posts

Yeah it's done that for as long as I can remember haha


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Kirre Potter
December 29th, 2014 1:50:05am
420 Posts

I always just thought it was the CSS settling or something xD I just automatically do a refresh after altering any coding :) 


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Master Administrator Samantha - see page to know who to contact directly!
December 29th, 2014 5:26:10am
4,333 Posts

Okay, so this DOESN'T happen for me. Which makes me think it is a browser or OS thing. We can take a look :). What Internet browser and version is everyone using?


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December 29th, 2014 5:05:45pm
391 Posts

Its always done it to me, no matter what computer/browser i am on. I currently use windows 8 and both Firefox and Chrome. But it did it before i got 8 and on any other computer i use.

★ Like a drum, baby, don't stop beating★


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tronic ϟ love me back to life ♥
December 29th, 2014 5:23:04pm
4,524 Posts

It always seems to do it to me no matter what computer or browser I am using.  Also, another weird thing is on 2 of my layouts (coded by the same person) I can't open any of the links using snap links until I "update the coding" just by pushing the update settings button.  I've just always figured it was a site thing?


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shaenne •
December 30th, 2014 2:53:21am
1,386 Posts

I'm using Firefox!


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tronic ϟ love me back to life ♥
December 30th, 2014 3:02:31am
4,524 Posts

Oh!!  And to answer your question I used Chrome mainly, firefox sometimes, and even -cringes- IE from time to time.  They all do it. :(


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z i n c ✨ hackneys [main]
December 30th, 2014 9:40:33pm
12 Posts

The same happens to me aswell! I never really thought about it till now; i use chrome.


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Event Coordinator Panthera Onca .:. The Night Floof 🐆
December 30th, 2014 10:20:17pm
29,792 Posts

This has happened to me since...forever. XD I just figured it was refreshing itself or something and have just ignored it. It always goes away.



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December 31st, 2014 2:04:34am
1,338 Posts

I think it depends on your coding actually.. The layouts that I code don't do this.. when I update it it looks the same as usual, but I have had layouts by others that do that, so I have experienced both ends of it haha. That being said, I'm not entirely sure /why/ it happens, and why some layouts do it and some don't.. That being said, I've never really tried to determine the reason, however I maybe can when I have some spare time!


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legaat ✼
January 4th, 2015 2:27:38am
36 Posts

Now it doesn't get big anymore, but things kinda "move around" before I refresh.. E.g. my horses aren't centered until I refresh. Haha, weird thingy. 


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Kirre Potter
January 4th, 2015 2:58:11am
420 Posts

idk its habit to refresh anyway because it comes up with "settings updated!" which pushes everything down.. which is problematic when coding stuff to sit at the top. So yeah, I haven't really thought about it too much! 




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𝔖𝔱𝔬𝔯𝔪 ℭ𝔯𝔬𝔴 💀 The Artist Formerly Known as xxCHAOTIC
January 4th, 2015 3:33:20pm
1,854 Posts

Yeah it's always done it for me. I just ignore it.


My accordions, they don't open until I navigate back too and get rid of the "settings updated." It's weird, but I just tell all my buyers to... refresh it.

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Administrator BLiTZ 🎆 hello, 2025
January 4th, 2015 3:44:21pm
6,522 Posts

It's always done it for me...doesn't bother me though!



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