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Dakiti :: Coding
July 19th, 2021 3:39:50pm
17 Posts

Y'all... I am distraught. My paint mare was pregnant. My donkey got ahold of her when I got him. Crap happens... anyways... I knew she was expecting to foal sometime soon because there was colostrum. Long story short, we prepared the stall for her with shavings and had fans out there and everything. Last night was the first night I did not check on her because it was pouring rain and storming here. This morning I went out to feed and there was a sac, and no foal. I checked everywhere. We searched the pasture line and I just have no idea where it could have went or where it could be. I am so upset. I was so excited to have this baby. My mare seems like she is okay-- I'm sure she is sad. She is still calling for it, but isn't franticly searching. *sigh* I partially blame myself. I should have put her in the stall and closed her in there for the night. Am I being too hard on myself? Well... so that's the story of my life today. . . We searched for like 3 hours. 

But really... how bizarre.... there are no animal prints in the sand... no blood trail.... no signs of a struggle or any markings on the Mare. I did call the vet, I sent in photos of the sac and he confirmed everything was intact, and there was a foal there... but WHERE? We do also have two donkeys and 4 others horses out with her. I doubt the other horses would have stomped it and the donkeys are in a seperate pen. NOTHING adds up... I just wonder what happened? :'(

Edit: So I went out to the barn to check on my mare. I placed her in a stall because my friend brought her dog out to maybe try and see if she could pick up anything with the scent. It had heavy downpoured again but figured it was worth a shot... didn't find anything, but when I came back to the stall I noticed she had heavy breathing and was laying down...which is not normal for her. So I setup water in the stalls for her and everything and she started pushing... good thing my friend is a vet tech so I at least had someone who had more answers that I could have out there. 

Well, long story short... she apparently had twins and the healthier one took all the nutrients which explains the empty sac and no baby. She birthed a baby but it was still born and under developed. The fetus did not have any hair at all. I'm super upset. He was also pushed out backwards... so that whole case in itself was a rarity. I'm sorry her foal didn't make it but now I'm at peace knowing there wasn't a "first" baby, and at least NONE of them suffered. 


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Tragedy - upgrades reserved
July 22nd, 2021 10:19:53am
1,816 Posts

I am so so sorry to hear about this terrible first time around for her. So many weird circumstances coming together for a sad outcome. You did everything you could and now knowing the full situation must be such a relief!


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Dakiti :: Coding
July 22nd, 2021 11:12:59am
17 Posts

It really was a relief. I am glad I was able to get some closure on the situation. She is still doing fine... doesn't seem to be grieving. I think she knew all along. Well, I'm keeping my 2 donkeys seperated. I'm going to try and breed them but if the donkey doesn't produce a foal- he's getting gelded. I know he wants to be with my horses but I don't want him getting ahold of my mare again and I have another rescue that is a senior so absolutely NO to that! haha. 



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Jaya • If you wanna survive, burn bright
July 22nd, 2021 11:29:07am
27,674 Posts

I'm so glad that she's okay! 

Sorry about the baby, though. :( I hope you're hanging in there!



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SaturniaᛉContest winners announced!!
July 22nd, 2021 12:49:26pm
3,988 Posts

Goodness.. I cannot even begin to imagine all the waves of emotions! That is so tough. But you were brave - you didn't give up, and you did your best! You were there for that Mama! You did your best and that is all that can be done. 
I'm sorry for the loss :( But I am glad that you are okay and mama is doing okay!


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Dakiti :: Coding
July 22nd, 2021 2:37:31pm
17 Posts

Everything was bizarre about it... but I'm okay. I am at peace with it. Everything happens for a reason. 


Donkey isn't going to be too happy when he gets his "manhood" chopped off though. haha. 


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Abeille {MAIN} Ardennes
September 13th, 2021 4:40:45am
191 Posts

That's really horrific. I'm so sorry she lost her babies, but i'm so glad she is ok! Also, that is really fascinating in a morbid kinda way. 



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Dakiti :: Coding
September 13th, 2021 11:23:16am
17 Posts

It really was. I had never seen or heard of anything like it! Would have been a cute little baby mule. Would have been black with three white socks! 


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`NEKE-A-SAURUS → up in smoke
September 17th, 2021 10:50:31am
12,807 Posts

I am so sorry to hear.

Before the update I was going to tell you to keep an eye on her as she may have pushed the empty sac and still have a foal inside; we have had it happen.  Horse labour is usually so fast, that when it goes on like that it can be a huge issue.



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