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Mental Health Check-In

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Jaya • If you wanna survive, burn bright
April 24th, 2020 9:50:23am
27,686 Posts

Okay, guys, the world is kinda a scary place right now. So I just wanted to check in. How are you? Are you handling everything okay? Is there anything I (or other HP'ers) can do to help? 



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.:nessa:. Willow Gate Farm Hanoverians
April 28th, 2020 11:49:12am
50 Posts

I know I don't know people very well yet, but I'll chime in!

I'm working full-time from home, which I'm grateful for, but I'm finding it really hard to be productive.  There's so much pressure at my job to be incredibly creative, big-thinking problem solvers everyday.  It's hard - I feel really lethargic and foggy a lot of the time.  I work for a small, youth-serving charity so we have to show our donors/sponsors that we're still finding meaningful ways to deliver our program, but I'm probably in my least creative zone right now. :/

I went on a really sunny walk yesterday, though, which was great and really refreshing :)


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Jaya • If you wanna survive, burn bright
April 30th, 2020 2:22:53pm
27,686 Posts

Having a tough time maintaining a positive mental attitude today.



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April 30th, 2020 2:31:42pm
116 Posts

I dont know what to do I messed up big time.. and I am regretting what i did.. but now i wont get paid tomorrow and i gotta wait for monday now i think.. D: if its not one thing its another..


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SaturniaᛉContest winners announced!!
April 30th, 2020 3:46:30pm
3,988 Posts

I'm doing okay! I've been trying to stay positive about it all. I am an "essential" worker - but I work from home regardless. So, thankfully that hasn't effected my ability to pay bills. 
I've caught up on my reading, on netflix shows I wanted to watch, movies I've wanted to watch... I've done puzzles, gone for hikes, had some really yummy food from new restaurants delivered... started a flower garden, spent more time with my wife, made new receipes!

So despite the craziness - I've turned it into a positive, but I definitely do feel a bit stir-crazy. I miss being able to go and sit down somewhere to eat and I miss being able to go inside a store and not just order online and have delivered. And... we just moved here and I desperately wanted to check out the library.. so there's that. 

All in all, I am okay and I am thankful for that! I know it is hard for others though, so please don't hesitate to reach out!!! I am happy to let you vent, to talk and get your mind off of things, or just to "chill" so to speak. I'm here for ya!


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chime » heartbroken
April 30th, 2020 4:00:34pm
2,594 Posts

I worked from home before this all started, so not much has changed for me. I miss my mom though. She works in a doctor's office so we haven't been able to see her in a while due to social distancing and all. Who knew that everything we done before, we took for granted! Will be so happy to see her once this is all over!  


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