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Day 11 - Photo Hunt! - Closed!

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SaturniaᛉContest winners announced!!
December 11th, 2020 11:36:49am
3,988 Posts

Hello again my lovely HP peeps! 

This week - Photo Scavenger Hunt !! 

But, Sat... Corona Virus?!! You're right! So- I have made this Scavenger Hunt geared towards being indoor friendly! 

The rules : 
Please no photos from the internet. The point is to try to get you away from your computer screens! 
Keep all photos HP friendly.. you know the rules! 

The Timeline : 
You have from today (11th) until the morning of the 15th to find these photos! 

The Award: 
For each photo that you find - You will receive 1k points toward an animal for a total of 15k points! 

The Search : 
1. Something Red
2. Something Tiny 
3. Something Soft
4. Something Colorful 
5. Something Green
6. Something you Love
7. Something Shiny
8. Your Christmas Tree (or yule log, menorah, etc. something that shows your holiday!) 
9. Your pet (or stuffed animal if you don't have a pet!) 
10. Your favorite book 
11. Your favorite mug 
12. Your favorite Candle 
13. Your favorite ornament
14. Your favorite song (tip: you can screenshot your spotify playlist!) 
15. Make the first letter of your name with an object! (ex: using shoe laces to make a letter or lining up candy to make a letter- get creative!!) 

You can post photos here OR you can message them to me! Whatever is easiest. Don't forget to let me know what horse/dog you will want the points on (brownie points for copying and pasting the link! I will love you so much lol) 


Happy Hunting! 

xx Sat


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Tragedy - upgrades reserved
December 14th, 2020 8:39:27pm
1,816 Posts

1. Something Red (red solo cup at work)

2. Something Tiny (baby calf at work)
3. Something Soft (living room pillows)
4. Something Colorful (lights in the front room)
5. Something Green (my favorite tea)
6. Something you Love (chucky the horse)
7. Something Shiny (her bit)
8. Your Christmas Tree (or yule log, menorah, etc. something that shows your holiday!)
9. Your pet (or stuffed animal if you don't have a pet!)
10. Your favorite book
11. Your favorite mug
12. Your favorite Candle 
13. Your favorite ornament
14. Your favorite song (tip: you can screenshot your spotify playlist!)
15. Make the first letter of your name with an object



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`NEKE-A-SAURUS → up in smoke
December 15th, 2020 12:02:40pm
12,807 Posts

So, scavenger hunt at work.
Sooo I made do.

1. Something Red -
2. Something Tiny -
3. Something Soft -
4. Something Colorful -
5. Something Green - (its teal/green in person)
6. Something you Love - (my wall of niblings at work to make me happy!)
7. Something Shiny -
8. Your Christmas Tree (or yule log, menorah, etc. something that shows your holiday!) -  (not a tree but is my homemade stocking(
9. Your pet (or stuffed animal if you don't have a pet!)  -
10. Your favorite book -
11. Your favorite mug -
12. Your favorite Candle - No candles here at work :(
13. Your favorite ornament -
14. Your favorite song (tip: you can screenshot your spotify playlist!)  -
15. Make the first letter of your name with an object! (ex: using shoe laces to make a letter or lining up candy to make a letter- get creative!!)  -

Points to:



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SaturniaᛉContest winners announced!!
December 15th, 2020 2:49:10pm
3,988 Posts

Alright! Woo! Thank you to everyone who participated!! 

I will be awarding those points shortly!


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