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Administrator BLiTZ 🎆 hello, 2025
July 14th, 2020 7:41:48pm
6,522 Posts

The 5th Puzzle Blitz!

Welcome to the 10 days of Puzzle Blitz!

For the next 10 days (July 14-23), I will post a new puzzle for you to do at approximately 7pm HP time daily in the Contests & Events area of the forums. You will have 24 hours to do the puzzle, send me (blitz) a screen shot and a guess as to what breed is in the puzzle, before a new one is posted. You are welcome to do the puzzle after the fact, but it will not count! You also get only one guess at the breed, so make it a good one!

For each day, you could get 2500 points on an animal for doing the puzzle, and 1000 for guessing the right breed, for a max of 25,000 points by contest end. If you complete the puzzle and guess correctly every day, you will instead get 50,000 points on an animal AND a special Puzzle Blitz achievement.

The puzzles will alternate between horse and dog every day to give people a chance!

Check the forum's contests section every day for a new post! DO NOT POST YOUR ANSWERS ON THE FORUM!

The first day's puzzle is HERE.

Please message me if you have any questions!




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Kuwait | Not Reserving Tix |
July 15th, 2020 10:38:30pm
2,970 Posts

Damn, I didn't see this as I slept most of yesterday after work. 
Is the achievement only awarded for all puzzles done on their days?



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