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August 2023 ~ Player of the Month!

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Administrator 🐈~Broken Vow~☘️
August 5th, 2023 1:04:49am
8,842 Posts

Congratulations to our August's Player Spotlight Winner!


Lakra (#922) is truly one of the nicest individuals around! Always willing to lend a helping hand!

...Community Chatter...

These little shout-outs come from various players, not just staff!
"Lakra has been a steady force on HP for so many years...she's the sweetest person who loves to help others!"
"Lakra is the heart of HP. Always ready to pop in with a supporting word and full of love for the community - we're blessed to have her!"

...Interview Questions...

Anyone who wins P.o.t.M. can answer as many or all of the questions as they feel comfortable answering!

~...HP Questions...~
1. How did you first learn about us?
* Followed over when hl died

2. What is your favorite thing about HP?
* People i have gotten to know

3. How long have you been playing for?
* Since it opened

4. How did you come up with your player name?
* Was thunder mt bengals but changed it to lakra (cant rember why lol )

5. What is your favorite breed of horse or dog to train?
* Right now alimooses

6. What caused you to pick the breed(s) you train and breed?
* Because mooses were Tronic (Allsion's) favorite

7. How do you come up with names for your animals?
* Randomly

8. What are your current goals on HP?
* None just seeing how they do

9. Do you have a favorite animal? (It can be your own or another player’s you admire!)
* None on hp

10. Who’s your go-to graphic artist or coder? Are there any services you offer?
* Who ever takes the bite when i need one done

11. What is your favorite Site-Wide yearly event?
* I usually just sell tixs or what not during these

12. What other contests or activities do you usually participate in?
* The hunts if i do

13. Do you have any training or breeding tips to share?
* Not really

14. Which seasonal layout art is your favorite?
* I like them all

15. If you could change one thing about HP, what would it be and why?
* More active seems like its slow with new players. And old ones are not on

16. What do you spend most of your time on HP doing?
* Training or setting shows

17. What is your favorite Club?
* Don't have one

~......Real Life & Random Questions......
1. Where are you from?
* Usa, Oregon

2. Does your place of residence have any sort of quirky history fact or legend/tradition, and if so, what is it?
* Not that i know off

3. What do you do for work?
Psw for an young adult (help them learn basic everyday things and hang out)

4. Do you own any horses or dogs?
* Family has dogs and cats

5. Do you have any other types of pets at home?
* Do random pests (bugs)count?

6. What are your favorite breeds of horse and dog?
* Boxers

7. Do you have any hobbies? If so, what are they?
* diamond dotzs at this time

8. What’s your favorite color?
* Solids mostly darks

9. What’s your favorite Holiday or Month?
* Don't have one

10. Do you have a favorite vacation spot? If so, what or where is it?
* Beach

11. Do you have any special talents? If so, what are they?
* Spoil my pets , our murder (flock) of crows or our ducks that come every year, there name abby and burt

12. If you could own any breed of horse, what would it be and why?
* Any kind of horse

13. If you could own any breed of dog, what would it be and why?
Boxer again there great family dogs

14. If you could meet any celebrity, who would it be and why?
* Don't know

15. If you could travel anywhere, where would you go and why?
* To visit people i want to visit

16. What would be your dream job?
* Happy where i am / or an rescue for animals

17. What would be your dream meal of choice?
* Don't have one

18. What is the top thing on your Bucket List?
* Not sure lol

19. What talent do you wish you had?
* No clue

20. What is your favorite ice cream flavor?

21. What is something you fear?
* Heights

22. What’s the funniest joke you heard recently?
* No clue

23. What Meme do you currently relate to? (please provide the pic link)
* None

24. Any good books or comics that you’ve read recently?
* nope

25. Any good movies or shows you’ve seen lately?
* nope

26. What is your go-to show to stream? (Via Netflix, Hulu, Amazon, etc.)
* Whatever is good at the time

27. If you could transport yourself to any decade of past history, what would it be and why?
* No clue

28. What is your favorite kind of pizza?
* Meat favorite place papa murfeys or god fathers

29. If you were an animal, what would you be, and why?
* Don't know

30. What is your favorite recipe/dish/food to make?
* Enchiladas


September's Nominees!
Dizzy (#46614)
Arzu (#1111)
Lostcause (#1249)

If you choose to message me your vote...
Include with your vote a little bit of "Community Chatter" if you'd like!
Voting Form: Clicky Here!
Voting will be open until 11:59pm HP time on Tuesday August 22nd!
Reminder - If you don't know any of the above, choose one to get to know better! :)

Check out the New & Improved ~Player Of The Month~Hub~!
All information, nominations, voting, and previous winners can be all found there!

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Administrator 🐈~Broken Vow~☘️
August 5th, 2023 1:06:59am
8,842 Posts


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Content Moderator ɹ o ʇ ǝ l l ǝ ʞ s
August 5th, 2023 5:25:25am
4,616 Posts

Woooh! Grats Lakra!!

jjrZPQp.gif ApFSLNf.gif gisaYrC.gif


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Jaya • Support Astraeus, Eos & Aja!
August 5th, 2023 8:32:43am
28,154 Posts




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