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Scor. {Belmont first? Not feelin' it =/}
June 9th, 2020 8:43:15pm
181 Posts

All feel free to join xD
This is not a slamming thread - just a explanation channel of sorts  :}

I am sure there are tons of shows I love, that tons of other people don't, or don't understand enough to love.
Lately however, I have been talking to some friends and I am constantly dogged for not liking certain shows - so I am turning to you HPers {Because My friends are clearly biased}

People tell me what you like/or why I should give these popular shows a second chance ->

Parks & Rec: I honestly have tried to watch this show so.many.times, and I never make it past 2-3 episodes. I love the cast, it is totally my genre , but I just can't get into it. I just don't connect for what ever reason. It's not bad, but there are so many other shows from the same genre  that I like better? I know so many people that LOVE this show - help me find a reson to  change my opinion.

Supernatural: Another show I have tried to get into several times ... but just can't. Again it has a huge cult following, it must be good .. but I just do not connect. .


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Jaya • If you wanna survive, burn bright
June 9th, 2020 9:21:00pm
27,686 Posts


I want to like both of them. But.... I can't. I can't watch them. I don't care. lol



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shaenne •
June 10th, 2020 10:07:33am
1,386 Posts

I feel this way too. What really pisses me off about it though is when people try to make you feel bad for it as if there is something fundamentally wrong with you for not liking these shows.

Game of thrones is another one for me. I've had so many people on facebook be like "If you don't like game of thrones, we can't be friends" and most are just jokes and memes but i've actually had a couple people delete me because of it and i'm just like ok then. If me not liking a tv show is enough for you to hate me to that extent then you did us both a favour when you deleted me lmao.


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Lady Rancher 1, Wild n Wicked Wolves,
June 10th, 2020 11:38:41am
1,706 Posts

I agree with you all Ive seen the ads for these shows and they just didnt appeal to me so Ive never watched them, and as for friends not liking me cause I dont like/watch a show they like then I say good riddence, be gone from my friends list :)


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SaturniaᛉContest winners announced!!
June 10th, 2020 5:55:32pm
3,988 Posts

You are not alone! I have tried watching both and never got past a few episodes.. neither held my attention!


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Scor. {Belmont first? Not feelin' it =/}
June 10th, 2020 10:32:17pm
181 Posts

Most of my friends ribbing is in jest. I actually have had an acquaintance unfriend me over a difference in television opinions before. As most of you have posted, good riddance. If the television show/character means that much to you, I obviously don't.

I am glad I am not alone in the fact that I can't get into P&R / Supernatural. I was feeling like the only looser out there xD

I also don't want GoT for a whole slew of reasons. The premise is interesting but meh' It's another of those with a cult followings that I just don't care to venture into.


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shaenne •
June 12th, 2020 3:11:57am
1,386 Posts

I tried really hard to get into Supernatural but I just can't. I've tried several times and haven't made it past the first season lol


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Scor. {Belmont first? Not feelin' it =/}
June 14th, 2020 10:26:34pm
181 Posts

LoL I love LoTR with all my heart xD. When I was a kid my beothers use to read the books to me at night. It was a magical bonding experiance (Though .. I will admit as an late teen/adult trying to re-read the books I did find them quite boring) So the series has a special place in my heart.

I also LOVE the movies. While not entirely true to the books .. I really, really enjoy them. They are one of the few movie series I could literally watch all three (Expecially the extended versions) in one silling, and stil love them .

I know my experiance is not the same for every one though ^^.


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