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Next & Previous Buttons

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⭒ Dakiti ⭒ Coming Back?
July 31st, 2021 2:26:22am
296 Posts

I searched forums to see if this was suggested and I didn't see anything, so here it goes  :)

So I was thinking 💭 that there should be "next horse" and "previous horse" buttons on your horses page. Currently, while you are viewing a horses page you have to click home, scroll down to your horses  and then click on the new horse you want to view. I think it'd be super awesome to do the buttons to cycle through the horses alphabetically just how they're listed on your page so you don't have to keep clicking home, or constantly clicking the back button on your browser. 

I think it would also be helpful on the  showing page as well. Once a horse has been entered in a show, you can click next horse and you can train the next horse without going home and clicking new horse and repeating the process. 



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Kyuubi || Health Issues :(
July 31st, 2021 3:30:53am
428 Posts

I just keep my account page in one tab and open a new tab with every animal that I train - not to be against this, but not sure I see a point in this feature unless you were on a phone where even doing the tabs is annoying but then again I'm all for a mouse and a computer over a phone for this game, just my preference.


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utakata -✨-{main; dwbs}- - and that, love, was that
July 31st, 2021 5:33:39am
1,551 Posts

I can completely understand the idea behind this, especially for anyone who uses their phone or a tablet. Personally though I do the same as kyuubi; have the home page open in one tab & open tabs for the horses I'm going to train. It makes it a really quick process when you're on a computer. I guess the question would be whether there are enough people who train on a phone or tablet to justify the links being added?



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⭒ Dakiti ⭒ Coming Back?
July 31st, 2021 6:20:13am
296 Posts

To me it's still kind of a hassle to do that as well in my personal opinion. I know it doesn't really have to do with the game per se but doing the extra tab b button often makes my computer freeze more often. I really do think the next and previous buttons would be a great addition for saving time though. 🙃 meanwhile *looks for new computer -- tax free season * 


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N.aima 5 {2025-02-21} {نعيمة} ✝️🦄 Majestic Mystics
July 31st, 2021 9:03:07am
28 Posts

I think this would be neat. But then again I do everything on my phone or my son's Amazon fire tablet after he's gone to bed for the night because my computer sucks. I like to do stuff while laying in bed before going to sleep. But my computer won't connect to WiFi anymore. So the only thing I use it for really is making graphics.


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Lady Rancher 1, Wild n Wicked Wolves,
July 31st, 2021 9:36:42am
1,706 Posts

I do the same as most other players home page open in a tab, all the other animals open in tabs, I only train a few now not 150 like I used to :)


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Event Coordinator Panthera Onca .:. The Night Floof 🐆
July 31st, 2021 10:50:46am
29,792 Posts

I use the linkclump app where I hold "z" and click and drag my animals. Then I "control-w" to close tabs as I go. :)



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⭒ Dakiti ⭒ Coming Back?
July 31st, 2021 6:16:01pm
296 Posts

I've never heard of linkclump. Sounds weird. XD


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Naima {نعيمة} ✝️🎨 and her Phenomenal Paints
July 31st, 2021 7:01:32pm
2,272 Posts

I've never heard of that either.



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kuryakin ☀ main | playing catchup
July 31st, 2021 7:08:17pm
221 Posts

ooh i haven't heard of that either but now i'm gonna download it, that sounds super helpful for private show entering lol! thank you pants! 



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Event Coordinator Panthera Onca .:. The Night Floof 🐆
July 31st, 2021 8:31:33pm
29,792 Posts

it is a life saver!! 



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Kuwait | Not Reserving Tix |
August 1st, 2021 6:55:41pm
2,970 Posts

I still think it would be useful, but as has been said before, I just open tabs.



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Content Moderator Moorfine {Empire of Unruly Unicorns} - Let your soul gravitate to the love, y'all
August 3rd, 2021 11:21:51am
1,975 Posts

So how do you all have the horses open in new tabs? Hold down and click the "open in new tab" on every horse? This coming from someone who may have a bit of a hoarding problem XD



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Kuwait | Not Reserving Tix |
August 3rd, 2021 12:23:27pm
2,970 Posts

Moorf: I use a laptop. I right click and open in new tab. There's probably an easier way. 



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utakata - - {2} - - puro sangue lusitano
August 3rd, 2021 12:49:10pm
41 Posts

Well, on a PC you can hold Ctrl down whilst left-clicking a link and it automatically pops up in a new tab. On Macs I THINK you hold down the little squiggly symbol whilst clicking. xD



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Content Moderator Moorfine {Empire of Unruly Unicorns} - Let your soul gravitate to the love, y'all
August 3rd, 2021 1:12:23pm
1,975 Posts

I can't imagine doing that for 60 animals haha. I'll stick to my back to homepage for now 



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Tifi - Cocker
August 9th, 2021 5:26:19am
996 Posts

Moorf - you could open 20 at a time. 

Train one, press CTRL-F4 and it closes that tab, so you are then on next animal. Doing 20 is super quick (I have opened 50 before). 


I can see next button being advantageous as occassioally I do train on phone and it is frustrating going back and forth and I wwould probably go on HP more to train etc rather than waiting until I have time to train (I could be training on Sunday in between show jumping classes). 


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Jaya • If you wanna survive, burn bright
August 9th, 2021 8:11:37am
27,686 Posts

Use snap links. It's an extension for your internet browser. You drag a box down across all the links you want to open in their own tabs, and then click. And they all open. 



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`NEKE-A-SAURUS → up in smoke
August 9th, 2021 11:43:54am
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August 9th, 2021 4:58:30pm
3,521 Posts

So I'm changing the way I'm training if I'm ever on a computer.

I usually play on a tablet though so I like the next button idea - but also from a coding standpoint that might be tough to do.



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Jaya • If you wanna survive, burn bright
August 10th, 2021 11:05:38am
27,686 Posts

I use tabs (thanks snap links) but I do think the next button is a great idea.



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