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Training and such

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Insomnia • [34] ⸸ Direwolves
November 22nd, 2014 11:30:40pm
842 Posts

Hello! Not sure if anyone remembers me, but this is Insomnia from Horseland. I quit there when everything changed to the 3D training world back in 08? I recently went back on HL in January of 13. It's just not the same and a lot of work in order to get good lines. I just needed something different, so what's better than coming to HP! Haha.


I just have a few questions. I got the ticket training/selling down, and the upgrading and buying upgrades. I am fairly certain I've got a bit of the training down as well. If there is anyone that could show me the ropes around here, I'd love that! I have AIM if that would be better, just message me and I'll add you!


Alright, so here are my questions:


1. Training for other people: How does this work? This was what made most of my income back on HL(and I was told this is 'like' the old horseland to a point), so I figured I could do something like that, but since I am just starting out I want to be able to do it the right way. Haha.


2. Voting: What is the going rate for votes? Also, are they like the old HL and you can only vote on upgraded accounts?


3. Training: What is the best formula for training? As in how many shows to enter per day works best.


4. Private Shows: If you set slots in the private shows, how many is a good number so that I don't sell too many spots.



I think that is all I have for now. I am still trying to get a good grip on this game. So far I like it. Very much like the old HL and it has some awesome perks! If there is anyone around that remembers me(Insomnia 117214 on HL), shoot me a msg!


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trig ❄️ the best is yet to come
November 23rd, 2014 1:42:04am
3,615 Posts

1. Training for other people, IMO, is the same as what you probably would have done on HL. If someone is looking for a trainer they'll advertise in chat or message you directly, most of the time they have you log into their account but ocassionlly animals are transfered. 

2. It's one vote per candidate per upgrade, so you can vote for multiple people in a club if you wanted. The going rate changes quite a bit but 100k/vote starting out isn't a bad idea. 

3. The game restricts your to 20 entries per day with a total of 70 per week. If you set your breed specialty (under the Edit Profile tab) you're allowed 80 show entries per week for animals of the selected breed. This is the standard of what most people do, one breed per account to get the boost from the breed specialty. Personally, I use a mixture of hand entering (like what you did on HL) where I look for the least full shows to enter my animals in and also I use the "Enter All" method where you're entered in 10 shows at a time (available to upgrades only). It just depends on the time I have to train that night. As for how many I enter a night also depends on how much time I have and how full shows are. Some nights I'll skip entering anything because show might be packed full.

4. Typically, it's 10 spots per show. 


Hopefully this helps you out quite a bit. The Help section on here is actually really informative, I refer to it quite a bit for different things and I've been playing on here for like 4 years xD. If you have any other questions feel free to message me!

Bailey Lucky Diesel Mixed Berries rooster-icon-2-orig_orig.png


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Insomnia • [34] ⸸ Direwolves
November 23rd, 2014 2:32:11am
842 Posts

Awesome! Thank You! :) I will msg you if I need anything else. haha. Just trying to make some money now so I can get pics for my animals. Haha.


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