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Tifi - Cocker
December 16th, 2019 7:14:57am
996 Posts

I'm a newly fish owner - a month and I love to sit and watch them although it does mean things do not get done.

I have 11 (lost one) Diamond Neon Tetra's and 4 Bumblebee Catfish. I've got a 65l tank but I also have a 30l tank and once we know we can keep them happy and healthy I plan to add something in the smaller tank - just need to figure out what. 

(Images to come once I get some)


Do you have fish / what do you have?


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Tifi - Cocker
December 16th, 2019 7:17:53am
996 Posts



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Jaya • If you wanna survive, burn bright
December 16th, 2019 7:43:29am
27,686 Posts

tetras are so cool!



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Tifi - Cocker
December 16th, 2019 8:11:59am
996 Posts

They are but they were so shy when we first got them. We knew we wanted them and we were planning Dory Catfish too but the guy showed us the bumblebees. They zoom around but rarely see them as they hide in the log (honestly, I sit in th dark after midnight and watch them)


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Maharet : Taking a break : BV, Blitz, & Trig watching
December 16th, 2019 8:12:30am
2,469 Posts

Dwarf Gourami (middle/top tank), loaches (bottom), cory cats (bottom)
rainbow shark (1-2 middle/top)
i miss having a big tank 

also I have ALWAYS wanted to have Discus fish 


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December 16th, 2019 2:44:44pm
3,521 Posts

I have a 20 gallon tank with a beta fish sorority, five of them so far and 3 little moss balls! I can post pictures later :D



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Jaya • If you wanna survive, burn bright
December 18th, 2019 10:34:36am
27,686 Posts

I just have one male beta in a 5 gallon tank, nothing exciting.

My two year old likes to watch him eat. And if you ask him what a fish says, he will say "swim swim" :P



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noxhidis | foxes
January 6th, 2020 9:34:09pm
74 Posts

This is my shubunkin, Peter! I've had him for 15 years or so.


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Tragedy - upgrades reserved
February 6th, 2020 11:03:57am
1,816 Posts

Growing up my mother had a 100 gallon fish tank. She stocked it with multiple varieties of tetras, angel fish, and so forth. I would have sleep overs and at night would turn off all the lights and sit below the fish tank for hours watching them all together. She probably had 30 fish in the tank and it was one of my favorite things to do greowing up.


I hoep you enjoy your babies! I just have 2 goldfish and an albino bristlenose pleco that a friend gave to me.


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Jaya • If you wanna survive, burn bright
February 6th, 2020 11:06:40am
27,686 Posts

That sounds awesome, Tragedy!



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Tragedy - upgrades reserved
February 6th, 2020 11:11:48am
1,816 Posts

thanks Jaya!

would we all agree cleaning their tanks is definitely the most annoying part though? or having to go out and buy new filters. dang poopy goldfish xD


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Tragedy - upgrades reserved
February 6th, 2020 11:12:39am
1,816 Posts

noxhidis I LOVE your shubunkin. I honestly didnt even know that was a type of fish. I cant believe how old he is! How long do they generally live?


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noxhidis | foxes
February 6th, 2020 9:26:11pm
74 Posts

Shubunkin are some of my favorite fish! Most of them have more calico coloration than mine, and I think they're all just beautiful. And in the right conditions, they can live 30 years! They do best as pond fish, but I didn't know that when I got him so he's got a 60 gallon all to himself to make up for it. Frankly, I'm astounded he's lived so long given all my uneducated fish parent mishaps lol.

And cleaning is definitely a pain! Eventually I'll invest in better equipment to make water changes easier but right now it's hauling water one 5 gallon bucket at a time lmao.


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