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PHISM needs a partner =)

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PHISM || Hiatus ||
February 27th, 2014 11:54:26pm
1,321 Posts

Alright guys listen up! -cracks whip-

I want to do some dogs, but I dont want to do them alone.

Being alone is scary O.O

I'm going to be extremely specific because I want you guys to know what your getting into.



I am on HP a couple times a week, but this varies, sometimes I dissapear for three days, sometimes I'm on HP all day.

I am extremely weird - not weird like creepy get away from me - but weird like i may leave you a note that only states: -munches on partner-.

I am 22, I have a bad mouth, and I have bad habits - if we talk outside of HP please don't be offended if i throw out the s/d/h/f word every once in a while.

I'm the type of person that - if you say your going to do something - I WILL NOT CHECK TO SEE IF YOU DID IT - if its your turn to train and you dont we both suffer.

I will support our partnership through upgrades, graphics and coding.

I will bring 50 mil to the account to start.

I will commit to paying for at least 20 private shows for our dogs every other week.




Be charasmatic, a little weird, and fun to talk to.

Bring something to the table - graphics, training, coding, upgrading, etc. (We need money)

Be willing to take on a week on/week off responsibility.

Not easily offended by crude humor.

Be willing to bring over 50 mil to the account to match my contribution.

Be willing to commit to paying for at least 20 private shows for our dogs every other week.


That being said, these are the only breeds I'm interested in:

German Shepherds

Golden Retrievers

Siberian Huskies

Great Danes


If your interested in joining forces reply here or message me. Only requirement? Also give me a 'theme' you'd like to do our dogs in! Just be fun about it!



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Sassafras Tango
February 28th, 2014 12:54:07am
1,233 Posts

I have Gerberian Shepsky lines already which are German Shepherd x Siberian Husky hybrids. I don't know if you would be interested in those, but if you are, I match all your requirements and would lurve to be pardners :)




EDIT: oh yeah, and I already bred my 4th or 5th generation but we can either rename them or name the next gen. with a seasonal theme. I like to be creative with it though, so not just naming one Summer or whatever but maybe Aestas (which is Latin for Summer). 



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Duckie || Songbird Shelties || -college-ing-
February 28th, 2014 2:39:45am
815 Posts

I already have a couple lined goldens that I can toss in, but GSD's are chill too!


The Dino lines, the food brand lines, the technology line, the mythical line, the Disney line (what I got going on now)


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s u b я o s a •
February 28th, 2014 2:39:18pm
352 Posts

Hullooo. I'd also be interested! :D


I'm not going to write I fit everything and suck up to you haha. (btw I totally fill the requirements, but that's besides the point!)

I'd totally be up for German Shepherds as have a 6 month old white GSD, beautiful dog. Although I also love Huskies so this could be discussed.

Supporting the account wise, I can match the 50mill as well as offering graphics and upgrades.

Totally not offended by crude humor and if we talk outside of HP please don't be offended if I throw out more than the odd f/s/d word! haha. That didn't make me look good at all lmao. 


and as for theme names Artists names (Monet, Picasso, Warhol etc.) OR I really want to do names from films like Snatch and Lockstock (Turkish, Bullet Tooth, Frankie Four Fingers etc) :D

kpBytW3.png You have been City'd xD


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𝔖𝔱𝔬𝔯𝔪 ℭ𝔯𝔬𝔴 💀 The Artist Formerly Known as xxCHAOTIC
March 2nd, 2014 11:13:22am
1,854 Posts

Omg huskies. I've been thinking of starting huskies but I never got around to it. German Shepherd is also an option.


Meet all the requirements, right on down to the off kilter sense of humor. XD


Plus I think I'm the other main walker breeder. :3 so that'd be nice too.


If I did huskies I'd want to give them gemstone/semi precious gem names after my parents husky, Onyx, who I can also get stock of! German shepherds I dunno. There's a German industrial band I love I could pull song names from (:wumpskut:)... Germanic names, oooh a military theme? Battles, models of tanks or weapons, famous military personnel?

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