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Deviant Art Stock

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April 7th, 2020 9:16:05pm
98 Posts

Guys, its been years, but I just went to find stock on Deviant Art, and it's sooo different looking than it was a few years ago.  Can someone please explain to me how to look for stock images now? How am I filtering? I'm so confused😅



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Minette 🌙 can we, can we surrender
April 7th, 2020 10:30:00pm
247 Posts

They just recently changed the look of the site but you can turn it back to the old style by turning off eclipse (there should be a button on at the top)

Macy May Keel bugs Gray page pon


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April 10th, 2020 4:00:46am
98 Posts

Thank you! I found it! There's an option at the bottom of your account settings to switch to old site🙌



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Scor. {Belmont first? Not feelin' it =/}
April 14th, 2020 10:49:36pm
181 Posts

Where did you find it? I hate the new set up, I just haven't figured out how to turn it off >..


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April 14th, 2020 11:28:05pm
98 Posts

If you're on the new site, you go to your little face icon in the top right corner. If you click on it, it should list your name with all other things under it like group, stash and stuff.  Then if you scroll all the way to the bottom it says "switch to old site" with a little dinosaur.  Voila! Old site! So much easier.



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Scor. {Belmont first? Not feelin' it =/}
April 15th, 2020 12:42:27am
181 Posts

Perfect, thank you so much!


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Scor. {Belmont first? Not feelin' it =/}
April 15th, 2020 12:56:23am
181 Posts

That doesn't change the new way the images are grouped - where is the drop down menu that use to let you sort by category, such as ref images ? I have this new deviant art. Having the main page and functions back is nice, but if I can't sort images as source/refrence, I can use- very few are useful to me.


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mud cricket
April 15th, 2020 12:18:54pm
18 Posts

Can someone walk me through how to find stock images through flikr and da? Its been so long that I forgot.


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April 16th, 2020 12:24:53am
98 Posts

Mine shows the search bar over on the left side, when you click on the three lines under browse.  Then you just have to search down for stock.  At least, that's how I've always done it.  And on my own personal profile, when I go to gallery it still has all my individual folders. That's also how I find my stock images on DA =)



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mud cricket
April 16th, 2020 12:33:01am
18 Posts

mine is totally different than what you show. i dont know how to ss on a laptop.


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April 16th, 2020 12:42:50am
98 Posts

You have to switch it to old style to see it the way mine is, but I have instructions on how to switch it over to the old version higher up in this thread =)



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Scor. {Belmont first? Not feelin' it =/}
April 16th, 2020 4:38:17pm
181 Posts

See that drop down menu is exactly what I want  but I am not even given the drop down option


even while using the dinosaur set-up.

I h.a.t.e this new set up not only is it extremely confusing, but I can't ever find what I need - I want that drop down menu like you have ;;


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mud cricket
April 16th, 2020 4:44:04pm
18 Posts

thats how mine is set up. way too confusing.


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April 17th, 2020 2:25:39am
98 Posts

Are you sure you have it in old mode? Because the picture you shared looks exactly like mine does in the new version, but my old version looks like the pic I posted above.  



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LUMOS. 🔮 i will not be afraid 💜
April 21st, 2020 11:49:19pm
352 Posts

I can't figure out how to get mine in "old mode" either. It let me change the theme back to the old colors but the layout is still all different.


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Scor. {Belmont first? Not feelin' it =/}
April 22nd, 2020 12:42:43am
181 Posts

If your account is younger than a year you can't fully switch over. Which I think is really, really dumb. I was at about my wits end, and switched to my really old account where at the very bottom they allow you to revert to the full old site. My newer active account does not allow that option , and I've had it about 7 months now.

I really, really truely genuinely hate the new search - not only is it frustrating but it is extremely un-user friendly in regards to search. The have a 'resource' folder, but you can't serch with in it, so its useless. There isn't much I like about the new 'eclipse' set up, but the search has to be the absolute worst. Anytime I need to find something, I'll have to go to my old account.


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SaturniaᛉContest winners announced!!
April 22nd, 2020 11:36:18am
3,988 Posts

When it comes to Deviantart - I literally type "horse stock" into the search engine and then usually that leads me to the typical Deviants that I am familiar with that have stock that is free to use.


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April 23rd, 2020 12:48:22am
98 Posts

Ohhhh that makes so much sense Scor! My DA account is years old! And I tried the "horse stock" search, but I was also looking for like, literature-themed stock to use in a personal project, and that was so hard to find with the new set-up.  Happy they still give you access to the old way so people can pick either =)



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