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Day 2! - Closed!

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City of Angels - Home of Calamity
December 2nd, 2021 6:36:15am
4,026 Posts

Lets get Acrostic-ing!

It's that time of year where City wants to see your best holiday poems! Create your very own acrostic using one of the words provided, then post it up for everyone to see. 

You will win a cool 5k for an animal of your choice.

Entries close 11.59pm Dec 3rd

Your words are:

Winter Wonderland

Happy Holidays

Merry Christmas

And of course, I can't ask you to do one without me having a go! (Please don't laugh!)

Wrapped up toasty and warm
In my home, safe from the storm
Nestled amongst boxes of presents
The Christmas lights flickering luminescence
Everyone of my friends and family, curled up and close
Ringing in the new year with those I love the most.

Walking in the frosty, snow covered fields
Over dells and streams, while the snow storm yields
Never far, her trusty dog Indie, runs by her side
Double the distance far, together they travel far and wide
Ears covered, with her favourite purple pompom hat
Rivers with their flowing waters frozen, watch as City goes splat
Laughing, as she finds her way across, ready for home,
And when the time for wondering is done, never more shall she roam
Next to her husband, her heart, her safety, that's where she belongs
Dreaming of a winter wonderland, for the snow her heart longs

Rosa is awesome, Rosa is fine, Rosa didn't write this...


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• Rune • (formally E v i e)
December 2nd, 2021 7:13:30am
12 Posts

Home is where I feel at ease 

A a place to rest my weary knees

Perfect family atmosphere 

Packed with all the festive cheer 

You and I stay cosy warm 


Howling winds out side have blown 

Often snow begins to fall 

Light the fire, we hide from it all 

I want to show you what I bought 

Damn it’s bigger than I thought 

And I’ve run out of wrapping paper 

You know I’m rubbish at this caper 

So don't forget to pack your shawl! Merry Christmas one and all!





?? I enjoyed that! 

points to


Thank you! I can't wait to read the rest! 


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Chance -----> The Thoroughbred Factory
December 2nd, 2021 7:55:19am
357 Posts

Merry Christmas

Many families gather

Eating tons of food

Really happy to celebrate

Reindeers coming to town

You better be nice


Claus is coming too!

He only comes one night

Ready all the cookies

In the chimney he climbs

Sleep tight in your bed

Turn off all the lights

Mantel holds the milk

A night you won’t forget

Snow is falling silently





Points to horse #358550


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↬ JADE 🖤 shake those stars from your hair, pretty moonchild
December 2nd, 2021 8:14:14am
3,849 Posts

Memories being created and treasured
Embraces, eating, and excitement plenty
Relatives sing jolly songs by the hearth
Rejoicing in the warmth of the fire
Yearning for more quality time with each other

Children gather by the tree, eager hands at the ready
Holiday gifts bringing smiles to their faces
Relishing the moment, ribbons flying in air
Ice skates and board games, stuffed animals and crayons
Stockings discarded for the goodies inside
Triumphant squeals, being good has paid off
Magical indeed, the parents make a toast
All might not be calm but is certainly bright
Santa's magic was flawless; at least that's what the kids thought

Points to dog #116621, please! ♥




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SaturniaᛉContest winners announced!!
December 2nd, 2021 9:31:47am
3,988 Posts

*Please note that I was terrible at poetry in highschool classes so here it goes ;P *
Happy Holidays to 
All of HP! 
Please carry on, merrily!
Post your responses in the forums, to get those points for
Your perky pixels! 

Have some fun
On this 2nd day of 24DOC!
Laugh along while
I show you how terrible I am at poetry
Don't forget to send in your own entry!
And remember to this last message, 
You are loved and you are important!
Signed, Saturnia.


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Lady Rancher 1, Wild n Wicked Wolves,
December 2nd, 2021 9:56:03am
1,706 Posts

I'm terrible at this but here it is, pts if any to trake (#354763) thank you

Happy Feelings

All Around

Peace on Earth

Playing on HP

Yea Yea Yea

Happiness Abounds

Of This I'm Sure

Loves Sweet Sounds

Includes Us All

Days Turn Into Months

And Months Turn Into

Years And I'm 

Still Sitting Here


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Gothika - SEA's ( Happy Holidays! )
December 2nd, 2021 10:04:36am
1,200 Posts

Have yourself a toast

At my birthday

Partying all day long

Placed some munchies playing a song

You can come over to see the display :)

Have yourself a beautifull day

Of love happiness and good health

Let the light shine bright

I want this to be for everyone with all my might

Darkness will move away

A bunch of presents that i got

Yes,  they are nice but all I want

Some love, kindness and light for everyone !


Love you all !!

Points here:

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Jaya • If you wanna survive, burn bright
December 2nd, 2021 10:13:49am
27,674 Posts

Walking around, looking at the lights

I can’t help but be amazed.

Night makes everything come alive;

The lights sparkle and shine


Red, green, and blue.


Wishing for it to be safe to gather with family

On Christmas day.

Nutcrackers adorn the mantle,

Displays of decorations.

Exchanging gifts with those we love,

Reindeer prancing overhead.

Love flows through the air,

And peace and harmony

Never face.

December fantasies.


Points to horse #358838 please






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Kaonashi 〈決して家〉❀Eriskays❀
December 2nd, 2021 10:22:44am
16 Posts

May your days be merry

Each and every one

Remember to be thankful

Remember to have fun

Yuletide has just begun


Catch snowflakes on your tongue

Hang holly in the hall

Relax next to a warm fire

Inside a cozy home

Sing off key with your siblings

Talk with grandma on the phone

Making cookies with mom

Always making new memories to

Stay with you for a life time.


Points here please :)


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vanity 🎀
December 2nd, 2021 10:30:05am
306 Posts

Hooray for this time of year

Anyone and everyone is full of cheer

People going out to shop 

Prices booming, hope they drop

Yuletide carols being sung 

Holiday wreaths being hung 

One night of family gathering 

Little children hope and pray 

Icicles drop and pine trees sway 

Dolls wrapped up under the tree 

All the family gathers to see 

Yellow star up on top 

Silver ornaments make the tree really pop 


happy holidays!


points -

Vanity-Fjord.png 6h5drue.png


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Naima {نعيمة} ✝️🎨 and her Phenomenal Paints
December 2nd, 2021 10:50:47am
2,272 Posts

Points to 

ISLA PENA ? 1YO // G17 // TUES (ID #359421)

Making memories that last forever

Eve of Christmas is our pleasure

Roasting marshmallows and wine tasting

Ringing bells and turkey basting

Yuletide carols all around

Caring hearts sharing hugs  

Happy souls sipping from mugs

Reading the Christmas story

In the moment and not sorry 

Stockings on the mantle hung

Tomorrow to be flung

Merry greetings everywhere

Always love in the air 

Savor the memories for life

I am not a poet but there's mine.



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The Great KjPapyrus 🏰
December 2nd, 2021 10:55:26am
6 Posts

jingle bells jingle bells herbert layed a egg jingle bells herbert lose his computer


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December 2nd, 2021 12:50:20pm
699 Posts

Most wonderful time of the year

Everyone is close and family is near

Red and green surround the stores

Regal lights are put up for neighborhood tours 

Yuletide carols, hot chocolate, and wreaths galore

Cookies and milk are left out for a late night visitor

He comes down the chiminey hoping to not have any witnessers

Red suit, a big ol' belly, and a long white beard

I grew up and now find the whole story to be a bit weird

Still I put up my tree and fill the room full of presents

To me, its more fun to fill the time with family filled events

My family and friends mean so much to me

Any time spent with them is something that doesn't fit under a tree

Santa can bring any present he wants, but it'll never compare to family time full of glee

:) this was fun. don't judge me by my lack of poetry skills hahaha.

Points to  B Remarkable (#357832) please.

“Life is short but also like terribly and insufferably long at the same time.” - Jenna Marbles


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Content Moderator Moorfine {Empire of Unruly Unicorns} - Let your soul gravitate to the love, y'all
December 2nd, 2021 1:31:28pm
1,975 Posts

Sorry to bring the whole mood down 🤣 so someone better post theirs quickly after mine to bring it back to happy.  I would love to hold points for upcoming project starting Sunday (not sure when they would be awarded) 

Winter Wonderland


Wandering alone through the darkness 

Indecisive about which way to go

Not wanting to look back

Tomorrow is a fresh start

Everyone blames you

Running away is the only option


Wandering alone through the darkness

Only way to go from here is forward

Never going to let them break me

Demons calling my name

Ending the torment

Remembering all the better times

Looking forward to the light

Always pushing forward

Never looking back

Done being controlled



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`NEKE-A-SAURUS → up in smoke
December 2nd, 2021 1:53:51pm
12,807 Posts

Please put all my points on:
Outlaw ♥

With each passing day,
n creeps the ice and snow,
everending darkness unfolds,
he deepening shadows beckon.
ven the stars become cold,
eaching out to one another,
atching over humanity below.
ver trees and roads
umbness spreads from nose to toes,
esperate animals scurry,
verything looking for warmth.
ays of sunshine touch the dark,
ayering the world in glittering lights,
nd the ice begins to melt,
ight slowly turns to day,
arkness waits, again.



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City of Angels - Home of Calamity
December 2nd, 2021 2:00:34pm
4,026 Posts

Wow! What amazing entries!


I love each and every single poem! Did you guys enjoy this one?

Rosa is awesome, Rosa is fine, Rosa didn't write this...


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Content Moderator ɹ o ʇ ǝ l l ǝ ʞ s
December 2nd, 2021 2:02:08pm
4,420 Posts

Hoping and wishing he'll be home soon,

An eternity passes under every moon.

Promises made, 'I'll be home by the Eve.'

Promises broken, again he must leave.

Yet still we hope that Christmas is complete,

His job is important, and not for the meek.

Our December is quiet, in comforting peace,

Looking out windows, the snow does not cease.

I know Dad's not coming, it's too good to be true,

Dad's job is important, his days off are few.

And suddenly a taxi rolls in, army greens hidden within.

Yelping and squealing, I run to the street,

Surprise! Dad's home, our Christmas complete.


This was fun, and right up my alley! Could I please have the points here?

Thanks City, I loved this!

jjrZPQp.gif ApFSLNf.gif gisaYrC.gif


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utakata -✨-{main; dwbs}- - and that, love, was that
December 2nd, 2021 2:54:04pm
1,551 Posts


I TRIED TO RHYME.... and kinda failed.... and kinda made a mess.... but hey!

Also I'm sorry it's sad. (:

Points on Callie pleaaase


M y yaya was the best hostess,

E very Christmas a raging success.

R ound her table we’d gather,

R owdy with festive chatter,

Y earning for the feast to commence.


C risp pies filled with flavour;

H eavenly cooking ready to savour,

R isogalo sweet and light.

I know not how -

S ince she is no longer here, now -

T hat night shall ever be so bright.  


M y yaya was the best hostess,

A nd in her name we struggle, and strive, and slowly progress,

S o that we might someday earn her title, and hold forever her memory, close to our chests.




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Administrator BLiTZ 🎆 hello, 2025
December 2nd, 2021 3:18:16pm
6,522 Posts



Points to Samwise!



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Zeera -> Thanks for confirming it’s not worth my time
December 2nd, 2021 5:34:16pm
113 Posts

Making cookies
Every night
Right before turning on lights
Reverently we go to bed, waiting for old saint nick'
Yester years treasure in our mind.


Calling family
Helping clean the paper torn
Ribbons everywhere
Icicles gleam
Snow falling light
Tomorrow brings a new day, soon a new year come
Must remember the holiday spirit
Always alive in out minds
Such a special time of year.


Points to dog #139444 please c:


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Binx [1] ‹𝖒𝖆𝖎𝖓› • British Spotted Ponys
December 2nd, 2021 6:39:44pm
5,088 Posts

I'll admit that I tried... I'm not the best when it comes to poems... lol





Yule log










Santa claus

please send points to Altair #358886 thank you!

Remember who stood by your side as you rebuilt yourself. Those are your people.❤️


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