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Auction Finalisation Reminder

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allix + her brave little soldiers | gsd line [main]
April 19th, 2021 10:28:30am
310 Posts

I was wondering if it was possible to maybe get a message when there is only a day left to finalise an graphic auction? Like the message you get when you have one ending (hopefully that makes sense aha)

I just had three 'fail' because I completely forgot what day they needed to be finalised for and I was still awaiting details to come through. Usually I leave it til the last day and if I dont get details before then I finalise the auction and send through a blank image saying if they need any text added etc I can still ad that. But this week I've been unwell so the days have blurred. 

Having a message come through on the last day would be super helpful. Both to avoid getting fined and also because it says you can become banned for repeat auction failures. 


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Administrator 🐈~Broken Vow~❄️
April 20th, 2021 1:48:02pm
8,756 Posts

You should have gotten an automated message sent from yourself to yourself via the HA about a day or two before your auctions expired.
I ended up doing some testing earlier in the month for both the Graphic and Layout selling options. Both times I've gotten the warning message to the account I hosted the auctions on.

Make sure you haven't clicked the box in your Edit Profile page for Notification Settings "my graphics/layout auction is one day away from ending", since if it is checkmarked that means you've turned off that specific notification and no message would of been sent.

Hopefully that'll help for next time if it happens. :)

pjd1sOi.png uoRNx1M.png BGYKLiO.png


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allix + her brave little soldiers | gsd line [main]
April 21st, 2021 1:15:37am
310 Posts

Oh no, lol this is what I was worried about not being clear, I'm not talking about the auction expiring. 

I ment after you've accepted a bid, and you have the week to finalise it. 

So a message reminder (like you get when the auction is about to end) to make sure it is finalise. As I said, I had three auctions I had accepted bids on but was waiting on details to be sent through so I could finalise them (I don't like immediately finalising until I've added custom text if its wanted), but they expired without me even realising it so I was fined and obviously lost the payment for the auction. 


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