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Bank Loans on HP?

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Master Administrator Samantha - see page to know who to contact directly!
January 7th, 2014 7:46:21pm
4,333 Posts

What do you think of having a bank loans feature on HP? Like you could ask the bank for a certain amount of HPD and then it could give it to you, but you'd have to then pay it back, plus interest? And if you didn't, it could fine you or something.


It would be a good way for people doing projects, or whos upgrades are about to expire and need the money for an auction but don't have it yet to get that stuff, and then the interest when they're paid back would help inflation on the game because money would be moving out.




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Absinthe .:.Main.:.
January 7th, 2014 7:47:29pm
552 Posts

You're welcome for help on that idea....hahahahahah. HP lines of credit xD


Breeding Quality Horses & Dogs Since March 2011

You can find me on accounts #1313, #19779, #19736, #20416, #20408, #20309, #15766, #19133, #20415, #22043, #44154, & #23006


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ollivander! » coming back?
January 7th, 2014 7:48:57pm
243 Posts

i could see it working but i could also see players going into megadebt.. haha. 

However - as someone who usually needs money for an upgrade and doesn't quite have it, I'd like this option. :]


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adeina ❧ border collies ❦
January 7th, 2014 7:51:43pm
1,797 Posts

I like this. Perhaps cap it at a certain amount because project people will get greedy....



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Master Administrator Samantha - see page to know who to contact directly!
January 7th, 2014 8:52:05pm
4,333 Posts

Yeah, I'm thinking we'll base it on what's in their bank already, like real loan people do.


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noxhidis | foxes
January 7th, 2014 8:57:46pm
74 Posts

I like this idea, too. :3 I'd likely use it to get my lines started faster!


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Blitz -- Stellar Gypsy Vanners
January 7th, 2014 9:13:52pm
1,308 Posts

I think it's fine. Just make it so it automatically takes the money back from you, so it wouldn't even have to fine you. Just at a certain time it re-collects it, even if you go negative.


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Chippewa Downs || I’m Baaaaaaack || RIP HP Moosetress
January 7th, 2014 11:20:27pm
81 Posts

Love the idea!!!
When can we implement it?? Hahaha!



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January 7th, 2014 11:55:28pm
69 Posts

Love this idea as well :D it would definitely be helpful for most if not all players (:


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January 8th, 2014 1:19:54am
28 Posts

I think this is a great idea... as long as there's a saftey so people can't "barrow" money from other players to have in their bank when getting the loan... so they can get more than they really can afford. Like maybe have to loan based off of their bank for a certain ammount of weeks?


I think its an amazing idea... I can just see a lot of people trying to cheat the system and get alot more than they can afford, then hating the game because they can't do anything because of all their debt...


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Duckie || Songbird Shelties || -college-ing-
January 8th, 2014 3:46:12am
815 Posts

I like!


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January 8th, 2014 4:41:34am
1,338 Posts

yes please! and it will teach young people to be responsible with their credit cards! :D


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awd ○ Mustangs [main!]
January 8th, 2014 4:55:29am
698 Posts


I have to say, I do not agree completely with adranth. if players could go negative, what is even the point of having money if you can have negative?

Also, to go off of uni's comment about 'credit'; I think that if we will be borrowing money from HP, we should have a monthly or weekly 'payment' and a definite 'due date'. If we miss a payment, we will be fined immediately AND there will be an additional fee added to the total amount owed. Multiple payments on time could be another acheivment, as well as increase the 'cap' on how much that individual can borrow.

I am tired, but i will definetly have more to add to this later!



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Master Administrator Samantha - see page to know who to contact directly!
January 8th, 2014 5:15:28am
4,333 Posts

I'm thinking we'll have an application process, which will have to be admin approved. So basically you'd tell us what amount you want, when you plan to pay it back by, and why you want it, and then we'll look at your bank balance and figure out how likely you will be to pay it back and then either approve or deny it.


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Absinthe .:.Main.:.
January 8th, 2014 12:34:46pm
552 Posts

Just like how a real bank does it! Application for the loan, they check your balance and credit history, then approve or deny. Ahhhhh real world applications in game. I finally understand why my math teachers kept telling me "you'll need this in the real world". Lol


Breeding Quality Horses & Dogs Since March 2011

You can find me on accounts #1313, #19779, #19736, #20416, #20408, #20309, #15766, #19133, #20415, #22043, #44154, & #23006


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January 8th, 2014 2:09:50pm
400 Posts

The more I hear of this, the more I like it. I'm honestly not sure how much I would use it, personally... But it's sounding like a good addition to the game!


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shaenne •
January 8th, 2014 3:54:58pm
1,386 Posts

Love this idea.


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Audacious & Blitz [Andalusians]
January 9th, 2014 3:08:00pm
558 Posts

I approve :p


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Chippewa Downs || I’m Baaaaaaack || RIP HP Moosetress
January 9th, 2014 7:16:38pm
81 Posts

Sam, I do like what you said, about being admin approved, but since it would go on bank funds now, and likelihood to pay back, maybe you could take into consideration past balances? The markets kinda screwy and I've had up to 8 bil (no brags) and now im down to 200 some mil, but I do upgrades for income, which aren't selling too well. Is this something that's taken into consideration? I also use a majority of my funds for the project, so i dont have millions and billions sitting in the bank, which isnt to say I wont or wouldnt pay the loan back.

Just a personal consideration, which could apply to multiple people, i wanted to touch on.

Thanks :)



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February 16th, 2014 11:01:16pm
50 Posts

What about - in order to make sure people aren't borrowing and not paying it back - allow them to take an "advance" on their weekly salary? Then not allow them to collect a salary for however long it takes to make up for what they took in advance, plus 1 weeks salary as interest, or whatever? Just trying to think of an easy way to get this work without people taking advantage of it (and therefore making the loans/interest pointless).


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trig ❄️ the best is yet to come
February 16th, 2014 11:20:24pm
3,615 Posts

I dislike this idea and wouldn't use it even for projects. I think it makes things too easy. You wouldn't even have to save in order to conduct a project animal, it would just be there automatically for you to borrow in a sense. You'll be adding a ton more money into the economy than you're taking out with intersted. It's kind of the reverse of what you've been doing.

And if someone doesn't pay it back on time they would get fined, which is all fine and dandy but if they already owe you money it's not really going to make a difference to say they owe even more. Even if it's automated to take out the money no matter what I just don't like the idea. What if they just move all the loaned money to another account? Then what? You've got a money plus interested fined to one account they no longer care to have and their money sitting safely on another account. I think this would also create an even bigger gap between new players and older players. No no player is going to be able to borrow the same as an older player on top of already starting out with less.

I'm the type that if I don't have the money, I don't get it. Now when it comes to real life loans it's a little different but loans of sim money is just too easy to abuse and basically impossible to feel any real reprocusion. Unless you'd be will to ban players or even deduct upgrade time which may sound harsh but that's kind of the only thing that would really obligate players to follow the rules.

Bailey Lucky Diesel Mixed Berries rooster-icon-2-orig_orig.png


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