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Automated Private Show Entry

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Ardenn • Selle Français •
January 22nd, 2014 4:40:25pm
9 Posts

sooo I live in Europe and am 6 hours ahead of HP time. I am having quite a few problems with private shows as because all of us players are such great, wonderful people and are super busy in RL, I never have time to enter my show spots due to the fact that requests are accepted some-time the night before (which is anywhere from midnight to 4am my time!). so far, I've lost about 20-30 mil this way (and I've been reserving private shows for a fortnight..);

is there anyway to make it so that once requests are accepted, you are automatically entered? i think this also might help people sell more show spost as the whole process is a bit lengthy..AND it would help make it easier to keep track on how many reservations/requests/entries you have got going on..

i really would love to stop hassling the show owners as to when they will have time to accept ^^



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Iceberg Boxers
January 22nd, 2014 4:50:16pm
8 Posts

that would be great ..but what if you sell the show to one person and other people try to enter the show?on another note when i sell shows or spots as soon as they request a spot i accept  and if i dont  i would expect to get hassled player spend good money on the shows


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Enapay • Shires
January 22nd, 2014 5:15:54pm
26 Posts

If you sold the show to one person, that person would request spots for their animals. The show-maker would then accept the requests.

The animal owner would simply not have to go back and manually enter each show, it would have been done automatically when the show-maker accepted. People still wouldn't be able to just enter because the show maker would not have accepted their requests..


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ollivander! » coming back?
January 22nd, 2014 5:30:55pm
243 Posts

I was actually going to suggest this myself. xD I bought show spots this week and it stressed me out having to wonder if i would get on intime for the animals to be entered after being accepted and what not. :3


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Duckie || Songbird Shelties || -college-ing-
January 22nd, 2014 5:35:54pm
815 Posts

I like this. I enter 3 animals in 80 privates each week and i sometimes fall asleep early and I worry that I'll miss the accepting and entering. 


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January 22nd, 2014 10:02:17pm
961 Posts

This would be awesome!!


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January 22nd, 2014 10:07:49pm
400 Posts

I really like this idea! It would make both parties' lives easier. 


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Blitz -- Stellar Gypsy Vanners
January 22nd, 2014 11:49:46pm
1,308 Posts

I disagree! I like being able to wait, and save shows for the next week. Doing this would take away that freedom.


Private shows give a lot of extra points each week, pushing animals way above the standard. I believe that people SHOULD have to do more work to get to those points! 


I understand that it's a pain - trust me, I have a LOT of accounts that I have to go through each week, haha. But I will really fight against this. :P


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Blitz -- Stellar Gypsy Vanners
January 23rd, 2014 12:13:36am
1,308 Posts

Frankly, that's something that you should work out with the show-maker, then. There are always more shows for sale if you have issues with one seller.


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shaenne •
January 23rd, 2014 2:02:52am
1,386 Posts

I definitely agree with Adranth. It's a pain when you miss out on shows because you didn't get to enter them, and I feel for you, i've done it enough times myself, but there's enough convenience perks in the game already, if we start making private show entry automatic it's going to take the play out of the game. Just about everything is already 1-click or done in a few lightning fast steps. Achieving high pointed animals is supposed to be something we WORK towards. It's not just about money and how much we shell out for private shows, it's also about effort and the work we put into achieving higher goals. Prepping for and entering private shows IS a lengthy process, but it SHOULD be, in my opinion.

If you're having trouble getting your shows entered, perhaps discuss your schedule with your seller or find another one that can work with you a little better. Or if you have someone you can trust to enter them for you, do that.


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Blitz -- Stellar Gypsy Vanners
January 23rd, 2014 6:24:13pm
1,308 Posts

Well worded, Shae! :)


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tronic ϟ love me back to life ♥
January 23rd, 2014 6:31:35pm
4,524 Posts

Shae always has the best responses.  Took the words right out of my mouth!


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Enapay • Shires
January 24th, 2014 5:04:51pm
26 Posts

I actually spoke to my show-makers and got mixed responses. One somewhat agreed to try and accept requests as early as possible on the day before and the other (hint: UNI IS AMAZING) offered to help out entering if it's like 4am my time and the requests still haven't been accepted.

It's not that people are too lazy to click buttons. The fact that people can have hundreds (literally) of animals and still train them all weekly relatively easy is testament to the ease of training.

However with private shows you're only choice is to negotiate with show makers so they can accomodate people who aren't in the States and so we have more than a 3 hour slot before HP midnight.


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shaenne •
January 25th, 2014 1:58:38am
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I'm in Australia and i'm a bunch of hours ahead of HP.. Depending on daylight savings, 12am HP time is between 2pm and 4pm for me, and at my old job, I worked from 7am to 5.30pm so I completely missed the deadline every day. I was paying Adranth extra to do those things for me and she was always happy to do it. In the end it comes down to communication. Offer a friend a little something to enter your shows for you, or even your sellers might be interested. If all else fails, find a different seller if your current one isn't willing to negotiate and work with you. I know there's a crap ton of people trying to sell shows and spots at the moment.


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Audacious & Blitz [Andalusians]
January 25th, 2014 1:46:06pm
558 Posts

I'm with Shae and Adranth on this one. I think this would just make the game "too easy". I think privates deserve the extra time and effort for what you get out of it. Yeah, they're a pain...but they're worth it for seller and buyers alike.


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Duckie || Songbird Shelties || -college-ing-
January 25th, 2014 3:00:19pm
815 Posts

Might as well offer it - I can do private show entries, both requesting and entering for a small fee. Just incase anyone reeeealy needs it ;3


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