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Day 13! - Closed!

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Event Coordinator ephemira 🎵 gucci 🪽
December 13th, 2020 8:49:46am
4,387 Posts

Tell me a Story!

Tell me one of your most memorable events, funny, heartwarming, ect that happened this time if year!

Please post your full response along with the animal ID.

Prize: 5,000 animal points



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Chance -----> The Thoroughbred Factory
December 13th, 2020 9:03:35am
357 Posts

My family and I went to the tree farm and picked out our christmas tree like we did every other year, but this particular year we didn't realize our tree of choice was covered in poision ivy....until the next day when we were all covered in it from carrying the tree inside and decorating it. Ooops!

Points to horse #340710


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Lady Rancher 1, Wild n Wicked Wolves,
December 13th, 2020 9:10:40am
1,706 Posts

I always looked forward to this time of year when I was little cause my parents and I would go and cut down our own tree, then bring it home to decorate, we made cookies, they would read me stories before bed time. their gone now but I'll always remember the love, and fun times I had as a child

pts to grt dane 131300  thank you 


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City of Angels - Home of Calamity
December 13th, 2020 9:31:04am
4,026 Posts

I don't have really any funny events that happened, but I hope this one counts as the most memorabe ones.

Ian (my partner) always really wanted to go to Petra in Jordan, so I arranged for us to go on a two week trip to Jordan and Israel last Christmas and we spent Christmas day in Petra. We did a massive nine hour hike around the site and it was pretty empty so we have the most amazing photos. He loved it and we met the best people. We then spent New Years in a Bar in Tel Aviv with new friends singing the night away to 70's, 80's and ninties music.


If this is right could I please have the points on

Rosa is awesome, Rosa is fine, Rosa didn't write this...


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Tifi - Cocker
December 13th, 2020 10:07:05am
996 Posts

A few years ago my partner Rob was getting really disheartened with Christmas and starting to resent it due to the amount of money we needed to try and save just for presents.  We have 12 nieces/nephews between us plus 11 siblings/their partners plus our parents and a few friends so it was getting really expensive especially as we have no kids, at one point we had no dogs and so it was the time of year we really splurged on the other but when all the kids etc came along we spent less on each other.

To help him I bought a lot of inexpensive little gadgets and things to make him smile and before I went riding I would leave them on his desk or near the coffee machine.  It made Christmas for me that I was able to do something small but help him to get some Christmas cheer.  This is the first year I've not done this and it shows in MY mood/Christmas spirit.


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Lynelle! ♔ Holiday Schedule Causing Delays
December 13th, 2020 10:27:50am
2,046 Posts

Can I just sum all my stories this year in three words: Luka and Layla? lol

I have too many stories to tell and these two have given everyone they meet a much needed uplifting time during this tough year.

They have definitely made the "stay at home order" so much more fun. And they re-introduced me into my sense of adventure and they love to explore.

Points to horse


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Event Coordinator Panthera Onca .:. The Night Floof 🐆
December 13th, 2020 10:31:33am
29,792 Posts

I can't think of any funny christmas occasions, but one of the most memorable was the year my little brother was born 5 days before Christmas! My other brother was only 11 months old, and so that year my parents hung the tree from the CEILING so he wouldn't get into mischief haha. 

Points to dog #121052 please!



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Naima {نعيمة} ✝️🎨 and her Phenomenal Paints
December 13th, 2020 11:04:20am
2,272 Posts

Having my maturnal great grandmother and my paternal grandmother at our house every year for Christmas and they both stayed the night. They're both gone now but I will always remember them and these times. These were much simpler (and happier) times, considering my parents were still together. Not to mention it was this time of year specifically that my mother finally decided to voice to all of us that she wasn't happy with my father and initiated the divorce.

But my son makes it better again though since last year as a 2 year old and this year as a 3 year old, he's helped decorate the whole tree! I have someone to decorate the tree with again!

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Jaya • If you wanna survive, burn bright
December 13th, 2020 11:04:47am
27,674 Posts

Christmas decorating was memorable this year, because now that my son is three he's decided that he's able to help. Of course, nothing can get done without him. So he had to "help" carry the boxes up from the basement, "help" fluff the branches of the artifical tree, "help" with the lights, with the ornaments.... Needless to say, it took twice as long as it usually does, and the decorations on the tree are all one one side... but he helped do everything!


points to dog #130023



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Sassafras Tango
December 13th, 2020 11:13:40am
1,233 Posts

My most best memory at this time of year was when I went to the snow with my father a few years ago. I hadn't been to the snow for years and we finally went together. It was a lot of fun and it even snowed! I was so happy.

Horse #343322



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alyphira ; ill, please contact on discord for best response
December 13th, 2020 1:05:51pm
242 Posts

I remember when I was younger, I was starting to lose belief in santa. Then, I was talking about how I'd only believe if I saw "reindeer". Low and behold my little self in the car then saw a nice group of whitetale bound across the road in front of us and I couldn't believe my little eyes. I still remember that to this day!

points to:


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Kyuubi || Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles
December 13th, 2020 1:47:06pm
275 Posts

December 23rd, 2016

I had put my first horse, a 4 year old AQHA gelding called Chips A Glow (Chips) up for sale at the beginning of the month because he did not want to be an English horse, he wanted to do what he was bred for which is Western Pleasure, was also a cryptorchid (fully gelded, they did get the other one but he got some hormones) and had some stallion behaviors which I found I did not like to deal with and some other reasons. The perfect person for him came to try him, even though he dished out all of his naughty behaviors she rode him through it and then got him working for her. My trainer liked her and she told us she loved him. On December 23rd, 2016 I sold Chips to his current owner and he's become the horse that his breeder knew he would be. I bought him from the breeder and I feel like he did teach me a lot, he also wouldn't be with his current owner if I hadn't so I felt it was supposed to happen that way so they could be together. I use to get bitten by him on a regular basis, baby brain stallion traits mouthyness but in February of this year, right before the pandemic reached Hawaii I got to see him again at a horse show and pet him on the nose without getting bitten. It was the highlight of the day for me, I was able to pet Chips without getting bitten. He became a horse that his owner could let her little girls groom him and ride him without an issue whereas I would've never trusted him with child.

Points to Crystal; please



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SaturniaᛉContest winners announced!!
December 13th, 2020 1:58:23pm
3,988 Posts

Points on Skade please : 

Christmases usually aren't too exciting for me. But this year - this year is exciting. This year Steph and I were finally able to buy a lot of presents for each other. We were finally able to put presents under the tree and decorate our first home together. In addition, this year we are getting a new puppy on the 18th! So.. this year is really special to me!


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[phenomenon] .:. mules
December 13th, 2020 2:08:11pm
3 Posts

When I was like 10 all my friends were trying to convince me Santa wasn't real so for Christmas Eve I wrote Santa this long letter about how I knew he was real and I was defending him but I needed him to sign the letter as proof to show my friends. I left the letter by his milk and cookies. When I woke up to see my presents from Santa in the morning, the letter had been signed and I was initially so relieved until I realized it was my dad's handwriting and then I was devastated xD

Points to mule #343643


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Content Moderator Moorfine {Empire of Unruly Unicorns} - Let your soul gravitate to the love, y'all
December 13th, 2020 2:42:23pm
1,975 Posts

Points to Acantha #342340 please


Christmas is always a special time of year for us as we have a 6 year old, so this whole month is magical. IT hasn't officially happened yet, but the most exciting thing this year, is that we found out a week ago that we are going to be getting a golden retriever puppy! They will be born right around Christmas, and I am hoping we can get a picture in time to be able to wrap it for Haley to open on Christmas morning!



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Kayla Gayle ~~ One Piece Greyhounds ~~ Working a new job
December 13th, 2020 4:16:21pm
370 Posts

A little long, but a good one about how a very memorable Christmas turned from sad to heartwarming.

At one time, I was going through a rough patch and ended up homeless in Reno, NV. I was staying with my sister in law and the situation was getting pretty bad due to my son's ADHD, so something had to give and I moved into a shelter.

Now the thing to remember about this story is that a year before, Leon had a bad Christmas. I was broke so he got a gift from Secret Santa, Blue Christmas, Salvation Army, a couple of toys from me and some dollar things from above sister in law. I vowed never again.

The next year, while in the shelter, I worked my fingers to the bone at my job--putting in over 200 hours in a 2 week span. I worked from 5am to 11pm 7 days a week. It was worth it though as my $1400 check managed to get just about everything on Leon's list.

Unbeknownst to me, and the Lord working his ways, Leon had been adopted by a church. To this day I do not know the name of the church. All I know is the preacher and his wife knocked on the door and presented my son with gifts--it turned out to be EVERY SINGLE GIFT ON HIS LIST. They even managed to get him a dog--a stuffed one. God Bless whoever those folks were.

So now Leon had duplicate gifts. On Christmas Day, I went around to the other residents and told them that they could pick out gifts from the dups. Some had no presents except for what the shelter gave them and they and my son made out like bandits. There were copious tears all around. Later we all sat around the old TV in the playroom, drank non alcoholic eggnog and watched Christmas movies.

It was one of the best holidays I ever had. Almost a year later, I moved out of the shelter and we got to celebrate in our own apartment. But it will never be forgotten. 




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lostcause 🎃💀🍂🍁
December 13th, 2020 4:49:57pm
203 Posts

Safe to say ths year took a toll on many of us. But I love that everyone has gone all out, at least in my area, with the Halloween and Christmas displays! I had taken a few days off last month to extend my Thanksgiving break and found that many houses on my commute home through the neighborhoods had begun putting up more Christmas lights while I was on vacation.

After coming up a hill I saw that one of the houses had strung a singular, twinkling strand across the road to their neighbor's tree across the way. The city hasn't made them take it down. Everyone slows down when they drive under it (everyone fits safely, the plows haven't even taken it out during the snow we've had!). I don't know if its just the emotional rollercoaster of a year it's been, or if it's heartwarming that two neighbors came together to string together a little light of humanity. Maybe it's both. But I tear up a little every time I drive under it.


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Maharet : Taking a break : BV, Blitz, & Trig watching
December 13th, 2020 5:02:30pm
2,469 Posts

wasnt per say christmas but it was decemeber . It snowed a few years back in south texas so I totally pulled a snow day for the kids and we played in the snow all day long. it was magical


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↬ JADE 🖤 shake those stars from your hair, pretty moonchild
December 13th, 2020 5:12:57pm
3,849 Posts

I still fondly remember the first time I purchased Christmas gifts for my dog and wrapped them up. I didn't know if she would even enjoy the process of ripping off the wrapping paper, but oh my god she couldn't get enough of it! She was so excited to have presents of her own and would run around with the toys in her mouth with the wrapping paper still partially hanging off of them wagging her tail so much. It was adorable!

Points to dog #130175!



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pinkchampagne »
December 13th, 2020 5:28:49pm
415 Posts

This didn't happen to me but it happened to my sister. A few years ago my whole family was together for Christmas and my sister and her boyfriend had been dating for about 7 years. We were all in the living room just chatting and hanging out and started opening presents. My sisters boyfriend got down on one knee and was holding a ring box. You could hear a pin drop! We were freaking out like omg he's gonna propose finally ahhhh, we were all so excited, and my sister started crying. He opened the box and inside was... a picture of a set of tires he had cut out of a flyer. That was her Christmas present for her that year, a new set of winter tires lol... Safe to say everyone was pretty upset with him, especially my sister. It was a cruel prank to pull but now we can all look back on it and laugh. They ended up getting engaged a couple years later, and now have 2 kids and have been married for 5 years. 

G2. (9) Dominka (ID #341783) - Horse Information (



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