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Dog Whining A Lot?

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Master Administrator Samantha - see page to know who to contact directly!
January 8th, 2014 10:53:50pm
4,333 Posts

My dog seems to have recently picked up a habit of whining constantly. It's kind of irritating, but aside from that, I don't know WHY he's doing it. He'll just stand there and whine (or like right now he's curled up on the couch and whining), and he won't need to go out, or eat, he has water, giving him attention doesn't help, nothing weird is going on, or anything like that.

I don't have a whole lot of experience with dogs, so I'm wondering if there's some sort of reason for this? Or if he just likes it (kind of like the horses that flop their lips really loud), or something else?

Help! Haha.


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Farewell's Paint Horses {one day at a time.}
January 8th, 2014 11:23:14pm
1,065 Posts

I could use help too with something similar. My lab will sit and intensely stare at you for hours straight while breathing on you in a creepy way. We think it's cause she is needy and just thinks she deserves someone petting her 24/7. She will have food, water, just gone out and other dogs who wanna play but she still does it.



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Riddle ;; isn't it beautiful the way we fall apart.
January 9th, 2014 2:24:50am
85 Posts

How old is your dog?  Have there been any changes in the home lately (new people, new furniture, rearranged, etc.)?

Dogs can whine for attention, because they are in pain, or because they are just anxious.  If he is laying on the couch while whining, ignoring you, I would have to guess that either is in some kind of pain or he is stressed out.  And dogs do get stressed.  We ended up having to crate our Lab, and it has worked wonders.  Whenever he would get too anxious (whining, barking, chasing "shadows"), we would put him in his crate.  It sounds mean, but his crate became a safe place to him.  Now we just leave it open and he goes in there whenever he needs "alone time".

If you are in one of those areas with all the snowstorms, it could be the wind whistling.  I know that bothers our pets.  If he is an older dog, the cold could be causing joint pain.  Any number of reasons a dog will whine.  XD


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Master Administrator Samantha - see page to know who to contact directly!
January 9th, 2014 2:56:02am
4,333 Posts

He's about 5. We moved to a new apartment recently so maybe that's it? But I don't think it started right when we moved.

We do have a crate for him because he can't be trusted out when we're not home or at night (he just pees on things, even though he's been out and he's never alone all day or anything, so I assume it's just separation anxiety. although I don't know why he does it at night).


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shaenne •
January 9th, 2014 3:04:16am
1,386 Posts

About a year or so ago, Chloe used to whine incessently for what appeared to be no reason. She didn't need to go out, she didn't need food, had water, had a comfortable bed, had a buttload of toys, it was driving me insane. Vet said she was perfectly healthy and couldn't find any sensitive areas that might have been causing it. In the end I ruled it down to boredom. She was bored. She'd quit it if I took her for a walk (that got old after 5-6 times in a day) or did a quick training/trick session or played with her. And sometimes i'd get Astro riled up with a rope or something so he'd play with her lol.


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