mango 🍑 stay your pretty eyes on course November 3rd, 2019 7:21:29pm 2,926 Posts
Aaaaand as is the way of things, I've stumbled upon issues with my coding :P So I'm posting here to let people know about any issues I find after activating the purifier, specifically with my coding but to help others too.
1. If you updated your page and therefore initiated the purifier, and then all or most of your tab content disappeared (even though you're sure you did everything right when changing the tab links), check the NOTE TAGS. The ones that look like this: < !-- (without the space). The purifier will nom those up if they don't look exactly like the one whitelisted: < !-- (again, without the space). So extra ---- or no ! or a space in between < and ! and/or -- will be eaten by the purifier and then make your content go poof. Also, check the end tag for the note tag! This is actually the part that's making your content disappear (the browser sees an open note tag but no closing one because the purifier ate it, and therefore all your content is now hidden in a note). The end tag should look exactly like this: -- > (without the space). If there's only one - and/or a space in between -- and >, it's not correct and your content will still go poof.
2. If there is an external stylesheet included in your coding (most of my codes had a stylesheet for my little credit button), you can copy the link in the href section of the tag, paste it into a new tab/window, and it will show you the CSS in that stylesheet. Just copy the whole thing and paste it in the new CSS box on HP (in addition to all the stuff inside the style tag). That should get everything that was styled in the stylesheet working again.
3. Google Fonts gone? First, open up the previous version of your layout (pre-HTML purifier - like Sam said, there's a link right above your layout content box). Scroll down to where the Google font link is, it lists all the fonts used in your layout. Now open Google Fonts and search for each of those fonts. When you find one, click the red plus sign at the top of that font's box. Do this for all your fonts. When you're done, go to the bottom right of the window and click the dark bar that says "# Families Selected." Under the Embed tab (which should be the default tab), click the @import button and copy the text inside of the style tags. Just paste that at the top of your CSS and your fonts should be back ^^
4. If your scrolls/expandables aren't working - check to see if they have inline CSS - meaning the style attribute inside the div (< div style="height: 400px; overflow: auto; " >). Currently, the purifier is eating a lot of inline CSS, including the overflow property. I've talked with Sam and she's aware of the bug, but until it's fixed, you need to put all that inline CSS into an element ID or class in the stylesheet. So step by step: 1. Add an ID or class name to your element (ID is for only one element, a class can be used across multiple elements). It should look like this: < div id="idname" > OR < div class="classname" > 2. Go to your CSS box and add the ID or class name. For IDs, you need to put #idname { styles here }. For classes, you need to put .classname { styles here }. 3. Inside the curly brackets, you can copy and paste all the inline CSS that came after the style attribute and between the "" marks. 4. Now, go back to your element and delete the entire style attribute, so that < div class="classname" style="height: 400px; overflow: auto;" > becomes < div class="classname" > 5. Your scrolls/expands should be working now! Coders, until this bug gets fixed, it's best to avoid inline CSS completely. If you need to style an element, use classes/IDs and style them in the stylesheet.
5. Check your tables! Before the purifier, you could leave off the end tags for content inside table cells and even the end td or tr tag, but that's a no-no now! Go over your tables cell by cell to make sure that each one has a closing td tag, and every row has its closing tr tag. The table structure/syntax needs to always look like this (although the number of cells and rows is completely up to you, of course): < table > < tr > < td >One row, one column, one cell.< /td > < /tr > < /table >