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RMS Titanic

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Jen Nightmareish Nightmares Running in Fantasy Club!
April 11th, 2022 11:37:19am
148 Posts

Hello all. For those that may or may not know, I am a huge fan of the RMS Titanic and have been for 20 years. Well this Friday April 15th marks the 110th anniversery of her sinking. I love talking about her, reading about her and watching movies (even the '97 one) about her. Although, the James Cameron movie is more about the love story, but I still love it. I'd love to know if anyone here knows about her and what her passengers sufferd and went through that horrible night. 



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Kuwait | Not Reserving Tix |
April 19th, 2022 5:00:31pm
2,970 Posts

I live close to where she was built (like 20-some minutes walk) and have a load of photos of the area. We have a Titanic museum thing, but I've never been in it. We also have the 'SS Nomadic', which is the world's last remaining White Star Line vessel; she's open as a museum but I've not been in her either.



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Tifisati -
April 19th, 2022 5:24:16pm
510 Posts

It got lost in moves but I had a book about it when I was about 16 and my mum loves ships so it was something we watched together - various documentaries and the films regarding Titantic although it's been years since I've read/watched anything on it.



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Kuwait | Not Reserving Tix |
April 19th, 2022 10:57:16pm
2,970 Posts

Dunno if you can see this album. It contains screenshots from Google Maps showing different things relating to Titanic. I'll add my own photos too.



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