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Tifisati -
October 6th, 2021 2:37:09pm
510 Posts

Tilly is my 19 yr old Highland pony.

She's been fit as a flea until winter just past when she had a cough that investigations showed to be COPD/Asthma. She wasn't well, stood looking miserable in her shelter heavily rugged because she was cold but still eating.


She's already rugged in a 100g and got a neck cover on and is cold. She's struggling to eat haylage and she's lost weight (she has diastemas which are gaps in teeth and food gets stuck in them).

I feel like crap as she's my little soul horse and so tough that is takes a lot to bother her. Vet is coming tomorrow to look at her mouth. They were only done 2 months ago. We need to see what our options are.


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Jaya • If you wanna survive, burn bright
October 7th, 2021 9:33:30am
27,674 Posts




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utakata -✨-{main; dwbs}- - and that, love, was that
October 7th, 2021 10:27:56am
1,551 Posts

Oh Tifi, that's so tough. And at 19 she's not what you'd call 'old' for a native, either.

I hope that the vet can shed some light on the situation and offer some advice on how to make her comfortable again.



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Event Coordinator Panthera Onca .:. The Night Floof 🐆
October 7th, 2021 11:17:12am
29,781 Posts

ohh, i'm so sorry :( -hugs-



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Tifisati -
October 7th, 2021 5:45:13pm
510 Posts

Thanks everyone.

I know Uta, she should still be in her prime.

Vet came and cleared all the food out. Can't see a reason for her struggling with forage so to see how she goes with today's work done. I've to flush her mouth out daily. 

There's 2 diastemas that could potentially cause problems and 2 smaller ones plus one tooth right at the back is hollow so need to keep an eye on it. 


If she still struggles the next step is widening the gaps and she'd have to go to the vet centre for that.


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utakata -✨-{main; dwbs}- - and that, love, was that
October 7th, 2021 6:23:29pm
1,551 Posts

Did they suggest taking bloods, by any chance? If she's dropping condition with no apparent cause.

I used to work with a young WB mare who had to have the same procedure with her diastema; it did make a huge difference as she'd always struggled to keep weight on until that point and now they have the opposite issue with her! But I know it's a lot to consider, as well.



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Kyuubi || Rise of the Z
October 13th, 2021 3:16:28pm
48 Posts

I'm so sorry, that must be hard.

Are you able to feed her grain/senior feed or beet pulp? You can mix it with warm water to make a mash that might be easier for her to eat? Those are used to help a horse at my barn who has trouble keeping weight on with just hay alone. I might be wrong on this thought, but I think I remember my trainer saying that grain also helps warm up a horse which is why it's fed a lot during winter on the mainland, but because we don't have a winter here a lot of people from the mainland tend to overfeed grain which makes their horses a little crazy to ride.


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