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Developing Allergies?
Samantha - see page to know who to contact directly! June 9th, 2014 3:44:14pm 4,333 Posts |
This is kind of a weird topic, haha, but I'm curious if anyone has ever developed allergies as an adult? I ask because I've always loved onions and garlic (I'm weird, I know) but lately if I eat either, I get a super upset stomach, and if I'm around them being chopped I get super stuffed up and watery eyes and itchy to the point where I've basically stopped cooking with them. So, is it possible? Does anyone know why it happens? Can the reverse happen, like get over an allergy as an adult? Lots of questions, I know. |
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Binny 🦄 [blitz watching] June 9th, 2014 8:36:58pm 2,907 Posts |
Chris became epi-pen allergic to bananas almost overnight at the age of 23 and is currently still allergic. So yes you can develop them over time. I was told by the allergist at the time that your immune system pretty much reboots itself every 7 years. So allergies can change at those times. This is my first year ever dealing with environmental allergies. I feel for people now who have always had those. Sucks!! As for reverse, I would say yes its possible. |
Maeriy • This Is The Way • June 9th, 2014 8:58:59pm 814 Posts |
Im 21 & Just recently ive become allergic to dogs :/ ive never had any allergies to dogs before but now I cant be around them unless they are an hypoallergenic breed or ill sneeze and wont be able to breathe :( |
Kirre Potter June 9th, 2014 11:59:26pm 420 Posts |
Your immune system is a weird thing, often people who are actually alergic won't display 'symptoms' or amount an attack after the first encounter. So for example if you're alergic to bee stings.. you're walking along and owch - sting. Now that first time your body is like woaaahhh thats not normal alas it amounts a standard response against it because it relies upon the innate system as you've never encountered it before. The next time however your body can decide that since it now knows what the bee sting is to amount a full scale attack upon it (adaptive immune system) which in turn triggers anaphalaxis (you can also randomly get anaphalaxis from the first sting.. but its less likely.. you inherit antigens from your mother.) You can develop hypersensitivity in a range of ways depending on the antigens (the snipers of the immune system) you have developped to each stimuli.
Long story short - first exposure body is all meeeh we got this. Then it reccognises its bad (sometimes randomly..) & starts being all THIS IS SPATA! which causes a massive release of histamines which in turn cause inflamation of the airways and hey ho we have anaphalaxis.
Sam's case is a tad different as it sounds like more of a digestive disorder than actual allergic reaction. It may be that you've had a bug lately so your stomach is a tad sensitive and has picked up on the stronger foods (onion/garlic) which in turn has made you sensitive to the rest of it. If it is a bug your body should revert back soon.. i'd try again in say a month or two and see what happens. I went through a weird stage of lactose intollerence and now i'm fine again. :)) cooffeeeee!
Sorry if its a bit jumbled I was trying to make it get its point without a really lengthy comparison of IgM vs IgG and all the other mumbo jumbo.If it makes you feel any better the ex developed a hypersensitivity (resulting in a full body rash) from Capsicum (but randomly not chilli), Citrus, Beef & pineapple.. all at once :/ Made cooking dinner suppppeerr fun & when I forgot & used lemon zest in something it was immediately aparent the next day.. thank god he ate out for lunch so I could just blame them hahahaha i'm a terrible person! |
Samantha - see page to know who to contact directly! June 10th, 2014 12:23:04am 4,333 Posts |
That makes sense! Yeah, the food sensitivity makes sense! The only thing is that when they're being chopped near me I get an extreme reaction. Like full-on tears, and nose completely stopped up, and face itchy. That's what reminds me of an allergy. That sucks :(. Citrus is a hard one since it's in so many things. I'm allergic to clemetines, but literally no other citrus. Go figure. |
𝔖𝔱𝔬𝔯𝔪 ℭ𝔯𝔬𝔴 💀 The Artist Formerly Known as xxCHAOTIC June 10th, 2014 7:36:34pm 1,854 Posts |
^ I do that too. I can't be in the same room as onions being prepared, at all. It never used to bother me any more than it did the average person, but within the past couple years it's excruciatingly painful for me to be anywhere near onions being chopped. Every kind of onion, too! My friend did some shallots and THOSE even made me leave the room. My eyes start to hurt and just pour tears and it takes FOREVER to stop. It's awful.
I can still EAT onions just fine though. Then again I have a stomach of iron and can eat just about anything and not feel sick at all. Link Tree |
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