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Hypoglycemia In Cats | UPDATED
Kuwait | Not Reserving Tix | June 18th, 2022 11:55:06am 2,970 Posts |
Soooo Beetle has fainted/passed out several times today. He'll be sitting on the floor, then next minute will tip over and go kinda weird and his eyes were open. Seconds later, he sat up again and shook his head. But he's been restless all day. My buddy phoned the charity vet and they referred him to a neaby emergency vet. Rob managed to borrow some money to take Beetle there and back. I was there about 3 hours or so. Because Beetle's registered under Rob's name, the vet phoned him to explain what they thought was going on: his heart rate is abnormal and occasinally oxygen doesn't get to his brain, causing him to pass out, and told Rob he could have a heart attack at any moment. She also said he may need a pacemaker. I'll be taking Beetle to the charity vet in the morning. He passed out 5 times before I took him to the vet, then 4 times since he got homeafter 9pm (it's now 11:15pm). And those are the "episodes" we witnessed. Edit again: Just after I posted this update, I glanced out into the hall outside this room, and he'd fainted just outside the doorway. : Thank you to all who replied. I'll let you all know what's going on when I can. UPDATE Took him to the charity vet this morning. The vet checked his teeth and gums (he'd had a tooth removed a couple of weeks ago) and listened to his heart. She said it's irregular. They can't do anything at that surgery because they don't have the equipment to check his heart. We talked about how he's been and then the vet gave me two options: I could have him put to sleep today or we could try a week's worth of meds to see how he does. But it's not good. I told her I couldn't live with myself if I didn't at least give him a chance. So she gave me two different meds, one being Propanolol (which Rob is also on), and one I can't recall the name of Ben-something. Also, the vet Rob spoke to last night said the issue may have been triggered by the dental surgery he'd had. I didn't even know that was possible. So...yeah. That's the current situation. We've had Bug since he was 7 weeks old, and he's been a health wreck the whole time: flea allergy, femoral head oostectomy (FHO), a small burn on his back from lying against the copper pipe under the radiator in Rob's hallway, 2 enemas, a tooth extraction, and now this with his heart. |
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Jaya • If you wanna survive, burn bright June 18th, 2022 2:06:56pm 27,674 Posts |
No idea, but bumping for you!! |
`NEKE-A-SAURUS → up in smoke June 19th, 2022 12:57:15am 12,807 Posts |
Bumping for you as well; I don't know much about kitty health |
Kuwait | Not Reserving Tix | June 19th, 2022 9:01:13am 2,970 Posts |
Thanks, you two! |
BANNED June 19th, 2022 9:09:08am 1 Posts |
In cats, typically there is a -reason- for Hypoglycemia. Has the kitty been eating normally? Did it get into anything recently that it usually doesn't? Does the cat to your knowledge have Diabetes? What is the medical history? I would recommend Honey over plain sugar, as its absorbed easier and can be more concentrate/less likely for the kitty to aspirate on it when placed on the roof of the mouth for them to lick. You want to do SMALL amounts, as we don't want them to go into Hyperglycemia either. So, 1 pea sized amount, wait 30 minutes and another pea sized if there are no changes. This is NOT a permanent fix, and kitty should still be seen by a vet ASAP, as this can lead to other issues as well. But it will help in a pinch. -Koni: the girl who studied enough to be a vet tech but refuses to actually go back to school for it so knows way too many random things- DISCLAIMER: Im not a vet or a certified Tech, I just have 984350 animals and know a lot of tricks to help in emergencies to tide them over until a vet can see them.
amberellie - idk what day it is June 19th, 2022 11:57:24am 747 Posts |
Oh boy, and the worry you are in right now 😟 I went through this a couple years ago and my cat ended up becoming a diabetic. I agree with Koni on the Honey vs sugar; and the smallest amount! Are you able to call a vet and ask for advice, or even be able to schedule an appointment for Tuesday? |
Concourse [but as she was leaving, it felt like breathing] June 21st, 2022 5:56:50pm 2,902 Posts |
Ooof, that update has me all sorts of wanting to come cook you a home cooked meal and just hang out in silence while petting Beetle. I hope he improves with the medicine this week and that it is something that can be regulated and allow him to live a little longer pain free. My thoughts are with you Ku. I wish there was more than I can do to support you from so far away. |
`NEKE-A-SAURUS → up in smoke June 21st, 2022 6:21:01pm 12,807 Posts |
Oh man, that's so hard ♥ |
amberellie - idk what day it is June 21st, 2022 8:16:26pm 747 Posts |
Oh I'm so sorry to hear that 😟 I'll keep my fingers and toes crossed that the medication helps Beetle ❤️ |
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