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Mad Hatter Day!

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Concourse [but as she was leaving, it felt like breathing]
October 4th, 2020 9:59:22pm
2,902 Posts

Mad Hatter Day is October 6th! It’s the day that we celebrate the Mad Hatter from Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland.

If we were able to meet in a public place – I’d love to have a tea party! Instead we will have a virtual tea party that will last a week.

Due to the fact I am getting sick, I am going to post everything today to ensure that I get it all up in a timely manner.

11.       Post a fun riddle! I love riddles. For 1,000 points post a riddle.

22.       For 1,000 points – tell me about your favorite character in Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland -or- your favorite scene (hp appropriate).

33.       For 3,500 points – color this Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland themed coloring page. Pick one: one | two | three (extra 500 points if you complete two of them - 4000 total. Extra 1000 if you do all three - 4500 total)

44.       For 4,000 points – take one of your animals and photoshop / draw a funny hat on the picture! This doesn’t have to be perfect. Consider it a ‘bad drawing’ contest.

55.       Mad Hatter Day is a day of pure silliness and fun. It was started by a group of computer technicians in Colorado in 1986 – for 2,500 point share a fun and silly story that may make someone’s day a little bit better.

Entries for all five things are accepted until October 10th, 2020 at 11:59 PM EST/HP time.


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Kayla Gayle ~~ One Piece Greyhounds ~~ Working a new job
October 5th, 2020 12:31:27am
370 Posts

Points to dog #128633

11. For 1,000 points post a riddle

Why did the Mad Hatter fall in love with his foe?    A: She was the queen of his heart

22. For 1,000 points – tell me about your favorite character in Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland -or- your favorite scene (hp appropriate).

The Cheshire Cat scene where Alice asks which direction she should go and he tells her it depends on where you want to go.

33. For 3,500 points – color this Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland themed coloring page.

44. For 4,000 points – take one of your animals and photoshop / draw a funny hat on the picture! This doesn’t have to be perfect. Consider it a ‘bad drawing’ contest.

This is truly bad.  https://imgur.com/pSbC6s3

55. Mad Hatter Day is a day of pure silliness and fun. It was started by a group of computer technicians in Colorado in 1986 – for 2,500 point share a fun and silly story that may make someone’s day a little bit better.

Halloween related. My son and I took a placation to a hotel here in town recently. It was a historic hotel and he decided to go down to the lobby to take pictures. Not 5 minutes after he left, he came running back, banging on the door. He was out of breath and said "I heard a ghost". The hotel was known to be haunted so no surprise. 

The silly thing is that he spent the whole day saying ghosts don't exsist.



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Tifi - Cocker
October 5th, 2020 5:58:14am
996 Posts

11. Riddle me this:  You see a boat filled with people, yet there isn't a single person on board. How is that possible?  (Answer at end of this post)

22. Favourite character is Chesire Cat.  I love the scene where he is on the branch and fades away so the last thing remaining is his grin.

33. For 3,500 points – one, Two Three

44. For 4,000 points – Shark Attack Hat

55. Mad Hatter Day is a day of pure silliness and fun. I was at my mums for my brother's birthday and all the family was there so there was a lack of seating.  There was a rusted metal chair so I took it, opened it and sat on it and promptly fell through it.  I sat on the floor laughing while everyone around me was laughing and snorting. Once I stood up (with help as I was trapped in that dang chair) I turned around and everyone gasped.  I had massive scratches the length of my back and ended up going to A&E for a tetanus shot. 

Points to: https://horsephenomena.com/horses.php?id=337781

Riddle A: All the people on the boat are married.


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Lady Rancher 1, Wild n Wicked Wolves,
October 5th, 2020 11:35:43am
1,706 Posts


pts to 340395 please and thank you 

11.Post a fun riddle! I love riddles. For 1,000 points post a riddle.

What kind of cats like to go bowling?    Alley Cats

22.For 1,000 points – tell me about your favorite character in Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland -or- your favorite scene (hp appropriate).  favorite scene Alice with the flowers


33. For 3,500 points – color this Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland themed coloring page. Pick one: one | two | three (extra 500 points if you complete two of them - 4000 total. Extra 1000 if you do all three - 4500 total)




44.For 4,000 points – take one of your animals and photoshop / draw a funny hat on the picture! This doesn’t have to be perfect. Consider it a ‘bad drawing’ contest. working on it

55.Mad Hatter Day is a day of pure silliness and fun. It was started by a group of computer technicians in Colorado in 1986 – for 2,500 point share a fun and silly story that may make someone’s day a little bit better. in progress


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Naima {نعيمة} ✝️🎨 and her Phenomenal Paints
October 5th, 2020 2:51:25pm
2,272 Posts

11. Halloween Riddle: A zombie, a mummy, and a ghost bought a house. It has all of the usual rooms except for one. What room won’t you find?

Answer: A living room.

22. Favorite Character: I like the Mad Hatter. He's just so crazy and silly. Hence naming my Pintabian stallion below, Madd Hatter.

33. Coloring 1: https://i.imgur.com/v535Rh0.gif

Coloring 2: https://i.imgur.com/YYpgrZd.jpg

Coloring 3: https://i.imgur.com/R73zxoU.jpg

44. https://horsephenomena.com/horses.php?id=341517

All points for this forum activity can go to this horse.

55. Funny Halloween Story (not my story); Last year my daughter and her children were invited to a Halloween party. Her older son wanted to go as Count Dracula; her daughter, as a ballerina; her younger son, as the cabin boy in Treasure Island. Then my daughter donned her own costume, wrapping herself in strips of white sheeting. At the party she collapsed, exhausted, on the sofa.

“And who are you?” someone asked her.

“I’m a tired mummy,” my daughter said.



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Jaya • If you wanna survive, burn bright
October 6th, 2020 7:30:33pm
27,691 Posts

11.       Q: If two snakes marry, what will their towels say? A: Hiss and Hers.

22.       I’ve always been partial to the Mad Hatter. He’s just … quirky

33.       https://i.imgur.com/2AEUGBi.jpg, https://i.imgur.com/81yUTc8.jpg, https://i.imgur.com/iZ7KaUz.jpg 

44.       https://i.imgur.com/BvfA06z.jpg

55.       (disclaimer: This isn’t my story, but it is funny!) In my junior year of high school, this guy asked me on a date. He rented a Redbox movie and made a pizza. We were watching the movie and the oven beeped so the pizza was done. He looked me dead in the eye and said, “This is the worst part.” I then watched this boy open the oven and pull the pizza out with his bare hands, rack and all, screaming at the top of his lungs. We never had a second date.



points to dog #130023



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Administrator BLiTZ 🎆 hello, 2025
October 6th, 2020 8:26:21pm
6,522 Posts

11: I have a cat that has three kittens: Mopsy, Topsy, and Spot. What is the mother's name.

Answer: What

22. I've only seen the cartoon Alice one and didn't like it, so I don't have any preferences!

55. One of my schools has a few family from a country in Africa that I can't name because privacy. The Office Admin was telling me about a conversation she had with the dad and he was saying how cold it is in Ottawa compared to -insert country here- (it's been about 55F/13C here in the past week or two). The OA told him it would get a lot colder and his response was WHAT!!!! #greatwhitenorth


Points to 332856



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October 7th, 2020 1:47:31pm
5 Posts

11. My tongue seems as long as my neck and it can be the color of the water I drink, what am I?

                 A: Giraffe

22. The Cheshire Cat has got to be my favorite character, I love his wacky demeanor and of course, his huge smile. He really does symbolize a good guide for life as he is not controlling but supportive throughout the story.

44. https://imgur.com/gallery/p36KVBQ 

55.  So I was doing homework while my roommate's cat was hanging out with me. He got up in the middle of my lecture and was playing in my bag and when I looked over he had stolen my watch. Before I could get it back, he took off and hid it so I had to spend 30 minutes looking for my watch simply by listening for the ticking... I found it stuffed into the couch.\

Points to: https://horsephenomena.com/dogs.php?id=130119 Please :)


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Eyre ❅ be kind
October 7th, 2020 2:03:40pm
10,135 Posts

11.       Post a fun riddle! I love riddles. For 1,000 points post a riddle.

What flowers are kissable? Tulips

22.       For 1,000 points – tell me about your favorite character in Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland -or- your favorite scene (hp appropriate).

I, too, like the scene with Alice in the flowers and singing the flower song; I also like the Caterpillar and his dialogue with Alice. (referring to the cartoon Disney classic as I prefer that one above all other interpretations) I've always liked the Walrus and the Carpenter poem/song though, since I was wee. So many silly things and nonsense in Alice in Wonderland. A great reminder not to take life too seriously. 

55.       Mad Hatter Day is a day of pure silliness and fun. It was started by a group of computer technicians in Colorado in 1986 – for 2,500 point share a fun and silly story that may make someone’s day a little bit better. I work in retail at a bookstore and was stationed at the cash registers, the other day, for part of my shift. We have some children's books for sale by the registers to encourage impulse buying. Usually the promotion states that there is one picture book of the month that can be purchased with any other children's book for $10 cheaper than the original/asking price. This month's picture book has to do with a "Creepy Pair of Underwear." I will also mention that I tend to be very nervous when placed at the cash registers because I'm nervous about dealing with people's money and pushing extra sales on them, last minute. And when I am nervous around others at all, I tend to babble. And on this particular occasion, like others, my babbling tends to get me into "trouble" more often than not. 

Anyway. On this particular day, two ladies come up to my register, one is purchasing and the other is just company. This lady has purchased both books of the month: The Creepy Carrots and its sibling, the Creepy Underwear book. Cool. I ring her up, ask her the required questions about her purchases, and begin to process her payment. While she is punching in her numbers for the credit card machine, I ask if she'd like a bag for her purchases; and the rest of the dialogue goes something like this:

Me: Would you like a bag for your Creepy Underwear? (realizes what I said and start to back paddle.....)

Oh, not that your underwear is creepy! I'm sure your underwear is very nice, perhaps even pink....Um, I mean....your underwear. Uh, that is the book your underwear. That is....*closes mouth* Um, I meant to say would you like a bag?

Meanwhile, the lady's friend is cracking up next to her and the lady is acting confused because I caught her while she was remembering and typing in the pin to her payment card. And she says "Um." and I say "Um." and her friend is laughing so loudly. 


Points here, please: horse 

ID #339485




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Kuwait | Not Reserving Tix |
October 7th, 2020 9:05:27pm
2,971 Posts

Riddle me this
Riddle me that
Who' afraid of the

Animation: Hammer birds, pencil birds, horn ducks, shovel bird, the King.



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Concourse [but as she was leaving, it felt like breathing]
October 8th, 2020 9:52:12pm
2,902 Posts

Here I was wondering why everyone was posting 11, 22, 33, 44, 55 and then I saw that I managed to post that - no idea how. :\ -is puzzled- I blame Mad Hatter Day!


11. “What’s round, but not always around? It’s light, sometimes; it’s dark sometimes. Everyone wants to walk all over me. What am I?”

22. The Cheshire Cat! Just all around awesome. It's a cat - hard to go wrong with a cat.

33. Maybe coming - idk.

44. Here ya go:

Full size: https://i.imgur.com/e42gSZS.png

55. My kiddo was playing with the puppy today. They were running around the swing set, the human kiddo behind the pup. The pup turned around last minute and they collided and the kiddo was laughing so hard. XD The dog was just pleased to be able to get in her lap and love all over her.



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Kyuubi || Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles
October 9th, 2020 2:26:56pm
275 Posts

11.       Do you know why Seagulls aren't found by the bay?

[Because then they would be Baygulls]

22.       The Cheshire Cat - I only saw the cartoon and this weird Disney live series (vague memories of) and he's the only character I can truly remember being entertaining.

33.       For 3,500 points – color this Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland themed coloring page. Pick one: one | two | three (extra 500 points if you complete two of them - 4000 total. Extra 1000 if you do all three - 4500 total)

44.       For 4,000 points – take one of your animals and photoshop / draw a funny hat on the picture! This doesn’t have to be perfect. Consider it a ‘bad drawing’ contest.

55.       So we have this super chill horse at the barn, his name is Kula and one of his kids years ago was into gymnastics so she wanted to butt vault onto Kula (he's 15.1hh). So she got a running start, put her hands on his butt and jumped but without enough force and slammed into him instead and fell backwards on her butt. Kula literally just turned one eye onto her and looked at like she was crazy. When she was asked why she was on the ground, she said "I tried to butt vault onto Kula but landed on my butt instead".

Points to dog #129924 please.



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Ridgeway Ranch Trakehners
October 10th, 2020 3:02:22pm
80 Posts

11.       Here's a riddle from a show I watched. Wonder if anyone will guess which show xD
"I shine brightest in the dark. I am there but cannot be seen. To have me costs you nothing. To be without me costs you everything." - What am I?

A - Hope

22.       I haven't seen the movie in a looooong time. The Cheshire cat is the character I remember the most, so it must be my favourite ^^ (although the white rabbit was cute too. Poor little bunny.)

33.       Page one (https://i.imgur.com/SGg7XOx.png) Page two (https://i.imgur.com/pJTRP0e.png) Page three (https://i.imgur.com/jgwl4Ki.png)

44.      Have a silly little Strad https://i.imgur.com/Dj9WELA.png

55.       Hmmmm... a fun and silly story.... Do minecraft pranks count?

I'm a sucker for pranks. Especially on minecraft. If something wierd happens in your house count on it being me xD Something particularly silly I did, was placed down a bunch of pressure plates on top of command blocks which play funny / scary noises. For roughly 10 minutes my poor friend was bewilderedly looking around for chickens and cows that didn't exist X'D I fessed up when she found the command blocks.

Her vengeance was to put all my cows and chickens in my base xD Took me awhile to move them all out, but it was hilarious to us.

Points to Horse ID# 340991 if you please ^^


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Content Moderator Moorfine {Empire of Unruly Unicorns} - Let your soul gravitate to the love, y'all
October 10th, 2020 3:18:57pm
1,975 Posts

11.       What has a bottom at the top? ------------------------------ Legs!

22.     The Mad Hatter is by far my favorite. I love his quirqy, colorful, fun nature. He doesn't fit into what society expects and I love that!

44.    https://imgur.com/a/Q0ArqMc


Points added to Uxio (337161) please.




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pinkchampagne »
October 10th, 2020 11:33:41pm
415 Posts

11.       Post a fun riddle! I love riddles. For 1,000 points post a riddle. "You see a boat filled with people, yet there isnt a single person on board. How is that possible?"

22.       For 1,000 points – tell me about your favorite character in Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland -or- your favorite scene (hp appropriate). "The mad Hatter for sure"

33.       For 3,500 points – color this Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland themed coloring page. Pick one: one | two | three (extra 500 points if you complete two of them - 4000 total. Extra 1000 if you do all three - 4500 total) "https://imgur.com/a/57U50p5"

44.       For 4,000 points – take one of your animals and photoshop / draw a funny hat on the picture! This doesn’t have to be perfect. Consider it a ‘bad drawing’ contest. "https://imgur.com/a/yNS4EW3"

55.       Mad Hatter Day is a day of pure silliness and fun. It was started by a group of computer technicians in Colorado in 1986 – for 2,500 point share a fun and silly story that may make someone’s day a little bit better. "Obviously not my story but I thought it was kind of funny. A customer walked into my clothing shop and asked to see the pants that were advertised in the paper that day. “We don’t have an ad in the paper today,” I told her. She insisted I was wrong, so I got a copy of the paper, and we went through it, eventually landing on an ad for pants from another local store. Exasperated, the customer glared at me and said, “In my newspaper, the ad was for this store!”


Any points to horse #341569



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Concourse [but as she was leaving, it felt like breathing]
October 23rd, 2020 10:36:29pm
2,902 Posts

All prizes rewarded. I apologize for the delay!



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