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September 2021 ~ Player of the Month

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Administrator 🐈~Broken Vow~❄️
September 7th, 2021 8:25:12pm
8,756 Posts

September's Player of the Month!

Our Fall Layout Has Arrived!!!! :D
If you're still seeing any parts of the Summer Layout please refresh your cache/cookies or send a message over to Blitz!

A Huge Congratulations to Kayla Gayle!

Kayla Gayle (#4312) has been chosen to be in this month's spotlight! Happy Birthday Month! :D

Community Chatter
"Her Greyhounds are pretty cool!"
"She’s a sweetheart! Super nice to chat with and very friendly! Awesome friend to have in the game and hang with in the chat room."

The Interview Questions!
Anyone who wins P.o.t.M. can answer as many or all of the questions as they feel comfortable answering!

......HP Questions......
1. How did you first learn about us?
From Sam on the old HMF (Horseland Members Forum) when HL started doing it's thing and people were making alternatives.

2. What is your favorite thing about HP?
The people and making long lines

3. How long have you been playing for?
Forever. Since 2009

4. How did you come up with your player name?
Kayla Gayle is my non-de-plume when I was writing fanfic. My brand comes from HL. I used to be Kayla Gayle's Palominos and Greyhounds. I later shortened it to the less newbish KGPG

5. What is your favorite breed of horse or dog to train?
Greyhounds, of course.

6. What caused you to pick the breed(s) you train and breed?
My dog Sable, who passed on. Her story is on my retirement.
As for horses, forum suggestions for reviving a dead breed.

7. How do you come up with names for your animals?
I stick to themes. One Piece is my favorite anime so all the dogs are named for it. The horses are all named for Billy Joel or Duran Duran songs, my two favorite artists.

8. What are your current goals on HP?
To make the dead breeds I am raising viable again.

9. Do you have a favorite animal? (It can be your own or another player’s you admire!)
I have to say I am partial to Gol D Roger. He was my first highest dog.

10. Who’s your go-to graphic artist or coder? Are there any services you offer?
Tragedy and Famous Shamus for graphics. I also like Saturnia and Amberellie. For coding, Mango of course.
I only offer shows and tickets, which are reserved currently. I will also train if need be.

11. What is your favorite Site-Wide yearly event?
Christmas events

12. What other contests or activities do you usually participate in?
I try to do most of the big ones but I slack off a lot

13. Do you have any training or breeding tips to share?
Buy the permanent extra energy from the cash shop and make sure to chose a breed specialty. Also, don't forget to join clubs and get in their shows.

14. Which seasonal layout art is your favorite?

15. If you could change one thing about HP, what would it be and why?
More then one breed specialty.

......Real Life & Random Questions......
1. Where are you from?
Born in the hinterlands of Queens NY and raised in Charlotte NC. I currently reside in San Antonio, TX

2. What do you do for work?
Rideshare with Uber and Lyft. Occasionally, deliveries as well.

3. Do you own any horses or dogs?
Not at the moment, but I told my son Leon when we get home from vacay next month, he could get a dog.

4. Do you have any other types of pets at home?
A very spoiled white with orange dots domestic longhaired cat named Sherbert.

5. What are your favorite breeds of horse and dog?
Friesians and Vanners.

6. Do you have any hobbies? If so, what are they?
History. Also trivia

7. What’s your favorite color?

8. What’s your favorite Holiday or Month?
Holiday is Christmas and month is probably May.

9. Do you have a favorite vacation spot? If so, what or where is it?
Any beach

10. Do you have any special talents? If so, what are they?
I am a whiz at trivia and am very good at memorizing songs

11. If you could own any breed of horse, what would it be and why?
Vanner. It would be a lot of upkeep though.

12. If you could own any breed of dog, what would it be and why?
Shepherd or collie. They are pretty. Maybe a lab...

13. If you could meet any celebrity, who would it be and why?
Living: Liza Minnelli, the stories she could tell!
Dead: Jim Morrison. He was an interesting guy. Or Charles VII of Sweden. I have some questions.

14. If you could travel anywhere, where would you go and why?
London. As a history buff with an interest in the early Tudor and early to mid Victorian times, I would go crazy. Visit the V&A, get into the reading room at the British Museum, walk a newel stair, see the life sized portrait of Edward VI in Kensington Palace to see what they mean by "above middle height"...

15. What would be your dream job?
History teacher. I really don't know why I didn't pursue this one.

16. What would be your dream meal of choice?
Steak and lobster. A good steak--like of those big filet mignons or something.

17. What is the top thing on your Bucket List?
To swim with dolphins and see a Broadway musical. Also to visit somewhere outside of the borders of the USA. I applied for a passport last month!

18. What talent do you wish you had?
Art. I can't draw to save my life. I can't even use a lasso tool!

19. What is your favorite ice cream flavor?
Mint chocolate chip

20. What is something you fear?
Insects. I have been diagnosed with entomophobia. I actually called 911 to kill a big bug in my house one time. Cops thought I was crazy. People laugh but it's really not funny. I can't even type the words of some insects or even see them in a book.

21. What’s the funniest joke you heard recently?
Did you hear about what happened to the pasta and water? Their relationship was strained.

22. What Meme do you currently relate to? (please provide the pic link)
Click Here!

23. Any good books or comics that you’ve read recently?
Life's Imponderables. It tries to answer questions like why are peaches fuzzy and if there is a New Zealand, what happened to Old Zealand?

24. Any good movies or shows you’ve seen lately?
I've been watching my DVD's of White Collar and Forever Knight.

25. What is your go-to show to stream? (Via Netflix, Hulu, Amazon, etc.)
Hulu. For some reason, Netflix likes to freeze up when I browse it.

New Nominations Open Now Through September 25th!


All Requirements, Information, and New Nominations can be found here: Player of the Month Thread

Thank You! :D
Hope everyone is having a great week so far!
~Broken Vow (#22700)

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Administrator 🐈~Broken Vow~❄️
September 7th, 2021 8:32:42pm
8,756 Posts


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`NEKE-A-SAURUS → up in smoke
September 8th, 2021 10:26:59am
12,807 Posts

Congrats Kayla!



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Kayla Gayle ~~ One Piece Greyhounds ~~ Working a new job
September 9th, 2021 11:30:36am
370 Posts

Thank you!



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SaturniaᛉContest winners announced!!
September 9th, 2021 11:38:07am
3,988 Posts

Congrats Kayla!! And thanks for the little shout out ;P ♥


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↬ JADE 🖤 shake those stars from your hair, pretty moonchild
September 10th, 2021 4:51:28pm
3,849 Posts

Congratulations, Kayla!



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