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Kyuubi || Health Issues :( January 23rd, 2020 2:00:38am 428 Posts |
I, Kyuubi, have taken over as the Holsteiner Breed Ambassador and have plans to try to get them into becoming popular again, so please check back after the Mascot Contest for updates. I could give you guys a history on the breed, or tell you about two Holsteiners that I work with and one Holsteiner cross. I thought to finally make a post since so I have something I can add to. The horses I'll be introducing to you are Adonis, Cato, and Herbie. Adonis: is a bay 16.2hh Canadian TB/Holsteiner gelding, he loves his picture taken, rolling in the sand and rain/sprinklers raining down on him. He has anxiety about changes in his routine so it takes a while to build his trust, he also has anxiety about far away noises and doesn't like men. He's actually a pretty social horse once you get to know him and will "help" you clean his stall, he'll open his shavings bag and spread it around or if you give him a broom he'll try to sweep. I work with him on a daily basis so I would say we have a very good bond (I think he might love me more than his mom, shh don't tell her that). Retired out to pasture 10.31.21 Cato: is a dark bay 16.3hh Holsteiner gelding, he loves to have you itch him (sometimes a little too much), sharing food with Herbie and his owner. When he turns out, he can no longer have other horses with him as he gets them to groom him to the point that he has wounds and will let his neighbor bite him if the hotwire is down. RIP 8.16.21 Herbie: is a bay 16.1hh Holsteiner gelding, he is my boy and I spoil him rotten, we share carrots and hay with Cato and he loves all the other horses, even if they don't like him (a little too friendly for his own good). Loves children, is an absolute angel for them under saddle too and knows when he has more experienced riders on his back as he'll tattle tale on them if they aren't riding him correctly. [2.14-15.20] So we just had a horse show, Cato & Herbie went to the show with two junior riders whose horses were not ready so they were filling in. The stabling was portable stalls since Cato has anxiety about trailering to a new place and being boarded away from horses he knows, we had him and Herbie next to each other with another horse Lance. Well, Cato basically was biting Lance on the but who was liking it until he bit too hard and Lance double barrel kicked the fence into Cato, needless to say, they had to be separated. Cato eats orchard hay and Herbie timothy, but I brought a 10lb busy hay of timothy for them to share and hung it in Herbie's portable stall but the bars allowed Cato to eat it too (I got cute pictures). Cato that brat paid more attention to the busy hay then his own dinner. Apparently, in the early morning on the 15th, one of the caretakers at the place told us that Cato was bugging Herbie, but Herbie being too nice for his own good would stand there and take it but kick the bar in response, I'm so happy that I wrapped him that night, I had a feeling that would happen. Both boys had a great show day, they were in the same classes so it worked in Cato's favor to never be left alone in the portable stall. If you guys follow Herbie at all on FB; I'm going to get videos from the show up on his page in the next few days as well as some pictures. |
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Jaya • If you wanna survive, burn bright January 23rd, 2020 8:00:56pm 27,674 Posts |
Sounds awesome! |
Kuwait | Not Reserving Tix | January 23rd, 2020 9:02:46pm 2,970 Posts |
A way to prevent logout during typing a lot is to have chat or ads chat open in a separate tab. ^_^ |
Concourse [but as she was leaving, it felt like breathing] January 23rd, 2020 9:05:01pm 2,902 Posts |
Kuwait, Kyuubi is using her phone. Multiple tabs don't work too well. |
Kyuubi || Health Issues :( February 27th, 2020 2:06:18am 428 Posts |
The "Decoded Holsteiner" Project starts April 20th, check back then for what you can do if you want to become a breeder or are just interested in tagging along with the process. Also I'm hosting a monster graphic contest for some future "Decoded Holsteiners" within the project that are going to be high pointers so check that out too! About 1b worth in prizes offered. |
Kyuubi || Health Issues :( April 5th, 2020 2:03:44am 428 Posts |
Kyuubi || Health Issues :( June 2nd, 2020 4:35:21am 428 Posts |
Cato and Herbie have been doing a "hay exchange", where they eat half a flake of the other's hay. A little history; Cato eats orchard hay, he was on timothy because it's easier and cheaper to obtain in Hawaii but he really wasn't a fan of it (he is a picky eater on everything) and when Herbie came in in 2017 he was on weight gain diet that included orchard hay, but he's now on timothy due to having some diarrhea issues back in late 2018/early 2019. Cato always loved to eat Herbie's orchard over his timothy, so his owner conceded and put him on orchard around mid-2018 (he wasted a total of 5 full bale, about 110lbs each, timothy hay in a year's time). Well now, Cato loves timothy because it comes out of Herbie's feed bin and Herbie can eat orchard again without having any diarrhea issues, so they "exchange" hay once a day, and both actually start talking to me if I'm late in doing so. (Herbie also shares some alfalfa hay with Cato when I make his feed every Monday because alfalfa hay is the best ever. His owner and I joke that if he ever got out of his stall he would clean out Herbie's feed bins first.) Adonis, unfortunately, is super sensitive and can only eat timothy - that and he's on the hotter side so we joke that if he had alfalfa he would breathe fire.
Jaya • If you wanna survive, burn bright June 2nd, 2020 7:53:13am 27,674 Posts |
Weirdos hahaha! |
Kyuubi || Health Issues :( July 31st, 2020 2:26:15pm 428 Posts |
*On the hay reference from my previous post, Herbie has gone back onto orchard hay as for some reason he started to waste the timothy (he wasted it for a month before I made the decision), which isn't like him. So I had a timothy bale leftover from that that Cato's owner bought for him from me so I could give him, he was all happy about it until he realized Herbie wasn't eating it too and then it became "eww, gross I don't want this". Whatever Herbie eats, Cato wants to eat. |
Kyuubi || Health Issues :( August 18th, 2020 3:29:12am 428 Posts |
It has been decided that Cato's life motto is "The grass is always greener so long as it's Herbie's." As I mentioned before, Herbie is now back onto orchard and Cato is always so excited to eat Herbie's orchard over his own. Well, Cato is also a picky treat eater (it literally took us a year of working with him to get him to eat peppermints & peppermint-flavored treats), when he first arrived apples were a touchy subject of a treat too, sometimes he would eat them and sometimes he wouldn't (depending on the type of apple - ie; granny smith is disgusting but pink lady is yummy). We eventually got him to liking a variety of apples; pink lady, gala, fuji, envy, golden delicious to name a few but he's going through another "apples are gross" faze three years later, he's an odd horse. He's been refusing apples his owner and myself have tried to feed him, he'll eat a piece if Herbie eats it a piece first and he sees it and we discovered over the weekend that he'll take bites out of an apple if Herbie again slobbers all over it. Cato's owner offered Herbie a granny smith apple, Cato watched him take two bites out of it and then she brought it over to Cato to see if he would eat it, sure enough, he took two bites of his own out of it (while Herbie tried to follow her into his stall to get the rest). She saved the last bit of the apple for after their ride and told me that he refused it later. Herbie, on the other hand, is the only horse at the property that isn't fazed by the giant hole in the ground (the sad news behind the hole is that one of the horses has foundered really bad and her owner that she was going to have to put her down, ie; hole was dug. She's sort of ok for now but the hole is going to remain open in case she takes another turn for the worse again, there are fences around it so no one walks into it by accident.) All the other horses that have seen the hole have properly spooked at it, my horse is like "oh hey can we graze on the grass next to it"... sometimes I wonder about his logic because jump filler on the side of the arena might eat him but not the giant hole in the ground. I haven't talked about Adonis in a while as Herbie and Cato are stalled near each other so I have the most interactions between them. Adonis has decided that if he doesn't get turned out by a certain time (after he eats all his lunch), he will scream at me until I take him out. He also responds very well to one-sided conversations, in that way he's like a giant dog. We have two arenas, a larger one near the barn, and a lower one with cow pens attached (can be used for cutting/dressage letters are set up too). He use to be able to turn out in the lower arena perfectly fine, then as the years went on he could go down there with a buddy and eventually the buddy had to be a mare (her name is Skipper, she's a 24-year-old buckskin appendix that still thinks she's 5) that has now since moved to the mainland. Nowadays he can't handle being down there by himself, even when I stay with him he still gets wound up, but does respond well to me talking with him. We'll walk around the arena together, he likes to join up with you, he'll roll and sometimes try to get me to play but usually calms down when I scold him. He generally wanders away and then comes back and I hang out in the shade. He freaked out about the hole in the ground, I did manage to coax him up to the fence to look at it, and then we calmly walked away. I then asked him if he wanted to graze and held out his halter, he put his nose in and we head out of the arena and slowly made our way back to the barn while grazing where I could stand in the shade. |
Kyuubi || Rise of the Z March 16th, 2021 2:46:12am 48 Posts |
Wrong account but oh well. As I have discovered in November 2020 Herbie is half Holsteiner, half Dutch Warmblood but considered a Zangersheide because he's registered with the registry, even if in "Warmblood Terms" he's a Dutch Warmblood... A month ago, a new horse arrived from California, another Holsteiner and he's super friendly to everyone, horses, people, cats, the pigeons, you name it. I'll have more on him when I get to interact with him some more. His name is Jagger and he's black with a star and snip, two back socks, is 16.2hh. Fun fact, the person that imported Herbie from Europe, (you can read all about his history on the Mascot Backstories thread, he is the first post), bred Jagger and they are 6 years apart in age. Herbie was 7 years old when they sold him to his next owner, so I think there's a chance he knew Jagger as a baby because I've never had him ignore a carrot to say "hi" to another horse. He's been so interested in Jagger it's actually really cute. What I know about Jagger so far is that he learns things really fast, he already knows that if Cato nickers at me when Herbie is going for his bath that means Cato is going to get his carrots, so Jagger now gets carrots too. On Mondays I make feed for Herbie and share food with Cato, well now I'm sharing some with Jagger and he knows how to make the same excited/desperate nicker that Herbie makes when he guilts me into giving him more food. |
Kyuubi || Rise of the Z May 3rd, 2021 2:27:58pm 48 Posts |
So some sad news, I've actually known about this since last month but Cato and his owner, whom I'm really good friends with are moving to Virginia. His owner leaves at the end of this month and Cato was set to fly out on June 4th but now the date has been bumped up to May 28th, a whole week earlier. I'm sad to see both of them go and I know Cato is going to be in for a rude awakening when his motto in life is "The grass is always greener so as long as it's Herbie's" and as well as seeing snow for the first time. He was born in desert California and then moved to Hawaii. If I can figure out how to do a little event for Cato leaving with the limited time that I have, I will so be on the lookout. |
Kyuubi || Health Issues :( November 7th, 2021 4:21:13am 428 Posts |
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