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What Is Your Lucky Number?

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Administrator 🐈~Broken Vow~❄️
March 3rd, 2023 11:25:18pm
8,756 Posts

What Is Your Lucky Number?

Just a little share and tell with your fellow HPers!

Please respond below with what your Lucky Number is and your reasoning behind it!
If you don't have a Lucky Number, then do you have a Lucky Charm?
If a Lucky Charm, let us know what it is, and why it is important to you!

Just posting the Number/Charm doesn't make the cut for the prize!
You gotta include both! :p

* Please Include The Animal's ID# or Link To Their Page In Your Response Post! *
Otherwise no points will be awarded!

Prize: 5k points onto the animal of your choice

*This is an open for all activity, not just Mascot participants!
*However, for those on teams/partners for Mascots...
Points will only be awarded once per Mascot!

*This Activity Closes at 11:59pm HP time on Saturday March 11th!*

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Content Moderator ɹ o ʇ ǝ l l ǝ ʞ s
March 7th, 2023 6:37:08pm
4,421 Posts

My lucky charm is a tiny little porcelain unicorn my son bought me when he went shopping with his Nana.

He wanted to buy me something special, and he picked the most beautifully delicate little porcelain unicorn, because he knew I loved horses and missed riding so much, as we live in the city now. 

It sits right by my PC, keeping an eye on me and bringing me good luck and happiness :D


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Cerulean ♠
March 8th, 2023 6:46:37pm
105 Posts

Number 27, but there isn't really any reasoning behind it. It's just always been my number for as long as I can remember, and I see it everywhere! :)


Adelphi (#388731)


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Binny 🦄 [blitz watching]
March 8th, 2023 11:30:06pm
2,907 Posts

I see 11:11 twice a day, if its that time, I will look at the clock and see it, literally every day, without even trying. So I started wishing on it years ago, in a manifestation type of way. My wishes may not 100% come true all the time, but some form of them do occur. 

Aside from a clock I see 1111 or 11..11 everywhere.  

Points to https://horsephenomena.com/dogs.php?id=156220 please!


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sunday •• collies
March 9th, 2023 8:33:36pm
250 Posts

my lucky number is 7! i've always liked it and then i won a contest in elementary school on that number, plus it is my birth month (july).

points to dog 140747 ty!!

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amberellie - idk what day it is
March 9th, 2023 9:10:34pm
747 Posts

#8!  It was always my Softball jersey number when I was a kid, and it just became my favorite number throughout life!  


points to #387767, thank you :)


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