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Mental Health Check In
SaturniaᛉContest winners announced!! November 16th, 2020 7:27:01pm 3,988 Posts |
Hello again lovelies! |
SaturniaᛉContest winners announced!! February 25th, 2021 12:18:30pm 3,988 Posts |
Well that sounds wonderful, Aoi! I'm happy for you! Yay for new cars and getting to go on holiday! |
SaturniaᛉContest winners announced!! March 16th, 2021 4:40:02pm 3,988 Posts |
Well - this time change is really messing with me.. I vote next time change, we just *dont* lol |
Panthera Onca .:. The Night Floof 🐆 March 16th, 2021 6:26:25pm 29,792 Posts |
I bought a house on the day of daylight savings time. Word of advice: don't do that. xD NOT a morning person PLUS allllll the new house paperwork = dead pants. very dead. xD plz send prayers and/or all the good vibes. |
SaturniaᛉContest winners announced!! March 17th, 2021 3:17:08pm 3,988 Posts |
Yikes - I remember that paperwork. We just refinanced and oi... so many papers to sign! I feel your pain! |
lacey · walkaloosas March 17th, 2021 3:21:29pm 3 Posts |
I won't go into details-- because I annoy myself with it.
But, I think I am finally getting better ^_^ |
SaturniaᛉContest winners announced!! March 17th, 2021 3:34:45pm 3,988 Posts |
And that is totally fine, Lacey! You don't have to share anything you don't feel comfortable with! |
Lafitte ✘ we'll Make the whole world blind.. March 17th, 2021 4:21:18pm 679 Posts |
why do people who have never experinced depression or ptsd or anxiety attacks think we can just "you know get over it
Just had a horrible experince with someone who told me that. i had to walk away.. i wasnt very happy I'm not the hero you wanted. I am the Monster You needed.. |
swirly ; retirement March 18th, 2021 6:34:21am 2 Posts |
*hugs lafitte* i'm so sorry that someone invalidated you like that.. it's unforgiveable. i wish things were so easy to just 'get over'. they aren't. sometimes i think that people don't really understand the magnitude or the affect that words can have. if it was so simple to get over, people wouldn't have the problems they have or suffer how they do. :/ my own check in... eh, mh isn't great. i'm trying tho. it's all i can do, but equally, nothing wrong with taking time out just for myself- same goes for everyone else - self care is so important! |
Naima {نعيمة} ✝️🎨 and her Phenomenal Paints March 18th, 2021 7:05:49am 2,272 Posts |
My husband deals with anxiety and attacks. He got it from his mother who also picked it up from her mother. Its not fun. Often times, i have to immediately drop whatever I'm doing and give him a hug to help him through the attacks. Thankfully, he doesn't have the depression and ptsd side. But I feel for ya, fitte. |
SaturniaᛉContest winners announced!! March 18th, 2021 1:10:30pm 3,988 Posts |
I think Swirly and Nad had great input! They are both so right! |
s u b я o s a • March 21st, 2021 7:11:59am 352 Posts |
Been aware of this post for a while but haven't wanted to post... I don't like to air my laundry but I just feel I need to get it off my chest... Working in A&E as a newly qualified, literally on the front line has really affected me. I'm tired, stressed and cry most of the time. My mum and brother both have their own mental health issues, with my brother rocking up to my resus department recently whilst on shift with a failed attempt :( Only my husband knows that I've been on antidepressants and anxiety meds for the last 8 months which I've recently had upped... I'm feeling a little better in myself but I still feel guilty that I've distanced myself from both mum & brother. I feel really guilty but I know in my heart, I've done it for this right reason to focus on me :( I don't really have a lot of family that can be supportive because of my mum & brother. I'm mainly relying on my husband, a few work colleagues and two special ladies (you know who you are :p) to get me throughout the day! I'm working on myself, I really am trying... |
City of Angels - Home of Calamity March 21st, 2021 7:46:16am 4,026 Posts |
Love you to the moon and back Rosa Rosa is awesome, Rosa is fine, Rosa didn't write this... |
SaturniaᛉContest winners announced!! March 21st, 2021 3:13:02pm 3,988 Posts |
Subrosa - I cannot even begin to imagine that stress you've been under! But I'm proud of you for being brave enough to share! That's huge. So I think that's something that should be noted. I agree with you - focusing on your own mental health is important. "You cannot give from an empty cup" - I think that's the saying. |