đ~Broken Vow~âïž October 7th, 2021 10:25:23pm 8,842 Posts |
October's Player of the Month!
Autumn is finally here to stay for a while! :D Anyone have any pretty pictures of the fall foliage where you're from?
A Huge Congratulations to City of Angels!
City of Angels (#1237) has been chosen to be in this month's spotlight! Long overdue, but we are happy City stuck with us!
Community Chatter "City is just so sociable and welcoming; sheâs always happy to give advice and to draw new players into the conversation, which is a huge benefit when feeling new to a community can be so daunting! Sheâs a training queen but is always happy to share her secrets and help other players out. Just a wonderful person all round!" "Chat feels QUIET when City isn't around; she's such a presence on this game and is always so welcoming to new players. I can be super shy about chat (Yeah i realize that might sound off, but it's true!) and when I first returned to HP a few months ago it was City who drew me into conversation on several occasions and made me feel at home here; I've seen her repeat this several times with other new or returning players and honestly having such a welcoming 'face' when first stepping into the HP community helps SO much. She's also always been ready to give out advice on the game and tips about training (at which she is a pro). Just a really lovely person all round!"
The Interview Questions! Anyone who wins P.o.t.M. can answer as many or all of the questions as they feel comfortable answering!
......HP Questions...... 1. How did you first learn about us? Like most people on HP, I made the move over when HL underwent its infamous âchangeâ way back in the day. I was quite an active player for the first few years of HP, but then took an extended break.
2. What is your favorite thing about HP? The community. I have made some amazing friends on HP, people I talk to every single day, and even people I hang out with in real life. I love coming into chat after a long day and finding some of the regulars there, ready to have a good catch up!
3. How long have you been playing for? I started in 2009, and I remember vaguely getting up to generation four or five before I left the first time. Over the years I have popped in every now and again, but like most people I found the game again when the pandemic hit, and I needed not only new ways to occupy my time, but a way to feel that human connection.
4. How did you come up with your player name? I get asked this quite a lot, and I actually have NO idea. I have been City of Angels for over 22 years. I started HL with this name, and I carried it on onto HP as did most people at the time. I imagine at the time I started playing online simâs I was probably obsessed with Angel and that is where the name comes from. I think Iâll be CoA for another 22 years at least!
5. What is your favorite breed of horse or dog to train? Again, like my name, I have always bred Dutch Warmbloods! On HL I had the highest pointed in the game, and when I moved over, I kept the same breed with the intention of having some of the strongest lines possible. I have tried other breeds, but they donât hold my interest as much as the Dutchies. I also breed golden retrievers with Subrosa, and as I have my own retriever Indie, I have a special place for them in my heart.
6. What caused you to pick the breed(s) you train and breed? I often ask myself that, as I have no connection to Dutch Warmbloods in RL. I am always surprised I donât have Appaloosaâs or some other endurance breed, as that is what I competed in when I was younger. So unfortunately I really donât have an answer to your question!
7. How do you come up with names for your animals? I pick a theme, usually my favourite artist, or something I am passionate about and find lyrics or song titles to create names out of. Currently I am on a music kick so have the likes of TS, Ed Sheeran and Pink floating around. I am musing about starting a musical theatre line again!
8. What are your current goals on HP? Strong lines are my current goal and having each animal in my stable reach three million before retirement. Consistency is a big deal for me, and I want my lines to reflect that. I currently have my project Outlaw which takes up a LOT of my time! I am trying to get her as high as I can, hopefully getting her into the top 25 all time horses list. I am just so grateful for everyone that has helped me throughout this crazy journey!
9. Do you have a favorite animal? (It can be your own or another playerâs you admire!) Ooooo I have quite a few actually, and I donât want to miss any out! I am super proud of The Hot Bunchâs Too Hot To Handle and Amphitrite, every time I look at them, they bring me so much joy. I always check out my friendâs project pixels every day, like Nekkers with Perfect, Lemo with Mav, Subrosa and her Mexicana lines.
10. Whoâs your go-to graphic artist or coder? Are there any services you offer? Again, I donât want to leave anybody out, so I am sorry if I do! Amberellie is one of my top graphic artists of all time, I simply love her style. And of course, Subrosa, although I always get a cheeky version of the graphic first before getting the final product! It must be said, some of the talent on this game is out of this world. I am dying to get my hand on a Mango piece, but I have a feeling that I am going to need to sell one of my kidneys first!
11. What is your favorite Site-Wide yearly event? Again, sooooo hard to pic just one! Actually â I just canât! Double points month has to be top of my list though, although I went a bit nuts this year and tried to private show 24 horses which made me a little crazy. Valentines Day is another favourite of mine. I just love being able to give back and make peopleâs day. OOOOOOO WAIT! Mascot! Yes Mascot! Mascot must be my number one event, sorry DP month! Working with The Hot Bunch to push ourselves to be the best that we could be, and coming out with not only the winner, but some amazing line to start our Golden Retriever journey with, as well as a lifelong friend, nothing beats that.
12. What other contests or activities do you usually participate in? ALL OF THEM! If you havenât noticed! I just love being as active as I can and encouraging others to participate. I think itâs important to show our support to our ECâs who are doing an amazing job. Bingo is probably my favourite activity on the site when I can participate, although I am partial to a good Puzzle Pants!
13. Do you have any training or breeding tips to share? Yes, no matter the points, do not try and private train 24 horses, nobodyâs sanity can survive that! What I see a lot of people do, and where they start to lose enjoyment, is by having too many pixels to start with. Start small and grow your herd out more. You can always add more each generation, but it is super hard letting those ones go you have become attached too.
14. Which seasonal layout art is your favorite? Fall, but I might be slightly biased because I think the colours compliment Outlaws pic amazingly!
15. If you could change one thing about HP, what would it be and why? More Bingo!
......Real Life & Random Questions...... 1. Where are you from? So I am originally from New Zealand, but I left six years ago to travel the world, where I met my now fiancé in England, so this is where I live!
2. What do you do for work? I am a bit of a jack of all trades to be honest! I am a qualified nurse, specialising in forensic psychiatry, which I have done for 12 years. I am currently doing my masterâs in social sciences, so I have stepped down short term to work at a vaccination centre instead. I also have my DREAM job as an escape room games master, which I am pretty sure I am going to do until I am 90! Ian asks me all the time if I am going to do my masters then end up buying an escape room anyway, the answer is probably!
3. Do you own any horses or dogs? I have a gorgeous 9-month-old Golden Retriever named Indie, after the international explorer Indiana Jones!
4. Do you have any other types of pets at home? I have Luna who is the love of my life, and my baby girl. She is an (almost) two-year-old Short Haired Somali who is so clever, cute, and loving! I also have Holmes, who is a Robo hamster, and is a little bit evil!
5. What are your favorite breeds of horse and dog? Growing up in New Zealand we always have farm bred horses we call stationbreds. They are big, meaty, and good all-around horses and I usually would have one or two in my string. I rode competitive endurance and trail riding, so I usually had a couple of Appies as well! I am very partial to the Golden Retriever, although I grew up with Border Collies, which sadly we lost the last of earlier in the year. That was heart-breaking and I am not yet ready to have another one!
6. Do you have any hobbies? If so, what are they? How long have you got? I have a TON of hobbies and I am usually out and about most days doing something. You can usually find me â escape rooming, pub quizzing, hiking, reading, writing, playing HP, exploring a new city, doing something I really shouldnât be like skydiving, planning more holidays, taking Indie out, annoying Ian, gaming! 7. Whatâs your favorite color? Blue
8. Whatâs your favorite Holiday or Month? July. I am used to having my birthday in the dead of winter in NZ, so I am loving having warm birthdays and being able to get out and about doing something.
9. Do you have a favorite vacation spot? If so, what or where is it? We donât tend to revisit countries to get a favourite spot, as we are on a mission to see the world. My favourite country so far has to be South Africa, but I must say I am partial to a few days in Vegas every now and then. We are planning to get married in Vegas hopefully before the New Year, so watch out America!
10. Do you have any special talents? If so, what are they? Being super annoying, but also kind of funny so I tend to get away with it (Donât ask me how, Iâve been told this is my special skill!)
11. If you could own any breed of horse, what would it be and why? Dutch Warmblood! But I am not sure what I would do with it, maybe just feed it carrots, and tell him (or her) how pretty he (or she) is!
12. If you could own any breed of dog, what would it be and why? Golden Retrievers! They are like big, cuddly teddy bears!
13. If you could meet any celebrity, who would it be and why? I know I should probably say someone life changing, but really it would be Taylor Swift. I am a massive fan and have touched her (legally!) at one of her concerts! I would just love to know how she writes her songs. Song writing is a skill I really wish I had! If I could meet a past celebrity it would be someone who had a strong influence on history, probably American history like JFK or Martin Luther King.
14. If you could travel anywhere, where would you go and why? Costa Rica â we were due to fly out one day before the world shut down in 2020. We were hiring a car and doing a three-week road trip all over the country, going right out into the wilderness. Costa Rica also has one of the worldâs most dangerous water slides, which of course I had tickets to go on too!
15. What would be your dream job? Hot Tub Tester (is that even a thing?!?!)
16. What would be your dream meal of choice? Oooooooooooooooo There is a little kebab shop that I grew up eating at since before I could walk. They do the most amazing garlic chicken and wedges and I think about it all the time. Whenever I fly home, I walk off the plane and drive straight to the restaurant!
17. What is the top thing on your Bucket List? I have an actual bucket list so let me check! According to my ever-expanding list it was go to Costa Rica!
18. What talent do you wish you had? Song writing. I donât know why but I really wish it was.
19. What is your favorite ice cream flavor? Cookie Dough.
20. What is something you fear? Ghosts.
21. Whatâs the funniest joke you heard recently? A lot of the jokes I hear are a bit naughty â but I did hear this one the other day and it made me chuckle âWhy do Marvel fans like Taylor Swift?â She writes songs about her X-Men!
22. What Meme do you currently relate to? (please provide the pic link) Clicky!
23. Any good books or comics that youâve read recently? Hmmmmmmm. I generally read light fiction after having such a heavy job, so you will usually find me with a Jojo Moyes, Marian Keyes, Kristen Ashley book in hand. I am Facebook friends with Ellen Hopkins, and we do talk a fair bit, so I would always recommend her books!
24. Any good movies or shows youâve seen lately? I donât watch TV! I know! I think the last TV show I watched was The Good Place? On the rare occasions I watch TV its usually short, 30-minute US comedies such as The Big Bang Theory or Brooklyn 99
25. What is your go-to show to stream? (Via Netflix, Hulu, Amazon, etc.) Again, I really donât watch too much TV! Although if I do you will find me watching, The Handmaidâs Tale, Vikings, Game of Thrones, The Man in The High Castle, Lucifer etc
New Nominations Open Now Through October 25th! NEW VOTING OPTION: Click Here!
All Requirements, Information, and New Nominations can be found here: Player of the Month Thread
Thank You! :D Hope everyone has a great weekend! ~Broken Vow (#22700)