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This Would Be An Interesting Challenge

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Kuwait | Not Reserving Tix |
December 20th, 2022 5:31:17pm
2,970 Posts

Today I learned via 'DiscoverTheHorse' on YouTube, that there is a reeeeally rare breed of horse called the Camarillo White Horse (link to Wikipedia page below).

The Wikipedia entry for the breed says that the original stallion was a white Spanish Mustang, "Sultan", who was bred to Morgan mares. From what I gather, the white offspring were considered as Camarillo Whites.

I had the idea in my head that this breed would be an interesting challenge for Phenomenites to try to achieve. It would be a combination of the Prism genetics thing by Mango, and the method of obtaining Saint Pierre Dogs. 

BUT to make getting C.W.H. a challenge, white foals would be rare. Like, only x-amount born per x-amount of breedings. For example, only 4 out of...I dunno...15 foals born. And just because you produce a pair of C.W.H. doesn't guarantee immediate C.W.H. foals. Or perhaps it would? Again, dunno.

Thing is, though, that I very much doubt the...mechanics (?) of this could be introduced to HP, and is more something you would find on a game like Lioden or Wolvden.
Annnnd there's not a whole load of info on the breed out there, which HP requires.

Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Camarillo_White_Horse

Site about the breed: http://www.camarillowhitehorses.org/index.htm

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/camarillowhitehorses/



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