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Let's create a little life!

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Master Administrator Samantha - see page to know who to contact directly!
June 9th, 2014 3:29:00pm
4,333 Posts

So HP has been really slow lately with not many people posting in the forums or chat - as has the rest of the internet (Seriously, someone posts on Facebook once like every 30 minutes). So let's liven things up a little!

What are you summer plans for real life? I'm going to work on learning to program for HP, and also I'm looking forward to my vacation next month!

What are your summer HP plans? Learning to program and getting all of the new features released!

And finally, post something interesting you found on the internet recently: http://www.buzzfeed.com/discovercard/people-who-took-their-safety-into-their-own-hands


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Famous Shamus }} from blood and ash, we will rise
June 9th, 2014 3:50:05pm
276 Posts

What are you summer plans for real life? Work, work, and more work! haha. But I also get to see my horse, goats, and sheep after work :)


What are your summer HP plans? Continue my lines, do graphics (hopefully more than I'm doing now), maybe have a layout contest...


And finally, post something interesting you found on the internet recently: http://www.funnyvinevideos.com/vines/5070/Baby-Goat-Baah   (hahahaha)



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tronic ϟ love me back to life ♥
June 9th, 2014 5:18:22pm
4,524 Posts

What are you summer plans for real life? I will be learning the ins and outs of my new job, but also going to enjoy having a real summer.  These past 5 years I have worked in the agriculture business and have not had time to even enjoy the summer.  I am really excited to get to go camping, take the dog to the river, and to start floating the river again. YAY! 

What are your summer HP plans? Start my 6th generation of my Alaska Line Andalusians, and possibly buy a tablet to work on improving my graphics.

And finally, post something interesting you found on the internet recently: http://imgur.com/wdu4ogp




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Blitz -- Stellar Gypsy Vanners
June 9th, 2014 7:29:23pm
1,308 Posts

Summer plans? I'm training to become a manager at Arby's. So... work.


HP Plans? Just continuing lines, training, all that fun stuff. Coming up with new ideas for the game, and them forcing Sam to spend money on them. The usual.


Something I found on the internet recently? no idea. -stares blankly-


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a z a l i e - 🌵 2024 APHA World,Reserve and Bronze Champion-blitzy still watching-
June 9th, 2014 8:53:14pm
1,856 Posts

Summer plans: next week im doing a Craig Cameron clinic with one of my horses, other than that...work


HP Plans: get Tua to 20million...keep my lines goin...


Something I found on the internet recently: i just watched a vid on youtube of a mini horse dressed as a lion! soooo cute!

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3gvVHaNVmIA i think is the link



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Maeriy • This Is The Way •
June 9th, 2014 9:20:39pm
814 Posts

Summer plans: look for a job, otherwise my job is being a full time mom haha

HP plans: save tons of money *if possible* & keep working hard on my horses (:

Somethung I found on the internet: I actually havent found anything interesting o.o


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Sassafras Tango
June 9th, 2014 9:30:45pm
1,233 Posts

Summer plans for real life: I want to take more stock (and art) photos so I'm looking for horse and dog shows in my area. And I want to go camping at least twice this summer which means I'll have to find some extra jobs to do to raise some extra spending money. So, some work and some play :)

Summer HP plans: I'm thinking of starting my very first project horse! But I'm still unsure if I have enough funds. Also, I think I may want to start a partnership with someone soon (I've never had a partner in my whole horse sim life).

Something interesting from the interwebs: http://kotaku.com/here-are-the-oldest-pants-in-the-world-1585246676?utm_campaign=Socialflow_Kotaku_Facebook&utm_source=Kotaku_Facebook&utm_medium=Socialflow



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Administrator 🐈~Broken Vow~❄️
June 9th, 2014 10:07:10pm
8,756 Posts

Summer Plans For Real Life: Work, continuing wedding planning, and trying to ride more.

Summer HP Plans: Work on becoming a better mod, saving up some HPD for future project, and getting pictures for the rest of my Saddlebreds.

Something Interesting From Theh Interwebs: http://www.buzzfeed.com/daves4/havin-a-rough-time

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Kirre Potter
June 9th, 2014 11:32:53pm
420 Posts

Winter (yay for australia!) plans for real life:  Uhh working.. and completing a massive assignment that is rudely due in the first week of next term. but 5 weeks off.. I haven't had 5 weeks off in donkeys years! yay for not working for the uni anymore :)) 

Winter HP plans: Graphics gallore.. I want to get my coding back up to speed with the rest of you haha so it will be premade city for a little while untill I work out the semantics.

Sorry if its massive.. it realllllyyy didn't want to apear on here -.- three millllliiionnn edits later and volia. 


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eluhfunt - - just visiting.
June 10th, 2014 2:40:20am
168 Posts

Summer Plans for Real Life: Work. Earn money. Get fat. Have baby. 

Summer Plans for HP: Get my 2nd Gen horses to reach 1mill more than their parents did. 

Interwebs: Happy Porcupine


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shaenne •
June 10th, 2014 2:09:48pm
1,386 Posts

Winter (Yay Australia again :P) plans for real life: Raise my puppies! We can start weaning really soon, so that's going to be fun. Also make a big dent in my school work (doing a distance learning course) since i've been putting it off for a month.

Winter plans for HP: Get back into training, save for my next project which will likely be my 15th generation puppy.. Due in a couple months... I really should stop spending my hpd XD

Interesting internet thing: http://www.cadburykitchen.com.au/recipes/view/chocolate-banana-bread-and-butter-pudding/5/ - A bread & butter pudding recipe I plan to try when I remember to buy some bananas.


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June 10th, 2014 2:19:04pm
198 Posts

What are you summer plans for real life? I'm going to work on getting/keeping Indy sound, since his hocks have been bothering him.. Basically, lots of hillwork in our future! Also, I signed up for a beginners yoga class that starts this week! 

What are your summer HP plans? Code some layouts and maybe run in a club!

And finally, post something interesting you found on the internet recently: http://whywerescue.com (This isn't "recent," but I really love this project and I don't think it's gotten as much exposure as it should!)


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