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Persuasive Essay

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Concourse [but as she was leaving, it felt like breathing]
October 22nd, 2019 11:37:05pm
2,902 Posts

 I am like the least argumentative person you'll ever meet. I don't push my beliefs on anyone else. I have to write a persuasive essay though – and to make things better for most of you (way worse for me) the professor isn’t giving us a topic. We must pick what to write about. For me this is not good – I panic and I am indecisive (picture a squirrel darting back and forth in the middle of the road – that is me). I am struggling and it is due Sunday. Anyone think they can give me a hand? I need a topic – I have a few in mind – but I need people with different opinions to tell me why I am wrong.

  1.  Books are great stress relief and are like little mini vacations without having to go anywhere physically.

  2.  Rats make good pets.

  3.  Regular books will always be better than eBooks.

  4. Crocheting is easier than knitting.

  5. Marijuana is beneficial to those with mental disorders.

  6. Tolerance is one of the most essential things that we could learn to make our future a better place.

I am also open to new topic ideas, because obviously I am not 100% SOLD on any of these and I desperately need help.





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Concourse [but as she was leaving, it felt like breathing]
October 23rd, 2019 1:12:38am
2,902 Posts

Selfish bump



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October 23rd, 2019 1:31:53am
3,521 Posts

I have rats so I'm definitely for that one! Also as a person who suffers from multiple mental illnesses I like number 5 as well!



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tana ;; gone
October 23rd, 2019 1:40:04am
13,574 Posts

#5 at least has some science behind it, so that makes it easier to prove and to persuade people that you're right. The rest are all pretty much just opinions and as we all know, it doesn't matter how right your opinion is, someone who is set in their opposing beliefs won't change (or it'll be very difficult to change them). However, #2 could work since you have rats and you can say why you think they're great, aka tell about rat personalities/behavior, whether they're high-maintenance or not, and you can dispel myths about them which makes people not wanna buy them.



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Concourse [but as she was leaving, it felt like breathing]
October 23rd, 2019 2:07:29am
2,902 Posts

#5 does have a lot of science, but we aren't supposed to do research for this paper. I am not confident of my knowledge on the subject without doing some research.



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tana ;; gone
October 23rd, 2019 2:21:29am
13,574 Posts

Then go with something you know for sure without needing research. So rats I guess.



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SaturniaᛉContest winners announced!!
October 23rd, 2019 9:36:36am
3,988 Posts

Go with one of those that you know and are passionate about. If you have a passion for reading, then it is really easy to combine those two topics of reading takes you somewhere else and that physical books are better than E-books. 

I think that it would be very easy to argue that physical are better than E-books because you can easily argue that in a world where everything we do is on a screen, books are the one thing that can still be physical. Books are a way to bring people together, to start commuities, to make friends, and to just enjoy the experience. They don't make book scented candles for nothing! 

I do not have a degree in English, but I have ALWAYS loved English classes and excelled when writing papers. Especially persuasive ones that had nothing to do with research. So, if ya need any help, don't hesitate to reach out! I also don't mind proof reading for you.


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Master Administrator Samantha - see page to know who to contact directly!
October 23rd, 2019 12:42:40pm
4,333 Posts

If you're not allowed to do research I would for sure go with something you're knowledgable about and that is an opinion (as in there's not necessarily science backing you up on either side), so that way you don't have to worry about sticking to facts and not researching.

Are you supposed to refute other points of view, or just state why you think you're correct?

I can help with opposing arguments if that's what you need!


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Concourse [but as she was leaving, it felt like breathing]
October 23rd, 2019 1:11:45pm
2,902 Posts

This is what the professor wrote about it: "Because an argument implies differing points of view on the subject, you must be sure to acknowledge those opposing ideas. Avoiding ideas that conflict with your own gives the reader the impression that you may be uncertain, fearful, or unaware of opposing ideas. Thus it is essential that you not only address counterarguments but also do so respectfully." 




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October 23rd, 2019 1:43:57pm
3,521 Posts

Sounds like they want you to to be persuasive, but acknowledge all points of view without bashing them. Which isn't a pursuasive essay....



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SaturniaᛉContest winners announced!!
October 23rd, 2019 2:00:00pm
3,988 Posts

You can acknowledge arguments without bashing them and still supporting your argument though! I did it for my speech class and basically by acknowledging the potential viewpoints that would disagree - it gives you more credibility. 

Ugh, the little school nerd in me just wants to be like "I'll write one for you!!" But I know that is frowned upon, so I will refrain. But- again I do volunteer as tribute to help with counterarguments, proof-reading, etc.


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mango 🍑 stay your pretty eyes on course
October 23rd, 2019 3:14:08pm
2,926 Posts

Ugh alright, I aced my expository english class, let's go xD

My personal vote for the paper would be the physical books vs. ebooks one - and I can give you arguments for ebooks (although I am def on the side of physical books lol).

1. Ebooks are more convenient. One device can carry around an entire library of books. You can even carry an entire library on your own phone.
2. Ebooks come with a text-to-speech feature so they can be read to you (although its not with a fancy actor's voice like audiobooks), allowing you to multitask.
3. Ebooks are ecofriendly - no paper, no dead trees lol
4. Ebooks can be searched like a website - so depending on the type of book you're reading, you've got a quick answer for any questions you have (I'm thinking textbooks here mostly lol)
5. Aaaand the big whammy - ebooks are cheaper. Downloading ebooks on the smart phone you already have even does away with the cost of a special ebook device.

When it comes to acknowledging opposing viewpoints - it isn't about bashing them (which implies just attacking the person or viewpoint with little to no logic) - it's about saying - "Yes, I can see where you're coming from, but here's why this is incorrect OR here's why this pro outweighs that con." It's way of defending your point of view and making your essay more credible, like Sat said.

My bit of advice for the paper - create a structure and stick to it. I write essays like I follow cooking directions. Create the outline, and then every sentence I write sticks to the outline. Like every point in the outline is its own sentence. For example:

  1. INTRO

    1. Hook

    2. State opinion/purpose for essay ("Physical books are better than ebooks").

    3. Reason 1

    4. Reason 2

    5. Acknowledge opposing viewpoints exist but promise to prove them wrong

    6. Transition

  2. BODY 1

    1. Reason 1.

    2. Some evidence.

    3. More evidence.

    4. A third evidence sentence.

    5. Maybe a fourth.

    6. Transition

  3. BODY 2

    1. Reason 2.

    2. Some evidence.

    3. More evidence.

    4. A third evidence sentence.

    5. Maybe a fourth.

    6. Transition

  4. BODY 3

    1. Acknowledge opposing views exist.

    2. First opposing view.

    3. Counterargument.

    4. Second opposing view.

    5. Counterargument.

    6. Third opposing view.

    7. Counterargument

    8. Transition


    1. Reason 1

    2. Reason 2

    3. Counterarguments proven false/insufficient

    4. Closing statement - restate purpose for essay.

My expository english teacher literally stood me up in front of the class and told them all that I was the best student she'd ever had xD Just make sure the order you put your sentences in in the intro is the order you write your body paragraphs in. Try not to add too many sentences outside of what you have in the outline - it gets messy and repetitive.

Having that sentence by sentence outline makes the actual essay writing go SO MUCH FASTER, omg. There's no hemming and hawing over what to write next cuz all that thinking has already been done, you just gotta put your general idea into a grammatically correct sentence lmao. 

... i may suck hard at chemistry, but I can write a good essay xD (even if i hate doing it lmao)



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October 23rd, 2019 5:41:48pm
3,521 Posts

......and this is why I study linguistics. Lol 



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