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Animal pictures!

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September 5th, 2021 5:37:12am
7 Posts


How much "liberty" does one have when creating animal pictures?? For example, could I incorporate zombie like elements in pictures of my unicorns?? And could I make alien jackals look more "alien", if that makes sense?? xD


I hope this makes sense ;-;


Thank you for your time!


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↬ JADE 🖤 shake those stars from your hair, pretty moonchild
September 5th, 2021 8:13:01am
3,849 Posts

You can find the graphic rules on this page!

The only restriction at this time appears to be "layouts with gore which shows any human or animal suffering are not permitted on HP". Basically just avoid any excessive amounts of gore (body cavitys with strong detailing, organs, etc) and any suffering/torture appearance in your images. Skeletons, bones, and blood are okay! Alien or other heavily edited creatures are allowed! We've had dogs turned into half-shark, zombies galore, and all kinds of unique twists for images. HP definitely embraces creativity. (:

If you have any concerns regarding an image you've made being acceptable, you can always message a staff member for approval. If I'm not mistaken, I believe Koni #33 would be the best bet for this specific issue according to this thread.



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September 5th, 2021 9:11:24am
7 Posts

Awesome!! Thank you so much for your help!! :D


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SaturniaᛉContest winners announced!!
September 7th, 2021 8:18:45am
3,988 Posts

Well way to go Prynne, you beat me to the punch! Lol 

But Prynne is right! You have basically free rein with artistic liberties - just don't go toooo gorey. While this game is predominantly adult players, we still have some that are under 18, so we still try to keep things family friendly here! 

Ephemira is another great mod to reach out to when questioning graphics!


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